The Host Hypothetical Casting Call

nicole62 posted on Jan 17, 2010 at 01:56AM
Ever since joining this site, I have come across many dream casts forums, but nothing that would qualify as a casting call for the forthcoming movie adaptation. I understand that we all have our own personal preferences or fantasies from our reading experience; however, these ideas aren’t always the most realistic or take into account the whole description of the characters.

For instance, I imagined Ian looking like my long-time boyfriend (they have similar personalities) and Melanie as a young Elisha Dushku (as from her days on Buffy and Bring It On). While I was reading the novel, these ideas were perfectly fine because it was my imagination, but they would never work for the soon-to-be-filmed movie. One, my boyfriend cannot act and he has dirty blonde hair. Two, Dushku is now 29 and looks too old to play a 20-21 year old.

So, I’m challenging everyone to put their dream casts aside and really think about who could be cast to play each part for The Host movie adaptation that will probably start filming late this year or sometime in 2011. To do this, you need to take into account the majority of the character description--including how old they presently look and their height compared to rest of the cast--just as Stephenie Meyer, Nick Weschler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz will do during the real casting call. Wouldn’t it be cool if we got some of the picks right?!

Character Descriptions:

1. Melanie/Wanda - 20-21 years old; dark brown or mahogany hair; muddy green hazel eyes; light brown tan that never fades; tall with athletic build.

2. Pet/Wanda - 16 almost 17 years old; wavy blond hair; silver eyes; round face with fair skin and freckles; very petite; the shortest one in the rebel cell except for the children.

3. Ian - 25 years old (stated by Meyer in an interview); black hair; vivid blue eyes; straight nose; very fair skin; tall, muscular, and strong; "kind enough to be a soul but strong as only a human could be.”

4. Jared - 29-30 years old; hair a few shades darker than his light golden brown skin with golden streaks; dark eyes with flex of gold (liquid sienna); hard rectangular face with long, thin nose, and full lips; was sweet and excitable but bitter after Mel's capture.

5. Jamie - recently turned 14; silky, unkempt black hair to his chin; chocolate eyes; sun-darkened skin; thin and wiry body; kind and open minded.

6. Uncle Jeb - probably late 50s-60s; white hair and thick beard; faded blue jean eyes; wrinkled skin with big cleft-tipped nose and wide cheekbones; “crazy like a fox.”

7. Doc - light brown or dark blond hair; long slender body with thin features; one of the tallest in the rebel cell; compassionate and emotional.

8. Kyle - 30 years old; looks like Ian but bigger and has a crooked nose; tallest person in the rebel cell; usually aggressive and angry.

9. Sunny - 27 years; long black curly hair; tanned skin; tiny like a girl but subtle curves to show that she is a woman; sweet and shy.

10. Seeker/Lacey - black hair to her chin; olive-toned skin; very small; irritable.

11. Sharon - deep red hair; she and her mother Maggie are easily annoyed and like drama.

12. Aunt Maggie - dark gray rather than white hair; mass of wrinkles.

13. Lily - probably at least 5-10 years older than Wes; caramel-skinned woman; dry sense of humor; never ruffled by others.

14. Wes - 19 years; bristly black hair that stands up like steel wool; olive-toned skin; shy.

15. Walter - pallid man with white hair; sick and easily tired but cheerful.

16. Trudy - salt and pepper braid.

17. Geoffrey - balding; red-cheeked.

The Host 299 replies

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over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yes, Sunny has dark eyes and I agree with you that Kevin Mckidd can play Burns.
In someone's cast choices in the host movie spot, I saw this girl's name, Ashley Benson as Pet. What do you think of her as Pet?
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I decided that I don't like her as pet.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
While Sunny has dark eyes, eye color is easily fixed with colored contacts. All the vampires in the Twilight movies wear them. It's a quick fix.

I love Kevin McKidd, but I have to agree that he is very involved with Grey's Anatomy. He would probably make a better Burns because of his hair color and body build.

