Renesmee Carlie Cullen Casting Renesmee for Breaking Dawn

princessdeb posted on Jan 02, 2009 at 04:07PM
So what age range do you think they will be looking at when they do casting calls for renesmee's part in breaking dawn? I'm trying to picture how they are gonna do it.. She has to be pretty young, but intelligent beyond belief. i'm thinking they will be looking for a petite 4 year old that they can pass off as looking like a small 2 year old. What are your thoughts?

Renesmee Carlie Cullen 8016 replies

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over a year ago twifangirl said…
hi!! I just got on/am new to this sight, so sorry if this isn't related to what's been said lately lol. I LOVE TWILIGHT!!! but I have a cousin who has been acting for a long time and singing too and she's really good at it! She said she would love trying out for something and I think she should try out for an older/teen renesmee (or some other vampire part). what do you think? (lol we were taking random pics on the webcam so this is a sort of good one that got taken). I wanna tell her to audition for some part at least!! performing isn't my thing, but she likes it a lot and we're like best friends so please help and tell me what u think!!! :D
hi!! I just got on/am new to this sight, so sorry if this isn't related to what's been said lately lo
over a year ago catzmojo said…
she is really pretty i think she should try out for a vampire from the irish coven ,likea avrilxxxx6 will oh and HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE ,post what you're dressing up as
over a year ago twifangirl said…
ok thanks! I'll tell her to. and we are half irish, so that might work, and yeah HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!
lol I dressed up like a vampire (of course!) last year, so this year I'm going as evil red riding hood. catzmojo what are you being?
over a year ago avrilxxxx6 said…
omg ya she really pretty lol...
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
lol she is really really pretty, how was everyones halloween? mine kind of stunk but i did get to eat the candy before the trick or treaters came, lol omg the petition already has 32 once it reaches 40-45 i will send it...... happy halloween! :)
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
lol i didnt either really your lucky you didnt have to wake up at 4:30 in the morning...... :))
over a year ago twifangirl said…
lol yeah, she is pretty and i admit i kinda get jelous easily lol plus she performed for/met the jonas brothers!! oh yeah i scrolled back a few pages, and totallyme105 i really like that picture! you're so pretty(and reminded me of an older renesmee)!! i didn't do much for halloween either- went trick or treating with my sister and a friend for a little bit, but that's all.
why'd you have to wake up at 4:30 in the morning?!
over a year ago lizzy239 said…
did yous have agood time trivk or treating. Twifangirl you are gorgeous and i agree you do remind me of michelle trachenburg abit. i also have to ask why'd you wake up so early.
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
i had to go to a speech competition and i also had to get ready and be on the bus by 6 o'clock, and got home att about 3:30..
over a year ago catzmojo said…
HIYA i went trick or treating last night it was fun g2g lurv y'all byezzzz
over a year ago catzmojo said…
I dressed up as Lola Lufnagle from hannah montana lol
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
lol cool
over a year ago twilightxox said…
hi!! I'm back!! i haven't been on in like i dunno, but it was ages, I have had so much schoolwork to do and i've been doing loads of cheerleading practice lolz. I dressed up as a black cat!! I wish you'd got a part in your play Catzmojo!! Here is a photo of me (again) lolz!! Catzmojo your pic is really pretty, I'm so jealous!! xx
hi!! I'm back!! i haven't been on in like i dunno, but it was ages, I have had so much schoolwork to
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
heey catie123 i really want to audition for breaking dawn!! i think i'll do good but i dono i've done comersials before... when i was a BABY! so i dont know but if you can please comment or check out my face book
over a year ago catzmojo said…
hiya everyone MissyPrincess you sound so pretty!! well my day at school was so boring!
over a year ago cjprosario said…
I think this little girl would be perfect for Renesmee. Only she would't be an angel. lol
I think this little girl would be perfect for Renesmee. Only she would't be an angel. lol
over a year ago avrilxxxx6 said…
awh she soooooooo cute....wats tis i hear bout a petition ?? x
over a year ago ndarbe said…
A Young Renesmee - Olivia Cheng ~ We think Olivia has what it takes to be the future Reneseme. Sweet,
cute, gentle, bold ... all in one package. IF you think so too, then
spread the word so we can get her noticed by the casting!

