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TheRatKing1 gave me props for my comments
Dr h told me abt u. He says you're a superfan of him. I have to agree, he's awesome! and thnx 4 the add! Posted over a year ago
leadershadow commented…
Aw, thanks. And no problem, bro ^_^ over a year ago
leadershadow said about Firestar
Firestar, my first fictional crush and my favorite character in my old favorite series. How can I not join? Nowmyfictionalcrushisdoctorhorrible Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
What? over a year ago
leadershadow commented…
Nothing! I said nothing! over a year ago
TheRatKing1 commented…
LOL!! over a year ago
Aw, Warriors. My first obsession. I quit after 'The Last Hope' couldn't stand (Spoilers) to see Firestar die. Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ said …
I don't want you to be one of those people who, four years after they joined fanpop has only 1 fan! Go out and fan people, please! or i will use my freeze ray on you! MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Posted over a year ago
leadershadow commented…
Alright, Doctor. over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
I mean, it's just sad.. i've seen people who have been here for years and only fanned, like 1 person! over a year ago
big smile
Barney is my favorite character, he can be awesome, a bro, legen.. wait for it... dary, and when with Robin he can be really sweet. (Is a derp) Posted over a year ago
purplefreak855 commented…
He's mine too over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
Three words. I... Love... Barney. Simple as that. over a year ago
leadershadow said about Joss Whedon
best movie ever: Dr. Horrible Sing-A-Long blog. You don't know HOW obsessed I am with that thing! Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
I think I do.... :D over a year ago
leadershadow said about Barney Stinson
"Ted, the suit is Robin." I can't get that line out of my head it's just so fucking cute <3 Posted over a year ago
I want to join this club but.. it's so... so embarressing. I mean.. I love Neil Patrick Harris,,, okay... he's my favorite actor... singer... thing... but I... uh... Okay... I have to join, just don't tell my friends. Andheismyfirstcelebertycrushandohgodilovehimsomuch Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ said …
Hello. How are you? welcome to fanpop! Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
and the status never WILL be quo!!!!!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAH! over a year ago
leadershadow commented…
HAHAAA!!! *clears throat* Oh sorry, heehee. I'm fine, Thanks. Glad to be here. Oh, and do you think it will upset the status quo if I throw poison in the water main? over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
yep.... over a year ago
I'm so weird that I search for Dr. Horrible fan art on the interwebz *blush* Posted over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
No, it's not. over a year ago
_Lexii23_ commented…
Nah it's not weird! I do the same thing! :D :D over a year ago
leadershadow commented…
You guys are awesome XD over a year ago
_Dr-Horrible_ commented…
We know we are over a year ago