I was watching a rerun of House this morning called Wac-a-mole. I really liked 3 of the guest stars, Patrick Fugit, Cassi Thomson, and Tanner Blaze. They were all great actors and very emotional. I think Cassi Thomson (17 years old, blonde hair, petite/short) would make another good choice for Pet and Tanner Blaze (14 years old, dark hair) would be a good choice for Jamie.

I personally wouldn't mind seeing Patrick Fugit as Ian. I know a lot of people will disagree and say he isn't "hot" enough, but I love the emotional range he has an actor and have liked him since he was in Almost Famous.

I still like all my original choices, but if the film has to cast "less famous" people, I think these actors would be good options.
While Sunny has dark eyes, eye color is easily fixed with colored contacts. All the vampires in the T
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Oh also, I went to the movie theater recently and saw a trailer for a new film called The Warrior's Way. It has Geoffrey Rush in it and his character reminded me so much of Uncle Jeb! I can't really show it with pictures, just watch the trailer on IMDb: link
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Let me begin with Geoffrey Rush. I saw the trailer of that movie and I agree with you. He definitly has the attitude of Jeb and he's a great actor. So he'd be really good, I think.
I watched that episode of House today and I can say that I really liked the little girl. She'd be good as Pet but I can't say the same thing about the other actors. Well the little boy is definitely sweet but I don't know what he looks like as a 14 year old and if I could see what he looks like today maybe I would like him but Idk. He doesn't match the description, either. He only has Jamie's dark hair. You'll say make up and contacts could be used but will that look natural? Idk.
About Patrick Fugit, I can say that he really seems like a good actor but he doesn't match the description, either. Remember my suggesting Colin Morgan for Ian earlier? This reminded me of that. Later, I decided Colin wouldn't be a right choice because he's not muscular. If Kyle is muscular and the brothers are almost identical looking so I think Ian should be played by a muscular actor as well. Also I would love to see that snow, dark, saphire look of Ian. Colin Morgan had it all but he just didn't have the muscles :( Too much muscles is not neccessary but you know the actor who plays Ian should look big enough to be scary, you know. I really do want to see a talented actor as Ian and like you, I don't care if the actor who'll play him is hot or not as long as he's a good actor.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
As soon as I heard Geoffrey Rush say with a strong southern accent, "I knew what ya was the moment ya got here," I automatically saw Jeb in my mind.

Yeah, you are definitely right about the muscularity for Ian. If Patrick Fugit could bulk up, it might work. I was just enthralled with his acting ability and how his character in House kind of reminded me of Ian towards the end of the novel (sad and conflicted). In general, I hope they find someone that good for Ian.

