The Host Hypothetical Casting Call

nicole62 posted on Jan 17, 2010 at 01:56AM
Ever since joining this site, I have come across many dream casts forums, but nothing that would qualify as a casting call for the forthcoming movie adaptation. I understand that we all have our own personal preferences or fantasies from our reading experience; however, these ideas aren’t always the most realistic or take into account the whole description of the characters.

For instance, I imagined Ian looking like my long-time boyfriend (they have similar personalities) and Melanie as a young Elisha Dushku (as from her days on Buffy and Bring It On). While I was reading the novel, these ideas were perfectly fine because it was my imagination, but they would never work for the soon-to-be-filmed movie. One, my boyfriend cannot act and he has dirty blonde hair. Two, Dushku is now 29 and looks too old to play a 20-21 year old.

So, I’m challenging everyone to put their dream casts aside and really think about who could be cast to play each part for The Host movie adaptation that will probably start filming late this year or sometime in 2011. To do this, you need to take into account the majority of the character description--including how old they presently look and their height compared to rest of the cast--just as Stephenie Meyer, Nick Weschler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz will do during the real casting call. Wouldn’t it be cool if we got some of the picks right?!

Character Descriptions:

1. Melanie/Wanda - 20-21 years old; dark brown or mahogany hair; muddy green hazel eyes; light brown tan that never fades; tall with athletic build.

2. Pet/Wanda - 16 almost 17 years old; wavy blond hair; silver eyes; round face with fair skin and freckles; very petite; the shortest one in the rebel cell except for the children.

3. Ian - 25 years old (stated by Meyer in an interview); black hair; vivid blue eyes; straight nose; very fair skin; tall, muscular, and strong; "kind enough to be a soul but strong as only a human could be.”

4. Jared - 29-30 years old; hair a few shades darker than his light golden brown skin with golden streaks; dark eyes with flex of gold (liquid sienna); hard rectangular face with long, thin nose, and full lips; was sweet and excitable but bitter after Mel's capture.

5. Jamie - recently turned 14; silky, unkempt black hair to his chin; chocolate eyes; sun-darkened skin; thin and wiry body; kind and open minded.

6. Uncle Jeb - probably late 50s-60s; white hair and thick beard; faded blue jean eyes; wrinkled skin with big cleft-tipped nose and wide cheekbones; “crazy like a fox.”

7. Doc - light brown or dark blond hair; long slender body with thin features; one of the tallest in the rebel cell; compassionate and emotional.

8. Kyle - 30 years old; looks like Ian but bigger and has a crooked nose; tallest person in the rebel cell; usually aggressive and angry.

9. Sunny - 27 years; long black curly hair; tanned skin; tiny like a girl but subtle curves to show that she is a woman; sweet and shy.

10. Seeker/Lacey - black hair to her chin; olive-toned skin; very small; irritable.

11. Sharon - deep red hair; she and her mother Maggie are easily annoyed and like drama.

12. Aunt Maggie - dark gray rather than white hair; mass of wrinkles.

13. Lily - probably at least 5-10 years older than Wes; caramel-skinned woman; dry sense of humor; never ruffled by others.

14. Wes - 19 years; bristly black hair that stands up like steel wool; olive-toned skin; shy.

15. Walter - pallid man with white hair; sick and easily tired but cheerful.

16. Trudy - salt and pepper braid.

17. Geoffrey - balding; red-cheeked.

The Host 299 replies

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over a year ago bieberfan911 said…
cool u wabt to text me?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
I think Camille Guaty definitely looks like Sunny even if she is a bit older.

I will have to read the description of the healer when I get home. You are right, Jessica Alba probably won't take such a small part.

