The Heroes of Olympus Masters of the Comb and Keeper

snowflakes989 posted on Jan 07, 2013 at 04:27AM
Hey guys! Snow here. So Rainbow and I have decided to write a forum together, about our own demigods. Read on to find out what happens to Teresa, who she is, and later, another girl that changes her life.

This first chapter is by Rainbow, edited by me, and I hope you all enjoy! We will take turns posting/writing. Please comment, it would mean a lot!

For all of you ultimate spammers out there like moi, spam is permitted. :)

Teresa's pov.
Chapter 1

My name is Teresa Burne. If you think your life is weird, wait until you see mine. You would think that a thirteen-year-old teenage girl would be shopping with friends all day long, putting on makeup, and dating some really hot guy. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am nothing like that.
When I was two, my dad left my mom and me. I have no memory of him, other than the feeling of powerful, dark eyes, staring down at me with love. Then my mom married George Goof (I'm not kidding about his name). He was okay for the first year, then after they had twin girls, he started hating me. I don't know why. Probably because my mom always cared for me more than my step-sisters. Then she died. The police say that she died in a car accident, but I know better. It was my fault, and George knows it. I mean, I wasn't with her when she died, but the night before, I saw a dark shadow- in the form of a bird? Lady?-in my room. It was probably just my jacket or something, but my mom freaked. She started muttering and blaming herself, like she knew what was going to happen and it was her fault. The next morning, I saw it again, and again, and again. Not just in my room, but almost as if it was following me. I went hysterical, and my mom decided to get medicine for me. Then she died.
You're probably thinking, “It's not your fault. It was just an accident.” Sorry, but you're wrong. The shadow visited me again, and now there were more than one. The night my mom died, they started whispering, Ήταν όλες σας τις βλάβη. Σας σκότωσε τη μητέρα. Only later did I realize they were saying, It was all your fault. You killed your mother. And I knew in my guts, they were right.
George and my step-sisters have hated me ever since.

My day started normally enough, or as normal as you can get in my household. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen, passing George's room along the way. Guess what I saw? George and our housekeeper making out. Ugh. And yes, as much as I hate it, it happens all the time.
I ignored them and continued my journey to the kitchen. I snatched a bagel from Linda, the younger of the twins, and started eating. Jessy, who was really protective of her younger sister, threw a tissue box at me.
“Don't mess with my sister, you bully!” Jessy screamed.
I rolled my eyes. “Ten year olds,” I muttered. But I took out another bagel for Linda, toasted it, and took out butter as well. My step-sister watched me with big, round, shiny eyes as I spread butter on the bagel. “Here you go.” I handed her the warm, buttery bagel.
Linda took it tentatively and then bit hungrily into the bread.
Jessy looked at Linda with jealousy. “Can I have one too?”
I would've gladly grabbed Linda's buttered bagel and smashed it into Jessy's face, but I wasn't that mean. So I did the same for her, trying to ignore the boiling pot of annoyance in my stomach.
The clock chimed 7:30 am. Time for me to get out of this disgusting house. I grabbed my backpack and raced through the door, not bothering saying bye to George.
I sprinted down the street, enjoying the fresh, cold morning air. Wind slapped in my face, but the coldness felt refreshing. I stopped running as soon as the school was in sight.
Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine. That was when my day drifted far from normal.