As for the little boy, I searched and searched for pictures of him a bit older and didn't find anything. He definitely isn't my first choice, more of a spare (haha). I really like the other options we have all come up with on here better.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago murri_gh said…
About Patrick Fugit,I think he's great, but, he's noy Ian.
And you know what? Kevin Mckidd with black hair would be a great Kyle.
over a year ago Vampire_CPM said…
Patrick Fugit! Oh how i love that actor Not like that kindof love though! well My opinion He looks 1000 times better when he shaves his face ;)!!! Like in the movie The Vampires Assistant! And well you know! HOw many of you want to meet your favorite actor Sooo BADD!! well defenatly me im waiting to meet him. I mean i dont even have to meet him maby just pass him on the street or in an elevator! Something! right!? Tell me what you think! :)
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I wish you meet him one day Vampire_CPM.
Welcome back murri_gh :) Could Kevin Mckidd be Kyle? Idk. My choice for Kyle was Andy Whitfield but I heard that he is sick. He has cancer and to be able to fully recover, he left his leading role in Spartacus. I was so sorry to hear that he's sick. I really do wish he beats cancer because I love him so much. He's such a talented, charismatic actor. The look of his eyes, the sound of his voice! Soo charming! Though I love him, right now he can't be in the host movie. I'm gonna have to choose another Kyle now :( Any suggestions? Maybe Brandon Routh?
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
My last comment didn't appear in the updates. :(
Anyway, I realized that nicole62 mentioned Brandon Routh for Kyle before. Now I'm beginning to think that he'd be pefect for Kyle. With blue contacts and a fake broken nose, he'd look like Henry Cavill's twin brother. Seriously they look very much alike. Look at photos of Henry and then Brandon, and you'll see the resemblance. Brandon is taller and older than Henry which makes him perfect to be his brother. I imagined seeing Brandon in a dark cave, I could easily mistake him for Henry. Remember that scene?
Of course, you do,right?
It's also very interesting that they were the two actors they were thinking of for Superman and Brandon Routh was the one that got the role.
My last comment didn't appear in the updates. :(
Anyway, I realized that nicole62 mentioned Brandon R
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
big smile
I've got to post this photo as well :D Look at his muscles!
I've got to post this photo as well :D Look at his muscles!
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Nobody's gonna say something?
over a year ago lynne1123 said…
Sorry, @kuncuyug! I agree, he looks like he could be a very good Kyle. However, one thing I keep remembering is that Jared is supposed to be really good looking, and Kyle - at one point - tells Ian "You got the brains, I got the looks." Compared to Henry Cavill, he's better looking in that 'traditional' sense, but I don't know how he'd hold against whoever plays Jared. I know he's got the acting chops, though, and that could be enough, and I agree that he could be a very good Kyle.
I also had a thought: I went and saw Burlesque this weekend - I know there's probably a Jared picked out, but I was thinking about Cam Gigandet. I looked at the descriptions, and he actually fits really well: he's 6', has a long/square face, he's tan, he has dark blonde hair, and he's muscular. I thought of him as a possibility, but maybe not perfect. What do you think?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
I think Brandon Routh looks very similar to Henry Cavill (even though I originally picked him to match with Matt Dallas). I do agree with lynne1123 in a way. Kyle is suppose to be the "hot" brother, but it's not something that is overly emphasized in the book, so I don't think it would be a huge issue. I don't think Kyle is suppose to be better looking than Jared though. Throughout the book Jared's good looks are talked about, so that leads me to believe that he is the best looking man in the cave.

