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StarWarrior gave me props for my comments
I made you a gift for joining SunClan! Hope you like it!

link Posted over a year ago
StarWarrior gave me props for my images
Thanks for adding me! Posted over a year ago
Scarpath54 commented…
you're welcome ^_^ over a year ago
I'd like to join. I'm Flarespirit, a warrior she-cat. I'll post my picture in the images section to show what I look like Posted over a year ago
StarWarrior commented…
Oh, awsome! Welcome to SunClan! over a year ago
Scarpath54 said about ArcticClan
Welcome to ArcticClan! I would greatly appreciate it if you join, and, if you have already joined, I thank you! I am Frozenstar, the leader of ArcticClan. I have a plain white pelt and blue eyes. Posted over a year ago
hey guys! I would appreciate it SO MUCH if you would join ArcticClan! Thanks if you join! Posted over a year ago
I'm a female warrior named Ivymoon. I am white with a brown face. Posted over a year ago
katnissandbella commented…
I am Thornstar speaking to you from Starclan. I have appointed the new leader of Thornclan to be Dawnstar (Dawnstripe) as you see. RESPECT HER!! And if you want to speak to your old leader make a youtube account and look me up!! dovewingandbella!! Goodbye and may Starclan always light your path ! over a year ago
dawnslight said …
hi Posted over a year ago
Scarpath54 commented…
hey :) over a year ago
Scarpath54 said about Wolf lovers place
wolves shouldn't be dead! they're beautiful creatures that are actually very shy and gentle, but are fierce when they feel like they need to protect themselves and loved ones. btw, i made a club for my new series, WolfFate! Posted over a year ago
Scarpath54 said about WolfPack
howl! hey, guys, i made a club for my new series called WolfFate, join if you want to be a part of it! there's also a link in it that lets you make your own wolf! Posted over a year ago
wolfpack242 commented…
how do u make a club over a year ago
Scarpath54 commented…
u go to home and u scroll down and look at the list of clubs, u go to the bottom of the list, the u click 'make a club' over a year ago
geni414 commented…
You needed to be on the fanpop homepage over a year ago