I fingered my necklace nervously, a simple silver chain with a dark blueish piece of jade, carved into the shape of three dragons entwined together. It was one of two gifts I got from my dad before he left. I never knew what the necklace was for, but my mom always said to keep them on, no matter where I was. The other gift was a pair of earrings. They were also jade, with the same dark blue color to it. But inside, there was a small red dot. I assumed they were important because they told omens. They started glowing and became burning hot right before my mom died in the car crash.
Now, I could feel my earring turn hot and panic tore through me. The burn almost felt like it was burning my skin, and with shaking fingers, I was able to take them off and stuff them in my pocket.
I looked around, wondering what would happen.
Then I looked up and my heart nearly stopped. The last time I saw the shadows was nearly five years ago. Now, here they are, hovering above me, so close I could reach out and touch them if I wanted to. I certainly didn't.
As I watched, the three shadows slowly began to spin, combining into one giant shadow. Two cruel-looking eyes appeared and looked at me with amusement, like I was a new toy it couldn't wait to play with. A mouth opened and black smoke spew from it and around me.
This is the end. This is the end. This is the end. This is the end.
I screamed and then I did something really strange, something even I couldn't explain. I held my earrings in front of me, palm facing the creature. I shouted at the top of my lungs, channeling all my anger into my hand and then BOOM!!
I was blasted backwards, skidding on my back. The shadows were gone and my backpack was two feet away from my feet.
Slowly but painfully, I sat up. I gently touched my back and winced. My finger came away with blood.
“Oh no,” I muttered, trying to fight back tears. “No, no.”
A honk threw me back into reality. I looked up in time to see two bright headlights bearing down at me. I grabbed my backpack and leaped just out of harm's way. I looked back just in time to see the car speed past me. I collapsed there, on the sidewalk, not sure whether to go home or continue to school.
In the distance, the first bell rang.
School, I decided. I got up, trying not to grimace, and limped towards the school.
First period science, I thought. Joy.

Once again, hope you enjoyed and please please post.

Shout outs to everyone who loves a good story. :)

The Heroes of Olympus 467 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 467

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Sorry, Pineapple. (yes are pineapple no matter what)
I dont have time because of school but I will try to write on the weekend.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Nah, you guys can't keep mad at me haha
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Uhhh...... i dont no what to say. that pic is just... weird. no offence.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
That is Menma Namikaze!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
That...Just looks incredibly disgusting. No offense.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Whos menna...what? Sry blaze, but it seems like both me n snow have something against that pic. its kinda disturbing.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Just weird. Hey Blaze, dont mean to be mean, but please dont post images like that on my forums, like this one. It's just weird, and I really dont like it. Thank you.

I agree with you, Rainbow. Just disturbing.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
oh freaking gawwddddd!
this story -speechless-
post snow or rainbow whomever
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Snow is busy, but she said she'll work on it over the weekend
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
IM DONE EDITING!! so here is ur full chapter 2!

Chapter 2

“What?” I jolted up, suddenly aware that the teacher was calling my name. A few students snickered. Losers.

“Did you hear about the assignment that you were supposed to do?” Mr. Martinez asked, with a hint of anger in his voice. Being ADHD, I can definitely concentrate when teachers drone on and on about pointless assignments. Totally.

I knew I was about to be in some serious trouble, so I decided to play it innocent and fake it out. I looked up at him and blinked, allowing a blank look to seep into my innocent eyes.

“Could you please repeat the assignment? You create the most wonderful assignments, but I’m afraid that last one wasn’t too clear.” I said, my voice dripping with false flattery.
Mr. Martinez looked stunned. He blinked a few times, like he was coming out of a trance.

“Uh, yes,” he stuttered. “The project was to write a letter to an imaginary person and in it, describe your life. It’s private, so no one will be reading it, but it has to be at least a page. We are stimulating what Benjamin Franklin did; he wrote a letter to his son but it ended up as an autobiography. All clear?”

“Yes sir!” I piped, hoping I looked cute and innocent, not sassy. He nodded and continued to explain other things. Once again, being the totally concentrated person I am, I zoned out. Suddenly, the bell rang, making me flinch. How had school ended so quickly? Then I started panicking. I hadn’t heard any other homework assignments, but Mr. Martinez gave at least two a night. I was screwed. I wouldn’t be able to turn in homework the next day.

As it turned out, I didn’t need to.

I went home that day, still worried about the homework. I started the stupid autobiography assignment.
1. Write a heading to an imaginary person.
Okay… I didn’t know anyone named Teresa, so I decided to use that. Why not?