Cam Gigandet could definitely play the role of Jared and he is attractive, but is he really handsome ENOUGH?
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I think, in the book, Ian's beauty seems more emphasized. Wanda or Mel never say that Kyle is hot. We just assume he's hot because he looks very much like Ian. I can't agree that Brandon Routh is more handsome than Henry Cavill. I think Henry's more handsome but their hotness rate is very close, in my opinion.
About Jared, I think his beauty is emphasized more because Mel's really in love with him. We see him through her eyes, that's why we assume that he's hot. I think Jensen Ackles would look hot enough when compared to Henry and Brandon.
I agree that Cam Gigandet is attractive but he looks like a bad boy to me. I can't really think of him as Jared.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lynne1123 said…
I feel like Cam Gigandet IS hot enough, nicole62, but I kinda agree with kuncuyug, now that you said it - he does look like a bad boy. And yeah, I agree that Ian's looks are emphasized more in the book, but Kyle does say that he's supposed to be the better looking one. I do think though, like you guys said, it doesn't really matter, because they're both good looking. And Jensen Ackles would look good enough to be Jared when compared to Henry and Brandon. It was just a thought, and I knew he was probably not perfect. It seems like Jensen Ackles is the best person to play Jared at this point. Have we made the entire cast? Did we forget anyone?
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
hey guys , i'm new here and the first thing i looked for when i joined this website was The Host's page and i was glad i finally found it ! i finished reading The Host like , two days ago and i was psyched that this book will be made into a movie with an Oscar-nominated director directing it and i love the fact that you guys discussed about here and i think i would like to join you guys :)
so anyway , after i brainstorming for Jared's actor should be , i was thinking of Steven Strait (?) i would like to know what you guys think . it's just that when i saw him , i was like , well , he's Jared . and his eyes are dark brown , i think . he's 6'2" and he's got that dark , brooding look or so . and this is just a suggestion for you guys to discuss about . so , what do you think ?
hey guys , i'm new here and the first thing i looked for when i joined this website was The Host's pa
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Welcome to the forum LawBreakeRrr. We're very excited about the movie, too. Steven Strait for Jared? Well he's 24 and Jared's supposed to be 29 or 30. So he's too young. I know that he has a very nice smile and Jared has a very nice smile, too. But I can't really picture him as Jared. Sorry. The possible actors we've chosen in this forum are: Jensen Ackles, Chris Pine, Ryan Reynolds and Justin Hartley. Among these, Jensen Ackles is our favorite. He has green eyes but he has all of the other physical features of Jared and he has the attitude. That's why we would really want to see him as Jared but the other actors I named would work as well.
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
oh yeah , i totally spaced out the age . haha , yeah , Jensen is a good choice :)
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
hey , how about Torrey Devitto for Mel ? but then , i think she looks a little bit old for Mel , don't you think ?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
I recently heard about the new Jane Eyre movie, which looks awesome and very gothic by the way. While checking out some of the actors for that film on IMDb, I ended up stumbling on another movie with an actress named Q'orianka Kilcher. I think she might be another good option for Melanie. She is Peruvian Indian and Swiss, 20 years old (21 in February), and 5'5 (1.651 meters). I remember her from a few other films that I enjoyed her acting in. She is athletic and tough but still feminine. Plus she is unique looking which is how I imagined Melanie.
I recently heard about the new Jane Eyre movie, which looks awesome and very gothic by the way. While
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
@LawBreakRrr, yes, Torrey Devitto would be old for Mel.
@nicole62, I saw Q'orianka Kilcher as a suggestion for Mel in the host movie spot and I kinda liked her. Her age and her look is very suitable for Mel. Maybe even more suitable than Odette Yustman :) I saw her in one movie only which I didn't like. I can't remember the name of the movie but she played with Colin Farrel. I didn't like that movie but maybe she played better in other movies.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
And if she plays Mel, Booboo Stewart can play Jamie. They would look like real siblings. What do you think? I think he's adorable and he looks very much like the Jamie I imagined.
And if she plays Mel, Booboo Stewart can play Jamie. They would look like real siblings. What do you
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
You didn't like this suggestion?
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
i don'tnow . she's okay and Boo Boo is okay but somehow , i can't picture them in The Host
over a year ago LawBreakRrr said…
hey , i stumbled across this girl , her name is Kaya Scodelario . she was known for her role in Skins (a british tv show) she's only 18 now . even though she looks very young but she's a very talented actress . she can work the tan though . so what do you think ?
hey , i stumbled across this girl , her name is Kaya Scodelario . she was known for her role in Skins
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I think she's pretty and tough and her age is suitable but she doesn't look like the Mel I imagine.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Sorry for the late reply. I went out of town to visit family and wasn't on the internet often. The movie with Colin Farrell was called New World. That movie was just plain horrible. Even though Q'orianka Kilcher was Pocahontas, she really didn't have a big role. She spoke 3 or 4 times the entire time. I have seen her in a few other roles and she was convincing in her parts. I think Booboo looks like Jaime, and he could be Q'orianka's brother, but he is almost 17 and might look too old soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
He's 17? I thought he was 14. Yeah, he would be too old.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Well he was 14 during the filming of Eclipse. According to IMDb and Wikipedia his 17th birthday is at the end of the month.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kizzabelle88 said…
1. Melanie/Wanda