A Young Renesmee - Olivia Cheng ~ We think Olivia has what it takes to be the future Reneseme. Sweet,
over a year ago catzmojo said…
I think the little girl in the pic posted by cjprosario would make a really good renesmee ,shes cute .I'm luvin broken hearted girl by beyonce! school is hell all my 'friends' are being fakers and talking abou tme behind my back when i havent done anything ,totally bored ,i h8 school because of the kids that go 2 it!
over a year ago twifangirl said…
hey lol i haven't checked this in a while... i agree with catzmojo- that girl is adorable and could make a good renesmee! sorry school isn't working out for u right now :/ i hope it all gets better!! aghh so much hw for me this week, so bored....
also, missyprincess said something about getting an agent: how would you go about it/how does that process work?
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
thankss catzmojo awwe that little girl is soo cute!! so cna someone plzz answer my question?how do i get an audition my resume and photo have been sent...i sent them yesterday!! lol so if anyone knows plzz plzzzz answer me. thankss!! <3
over a year ago twifangirl said…
i'm not entirely sure, but i read somewhere that after you send them the picture/resume they will contact you if they want you to come for an audition, so you just have to wait...hopefully that helped :) I hope you get to audition!! p.s. where'd you send the picture/resume to? my cousin wants to send hers
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
lol here is an adress i sent mine... well i live in canada like vancouver so i sent mine to
1863 W. 16th Avenue

Vancouver B.C.
V6J 2M3

hope that helps and how long before they notice you? like for an audition and when is the deadline? thnkzz
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
i havent been on here in like forever i miss being on here :( cool im going to submit to but im going to submit it to portland, oregon since i live in the states and no where near vancouver. good luck missyprincess and everyone else! :)
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
thank you and good luck to you to you look really pretty you'ed be soo good for breaking dawn =)
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
thanks :) you would to, im going for the part of tanya and your welcome what part are you trying out for?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
well... i really want to try out for renesmee like the older part... with a bit of like "make-doing" then i guess i could look like her but i dono... what do you think?
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
you would look like a good older renesmee both you and tottally me should get the parts she would have one scene and you would have the next, but i think they would like use special effects if you dont have the right eye color or whatever :)
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
lol thanks and tottally me would look really good as an older renesmee but how old does she get at the end? cuse im only on chapter 21?
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
im only at the part of the wedding still but by the end of the book she is like 5 and she would probably look like she is through 9 and 15 and lol your welcome
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
ohh so she looks older then she really is? but wouldent it be reeally hard to get in?
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
i dont think it would be they will probably hire alot of little girls to potray her
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
there im the one in the middle lol so does that look like a renesmee? or not?
there im the one in the middle lol so does that look like a renesmee? or not?
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
lol yea it actually does really really like her, go for it
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
thank you sooo much your really nice!! =) i dont know waht tanya looks like soo i cant say the same but ill find a photo.
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
oh i found a photo of tanya and i'd say you look alot like her i hope you make the part of her
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
thanks :) your really nice to :) i know how shes described she has starwberry blonde hair and golden brown eyes, if i get the part im going to use contacts so i can fit it more better :)
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
haha thanks tottally me :) your really nice too i hope we all get the parts we want :) thanks i hope i get the part im keeping my fingers corssed for each and everyone of us :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
awe thanks totallyme lol and same here but i still dont know when the deadline is ;p
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
hmmm they didnt post it yet i want to send it now but they didnt publish the link yet
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
oh okay thankss well ill ask my daddy and see if he knows cuse hes an actor and he might know he does know ill tell you
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
wait a stunt man
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
cool sunt men are really cool thanks for letting us know your the sweetest :)
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
awwe np well he dosent know forsure cuse he never worked with the twilight cast and he is not famous at all but he is guessing maybe nov 30 but he does not evan know. I heard nov 30 from my friends but im guessing thats not true lol but sorry i dont know or he dosent know
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
its ok ill keep looking and waiting for them to post it on the site im nervous and excited about it at the same time :)
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
lol i know right same lol but they still dident call me for an auditon? lol did they call you yet?
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
lol no i didnt send it yet i dont think they were signed yet for casting usually they throw them away for some reason when i auditioned for the rnaways they never responded to me
over a year ago twilightluver4 said…
hey can you guys give me an opinion on something?
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
wow your sooooooo pretty Totallyme!
over a year ago MissyPrincess said…
you look so pretty with out make up and your top is soooo cute!! =p