2. Write about your life, your feelings, anything you want to express.
Here goes nothing, I thought.
Dear Teresa,

Hi, my name is Angela Low. I am thirteen years old, and I am in seventh grade. My dad is Jonathan Low. I don’t know my mom, since she left us when I was a baby. What I do have from her, though, is a bracelet and necklace from her. My dad isn’t mad, surprisingly, but he won’t let me wear them yet. I am ADHD and I can’t sit still in class. For some reason, bad luck seems to always hover around me. Like when a giant bird attacked my dad and me in Arizona. Or when a salesmen gave me a real diamond bracelet. A mentally impaired moose in Kentucky. A pig from California charging at me. Yeah… Life is weird for me. This is my seventh school, at Moreland, and I’ve been here for about… Two years? Since sixth grade. Longer than most schools, at least. I love to shop with my dad, but I think I’m not girly. I also like-

Here I paused. My dad was calling me from downstairs, most likely from the kitchen.

“Honey? Are you okay up there?”

“Yeah Dad, everything’s fine.”

“We’re moving tomorrow, so pack your things.”

I wasn't sure I had heard right. Moving? What about my friends and school? I sighed. I should’ve known it was about time for a school change. I rolled my eyes. At the least, hopefully, one more week to say goodbye to my friends.

“I know, honey. But we’re moving tomorrow, so you won’t be going to school anymore,” he clarified.

I could have fainted. Tomorrow? I was not a machine. There was no way, no way at all that I could get ready by tomorrow.

“DAD!!!” I screamed. “TOMORROW? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE???!!!???”

Okay, so maybe I didn’t go that crazy, but I felt like it.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. But Angel, my new job starts in two days. I have to be ready by then.” He said soothingly.

Not very soothing to me. But what could I do? I turned around and started packing.
“You have got to be kidding me,” I muttered to myself. Depressing thoughts filled my mind as I packed my regular things into cartons, stuffed books into crates, and folded clothes into neat stacks, color coded.

The only good news: I didn’t have to do homework.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
who is capable of moving in one day?
demigods lives are amazing yet weird
no hmwrk yeah!
one word: POST
over a year ago teamleo said…
big smile
I am all for no homework!!! lol XD! Amazing chappie!!!! Post soon!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Ill try to work on it asap, but i have other hmwrk to do, so just hang on tight!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I'll get done with the next chappie fast as possible.
The next chapter is the moment you have all been waiting for....
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Omg! I just realized that this forum is on the popular content!
So let's keep it there!
over a year ago AwakenShadow said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
so far it's a cool story (: nice OC's, not Mary-Sues. Post soon (:
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Kgirl! I havent seen u in a looong time!
Ive started on ch3 but i have a lot of homework to do, so its gonna take a while.
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
congratzzz making it to the pop content xD
u deserve cake ;D
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hey kgirl! Welcome to the party here :)
So actually, Rainbow and I have been creating this story for...Years? Actually yeah, it's been around for more than a year now.
There's been a change of plans. So as you all know, I write and Rainbow edits, and vice versa.
I'm actually going to be writing chapter three so you can all go bug her to post it. (After I finish writing it, of course:D)
over a year ago annabeth523j said…
big smile
wow! this is a good story! plz post again soon! I also like that you are languge free! :)
mechdemigod commented…
agreed, oh and cute picture over a year ago
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
How did no one inform me of this awesome literary feast? D:

This is really amazing so far! ...SO I NEED YOU TO POST NAOO. O.O
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hi Festus and annabeth523j! Welcome to the party here!
@annabeth: Of course. Won't use inappropriate language now, wont use it ever.
@Festus: How did you find this then?
@everyone else: Sorry for the wait! Rainbow and I both dont have a lot of time to write and we still have to cross edit and stuff, so please be patient!