-Kirsten Stewart
-Asley Green
-Sophia Bush
-Jessica Szohr

2. Pet/Wanda -
Emily watson

3. Ian -
- Jensen Ackles
big, sexy but has a kindness to him

4. Jared -
-Wentworth Miller- ths guy pops in my head wen i fink of jared
- Matt latner- other possabilaty

5. Jamie -
-The kid from 'let me in'
-Jean-Luc Bilodeau
-Connor Paolo
6. Uncle Jeb -
-Jack Nicholson
-Alan Dale

7. Doc -
-Jared padalecki
-Austin Nichols

8. Kyle -
-David Boreanaz- Good looking, can play the mean guy & could pull of bein Jensen Ackles bro

9. Sunny -
- America Fererra
-Shantel VanSanten

10. Seeker/Lacey -
-Dakota Fanning
Kaley Cuoco

11. Sharon -
-Kirsten Dunst
-Daneel Harris

12. Aunt Maggie -
-Daphne zuniger - needs 2 die her hair tho lol
-Judith Light

13. Lily - Rose McGowan

14. Wes -
-Matt Dallas
-Chase Crawford

15. Walter - havnt go a clue...

16. Trudy -
-Barbara Alyn Woods
-Kelly Rutherford

17. Geoffrey -
Bruce Thomas

God i love this book....cant believe its gona b a it...just love it!!!

yaaayyyyy stephanie Meyers u rock woman!!

over a year ago murri_gh said…
sorry I've been away for a while, is just that my pc gets so slow when I visit this site, anyway, I like Kaya for Mel and I've also been thinking of Melissa Leo for aunt Maggie and Alexander Skarsgard for Doc, maybe they've been proposed before I really don't remember.
You know I just recently saw the movie August Rush again and I liked the dynamic between Jonathan Rhys Meyer and Akex O'loughlin (they're brothers in the movie), that's how I imagine Ian and Kyle would behave around each other, besides, they kind of look like them :D
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Alexander Skarsgard matches Doc's description perfectly and the photos of Melissa leo did remind me of Maggie. Nice picks again, murri_gh :)
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Alexander would be great for Doc. While Maggie was described as being a bit older, Melissa is a good actress and would be a good fit for the role.

I'm watching the Golden Globes and this young actress named Gia Mantegna came on stage. As soon as I saw here, I thought of Melanie! I looked her up on IMDb. She is 20 years old, 5'5 (1.651 meters) tall, and of Italian and Czech decent. After looking at her roles, I remember her in an episode of Criminal Minds and I liked her in that role. She even gets beat up.
Alexander would be great for Doc. While Maggie was described as being a bit older, Melissa is a good
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yes, she matches the description. She even has the hazal eyes. I approve. Nice pick :)
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I saw this actor when I was looking for the UK version of the show Being Human. My sister said he could be a nice Ian. So I wanted to share his photo here. His name is Aidan Turner. He's Irish. He's 28. a bit old for Ian but he looks younger. His eyes are hazal or green . I couldn't decide. His dark hair and his complexion matches Ian, though he's not as pale. He's really gorgeous and charismatic. Just imagine him with shorter hair, with blue contacts and without the beard. He has kind of a bad boy attitude but he can be very sweet,too. He has a cute smile. He's tall enough. 5'11 which is 1.83 cm. I found out that he was playing in the movie Hobbit which may make it hard for us to see him in the host but it seems like the host is postponed anyway.
I saw this actor when I was looking for the UK version of the show Being Human. My sister said he cou
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
You don't like him?
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
While reading the Host I actually pictured a younger, less seductive Miranda Kerr but she can't be Mel.
Melanie- Caitlin Stasey(she's played someone who could totally relate to Mel but I'm starting to think she might not look the part enough) OR Isabel Lucas
Wanda- Brittany Snow
Jensen Ackles for Jared!
Ian- I pictured Milo Ventimiglia but he's too old so Dustin Milligan maybe? Or I wouldn't mind Ian Somerhalder.
The Seeker- Christina Ricci
over a year ago murri_gh said…
Well, about Aidan Turner, not really my favorite, but works, I was also thinking of Matthew Del Negro and Colin Donoghue for either Kyle or or Ian, especially Matthew del Negro for Kyle.
And you know, Caitlin Stasey's perfect for Mel. I would love to see her in the movie (if it ever comes out, I'm getting a little bit desperate)
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
@ murri_gh, I like the actors you mentioned for the O'Shea brothers. Especially Colin Donoghue. I think he has the look of a kind Ian.
Caitin Stasey? Idk. I guess she'd be ok. I guess there's not much progress about the movie. There's even much more talk about the cast of Hunger Games movie.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Hello everyone! My wedding is over and I finally have my life back!