I really like Hal Ozsan too. Hmm... I can't remember the descriptions for Aaron, Andy or Brandt. Maybe he could play one of them?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Someone posted a wallpaper for The Host on this fansite and it has Arielle Kebbel as Mel/Wanda. I'm starting to love this idea. Recently I saw some pictures of her from The Uninvited and I thought she looked a lot like Melanie. I remember she was really good in that movie too. She is 25 but looks a lot younger, 5ft 8in (or 20.73 meters), and isn't too skinny. I still like Odette Yustman but she is starting to look older than 24-25 years old now. The film won't start filming for at least a year, so Arielle might be a better option by then.
Someone posted a wallpaper for The Host on this fansite and it has Arielle Kebbel as Mel/Wanda. I'm s
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yes, she definitely looks like Mel. She looks younger in these pictures.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
The Uninvited came out in January 2009, so it was probably filmed in 2007-2008. This would make her 22 or 23 years old during the film.
over a year ago edp said…
She is definitely perfect for Mel. She can play a 21-year-old girl, doesn't look old.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
Yeah, I like Justin Hartley anlthough he might be a little bit too blond, but that can be arranged. He also reminded me of Eric Winter, he could be a good Jared.
I also like Camille Guaty for Sunny and Arielle Kebbel for Mel.
over a year ago mrmouse said…
Justin Hartley and Eric Winter are both really good choices, but im definitely going with Eric Winter; i could really see him as Jared
over a year ago mrmouse said…
Actually Taylor Kitsch would be a great Jared, and he is totally gorgeous!!!
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Eric Winter is an excellent choice :) He looks like a cowboy, too :)I agree Taylor Kitsch is handsome but I can't see him as Jared. I don't know why. I came across another lady that looks like Mel. Her name is Minka Kelly. She plays a high school girl in Friday Night Lights but she's actually 30. I think she's very pretty.
Eric Winter is an excellent choice :) He looks like a cowboy, too :)I agree Taylor Kitsch is handsome
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Eric Winter would make a great Jared. He looks very rugged just like a cowboy. That is how I pictured Jared... all roughed-up.

Minka Kelly looks very young for her age. Even in recent pictures I would say she looks no older than 23-24.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Here's another Pet. Brittany Robertson. She's 20. She's a bit tall but she looks the part.
Here's another Pet. Brittany Robertson. She's 20. She's a bit tall but she looks the part.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
And one more Sunny. Shiri Appleby.
And one more Sunny. Shiri Appleby.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
Yes, the other day I was thinking of Brittany Robertson too, I saw her in life Unexpected and she reminded me of Pet. I like her :D
over a year ago i_loveorange said…
I only have two actors that I'm really attached to in terms of castings for The Host. As Doc I'd like to see Matthew Gray Gubler cast, he currently plays Spencer on Criminal Minds and has been in a few movies lately. For Jeb, I totally envision Randy Quaid everytime I think of Jeb. Randy is showing his age these days which is perfect for this part!!!
over a year ago Gnunganunga said…
according to ian somerhalder is definitely getting the part of ian in the host.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Gnunganunga, can you give the link to that page? I searhed for that news on but I couldn't find it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Yeah, I looked to and couldn't find that either. Also the initial pages for movies on IMBD are usually speculation and rumors prior to the actual details coming out. On the page for The Host it says the movie is coming out in 2010, which we all know is impossible. It won't start filming until late 2010 or early 2011.

I like Brittany Robertson. If they can't find someone with the perfect height and age, I would rather her be younger and a little bit taller than short and too old.

Shiri Appleby would make a great Sunny! I imagined someone with a slightly darker complexion, but I still like her.

I_loveorange, Matthew Gray Gubler would be a good choice for Doc as well. I hadn't thought of Randy Quaid until you mentioned him on another section of this site, but I think you are right. He could definitely play Jeb.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
I found it: link. This new page for The Host Movie says the film will come out in 2011. This new time frame still seems a little impossible. Sci-Fi movies take a long time to shoot, then add in special effects, and then finally edit. Anyways, the page says Ian Somerhalder is rumored to play Ian.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Thank you :) I still can't believe! I really like him, though. Every body wants him to play Ian, except us.Idk maybe I'll be happy to see him in a movie that I love.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I'm not attached to any of the suggestions but Odette Yustman, I guess. Now Catherine Murillo beat her in a picks question.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Yeah, I won't be terribly upset if he is picked. I'll just be a little annoyed that they changed such a well developed character description, but that's all. At least he is a good actor. Hopefully we get more news soon on the movie!
over a year ago nicole62 said…
If they don't choose Odette Yustman, I hope they at least pick someone who looks very similar to her. I think she looks very much like the Melanie described in the book.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
I have to admit that I would be really dissapointed if Ian Somerhalder plays Ian, just because he doesn't look like the description. Like nicole62 said, a "well developed character description". Anyway, I'm sure he'll be able to pull it of, because he's a good actor.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
big smile
...mmmmm yes, and also, he's kind of old for Ian O'Shea.
over a year ago 1luvcharlie said…
You guys all have great suggestions. I was considering Mia Wasikowska for Wanda when she's in Mel's bodie. I think she could pull off the quiet, intellectual type. She plays Sopie on HBO's "In Treatment" and played Alice in the new Alice in Worlderland. I think her eye color is perfect but she would need a tan!!!!
You guys all have great suggestions. I was considering Mia Wasikowska for Wanda when she's in Mel's b
over a year ago 1luvcharlie said…
I dont know if anyone already said him but I imagine Jeb as Kris Kristofferson. I think he is so perfect, he even has blue eyes.
I dont know if anyone already said him but I imagine Jeb as Kris Kristofferson. I think he is so perf
over a year ago nicole62 said…
I don't think Kris Kristofferson was mentioned yet, but he definitely crossed my mind a few times while reading. I really liked him in He's Just Not That Into You where he played Jennifer Aniston's nutty dad.