I'm also getting frustrated that the filming appears to be at a stand still, but hopefully the introduction of a new director will cause it to move forward. I was happy to read the USA interview with Stephenie Meyers in which she said that she has already written 2 chapters of The Host sequel. Exciting!

I've never seen Caitlin Stasey in anything, but she reminds me a lot of Melanie especially when I saw pictures from Tomorrow, the War Begins. The problem is she is super short!

Murri_gh, both actors you mentioned look a lot like Ian and Kyle. Del Negro might be a bit too old (38 years), but Colin O'Donoghue would be wonderful as Ian.

I read an article recently about celebrities that look like other celebrities and it mentioned Chace Crawford and Ian Somerhalder. While I'm not a huge fan of either actor, they really do look like brothers and would work as Ian (Crawford) and Kyle (Somerhalder).

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago murri_gh said…
Congratulations nicole62 and good to have you back.I'm also excited about the sequel.
I agree with you about the age of the actors, but when I come across with an actor that looks like someone on the book I can't help picturing them in the movie.
I recently was watching the Fast and the Furious and saw Matt Schulze. He's also kind of old for Kyle, but he has that vibe, maybe he looks the part because the movie was 10 years ago.
over a year ago chocol8smiles said…
@nicole62 + others~
You can see some clips of Caitlin Stasey's work of Tomorrow When the War Began on YouTube. I even strongly recommend an especially intense one called "Tomorrow When the War Began-Chris falls asleep at his post". Or a more lighthearted one called "Tomorrow When the War Began-Fi & the snake". Too bad Saiorse Ronan's already been casted; though I really like her for Mel I feel Caitlin could have done better. Oh well ;D
over a year ago murri_gh said…
yeah, I was surprised with the Saiorse Ronan choice, because I do like the way she acts, but to me, she doesn't look like Mel, at all.
over a year ago Goldencloud said…
big smile
I don't mean to sound obbsessed, but I think TAYLOR LAUTNER should play ian. He's young...but that's how I pictured ian would look...
over a year ago ldzopp said…
My Dream Cast for the upcoming Host Movie by Stephanie Meyer

Melanie-Phoebe Tonkin,
Jared-Jason Moma,
The seeker/Lacy-Amanda sayfied,
Kyle-Daniel Cudmore,
Ian-Tom Welling,
Jeb-Sam Elliott,
Doc-William Fichtner,
Trudy-Kathy Baker,
Maggie-Frances Fisher,
Sharon-Rachelle Laferve,
Heidi-Gemma Ward,
Walter-Willem Defoe,
Jamie-Joel Courtney,
Wes-Blake Michael,
Andy-Chris Pine,
Lilly-Hayley Marie Norman,
Paige-Leslie Bibb,
Luchina- Gina Torres,
Jefferey-John Aylward,
Travis-Corbin Blue,
Reed-Edi Gathegi,
Brandt-Sam Sabbah,
Violetta-Angela Alvarado,
Carroll-Susan Issacs,
The healer/Candi/Mandi-Olivia Birklund,
Jodi-Kat Dennings,
Wanderer/Pet-Brittany Robertson,
Ruth Ann-Sophie Okonedo,
Aaron-Til Schweiger
over a year ago Goldencloud said…
I am all for Brittany Robertson to play Pet, but I'm not so sure about Phoebe, Jason, and Joel. Phoebe has a certain... exotic look to her that I can't define, Jason looks extremely strict... actually, that might work. And though Joel is 15, to be honest, he looks like a twelve yea old. The other characters I'm less concerned about.
over a year ago Goldencloud said…
Oh, another suggestion for Pet is Annasophia Robb, and I was thinking that Ian Harding could maybe play Ian. How ironic. :P But seriously, I am all for the diea of Ian Harding playing that role, even though he looks a tad young.
over a year ago Silverfrost said…
Karolina Wydra is definetly a Mel! Right?