If Mia can get a realistic tan and her hair is darkened, I could see her being Mel/Wanda. She is the right age, not too short (5ft 5in or 19.81 meters) and she has an athletic look to her. You are right. She could portray Wanda's intelligence and age. Plus she is a really good actress.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Murri_gh, I agree. Ian Somerhalder is a little old. He will be 32-33 during the filming and he doesn't look younger than his age.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Mia Wasikowska is a very pretty girl. She has the innocence of Wanda but I can't really see her as Mel. I think we can find someone that looks more like how Mel was described.

On the other hand, Kris Kristofferson is a very good pick. Yes, he is uncle Jeb :)

over a year ago 1luvcharlie said…
I can see what you mean, I still like Odette Yustman best for Mel. I was thinking about the seeker and for some reason during the book I imagined her looking like Kelly Hu from X-men but when her skin is it natural color. She is more badass than annoying and she's a bit tall at 5'5 but it fits in my mind.
I can see what you mean, I still like Odette Yustman best for Mel. I was thinking about the seeker an
over a year ago murri_gh said…
I think that when they start casting they're probably not going to be so meticulous with the heights, I think they're going to be looking more for the overall look of the character and I like Kelly Hu, she could be the seeker
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Yeah, I agree. I think they will attempt to make everyone fit in comparison to each other if they can, but it will be one of many factors. Plus it's not like 5'5 is very tall. I just hope they don't try to cast anyone who is taller than the actress for Melanie. I've never seen Kelly Hu in anything, so I can't vouch for her acting abilities.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Kelly Hu seems like a tough lady. I like her but the seeker has very big eyes. That's how Wanda describes her.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I was thinking who looked more like my Kyle. Matt Dallas or Henry Cavill. I decided it was Matt. What do you think about this?
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I'm watching Fringe now and I'm thinking John Noble can be a nice uncle Jeb. What do you think?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
If Matt can look mean enough, I would be cool with it. I have only seen him in "sweet roles." John Noble might make a nice Uncle Jeb, but I'm sure if I would classify him as odd or creepy... haha.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago murri_gh said…
Yeah, John Noble could be a great Uncle Jeb, slthough he misses that cowboy quality uncle Jeb has. Hey I have to admit I've always said I'm pro Jensen Ackles for Jared but, I have always prefered Ryan Reynolds. Well, I've just seen Supernatural (I have to admit I've never seen it) and now I can really picture him as Jared, he's great :D hahaha I think now he's my first option.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
big smile
Yes, he's great, isn't he?
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Jensen Ackles just has a certain quality that is perfect for playing Jared. They can give him contacts to make his eyes a sienna color. That's an easy fix!
over a year ago murri_gh said…
I was also thinking of Jessee Metcalfe for either Kyle or Ian. I'm not such a big fan, I think he's too pretty, but he has the right features, he could work. I don't remember if anyone else had mentioned him... :D
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yep,he's definitely cute but he's not like the description of these guys. I mean at least I know he's not like Ian. Dark, snow, saphire combination, you know. Only the dark hair matches. If you thought that since they live in a desert, they should have a little bit of bronze skin, I understand what you mean. Now I wonder if Ian ever went out of the caves :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago murri_gh said…
You know what? I thought he had blue eyes, but I looked at it on line and his eye color is hazel. Yeah, well I didn't like it much to begin with, so forget the idea hahahaha.
And Ian did went out of the caves in the raids with Jared and the others.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
I just thought of another Doc: Gabriel Mann, he looks like Doc, what do you think?
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yes, he would make a great Doc.
over a year ago murri_gh said…
I was browsing through the images and I found Drew Fuller for Ian and I liked him, thought he looks kind of "skinny" for the part
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Yes, I like him, too but he looks a bit fragile. You're right.
over a year ago nicole62 said…
Gabriel Mann would make a great Doc! I love Drew Fuller and if he could bulk up, he would be a good choice for Ian.
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
I saw another actor that could be good as Ian: Adam Gregory. His eyes are rather grey than blue but he looks soo fine. At first I thought of him for a character in Hunger Games but he can be Ian, too.
last edited over a year ago
I saw another actor that could be good as Ian: Adam Gregory. His eyes are rather grey than blue but h
over a year ago kuncuyug said…
Ok, maybe you didn't like him.