Oh and feel free to spam!
over a year ago teamleo said…
Literary feast? Well besides that part I agree with Phoenix!!!

over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Who says?
Lol, hahahahahahahahaha.
over a year ago i-am-evil said…
The squirrel is right you need to post
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Hi Pineapple!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
Snow: It was on Pop. Content. xD

teamleo: You don't think this is an awesome literary feast?! :O

-instant shun-

...just kidding ..MAYBEH. 0.0
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
im out for lunch, but ill work on it asap.
ummm, whats a literary feast?
over a year ago annabeth523j said…
big smile
thank you! :) just so you know, you're forum is on the popular contest! that' how I found it. plz post soon!
over a year ago teamleo said…
EXCUSE ME PHOENIX! I was here before you and if i didn't think it was a "literary feast" do you think I would stiil comment? But i do admit I wouldn't call it a literary feast, more like a... literary revelation, to use the word literary. Or just a really amazing story!!! Btw, Post Soon!!!
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Huh. This is turning into a socratic seminar about the use of literary. Tell you what, I'm not done with the chappie yet but I'll send what I have to Rainbow. Then she might post it.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Ill combine it w/ what i have as weel. its gonna be a huge chappie.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Wait, though, I want to finish my chappie first, cuz you'll see. Dont combine it, just yet.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
Okay. im still working on my own chapter though. but i think it can be made into 2 separate chappies though.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Mine could be like three but I want to at least get to our planned stopping point.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
over a year ago annabeth523j said…
maybe if you post another chapter it will go back on
over a year ago teamleo said…
I agree with Annabeth! POST!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
ugh! sorry guys! were still trying to compromise, cuz snow wrote a chappie and i wrote one and were trying to combine them.
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
so heres a preview of ch3!!

Chapter 3


I was literally a zombie. My first day of school in one word: whack.

I woke up, feeling terrible. My dad and I settled in our new house at about one o’ clock yesterday. I woke up at seven this morning, to go to my new school. Wonderful.

Last night, my dad seemed to be really nervous. I didn’t understand why. He was fingering a few photos and smiling sadly. There was a pretty lady in each photo. I didn’t know her, so…?

“Dad,” I murmured. “Who’s the pretty lady?”

He almost jumped.

Whups. I didn’t mean to scare him.

“Honey, you should go to bed now,” my dad said.

“Yeah, but who is she? She’s beautiful,”

“She was… your mother.” He said flatly.

Somehow, I knew it even before he said the answer. He didn’t sound angry at the fact that she left us. He sounded… wistful. Like he knew those times would never happen again.

I stared at him. I never knew who my mother was. I had never seen photos, had never heard about her. It was a subject that I gradually understood to be vaguely uncomfortable. Thirteen years, huh? And not a single word until now. I wasn’t mad at him, though. It wasn’t his fault.

My dad sighed.

“Angel, dear, it’s really late. You should go to bed. I’ll finish cleaning, and then head right up,” he ordered, sounding tired.

He cut me off. “No buts. Now go to bed.”
I knew better than to argue, so I headed upstairs to my new bedroom. First night in a new house, and I get nightmares about… Horses? At least, I that’s what I thought they were. Wow. Just wow.

The next day, I got psyched up for a new school. I had learned it the hard way that I should dress to impress, especially at new schools. After braiding my hair with white sparkly mini barrettes, I pulled on some nice gray jeans, a lighter gray top, black cardigan, and topped it off with a designer white scarf. I grabbed my backpack, slipped on some Coach styled leopard print converse, and headed out the door and slid into the car. My dad came out a few minutes later, a cup of coffee in his hand and a briefcase in the other.

“Good morning, Angel. Ready for a new school?” he asked cheerfully.

I nodded mutely. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied.

It was a short, five minute drive to my new school, Redwood Middle. My dad parked, and then together we went to the office. Inside, there was a stern looking receptionist typing on a computer.

“Hello,” my dad started.

She turned around and plastered a smile on her face.

“Hi! How may I help you today?” she inquired.

“I’m Jonathan Low, and my daughter here is starting school at Redwood today,” he explained.

“Ah…yes…” she said, rifling through some papers. “Eighth grade, Angela Low, yes?”

I nodded and smiled. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like this school. So far, not a good impression. But since when had anyone liked a new school right on sight? Definitely not me.

The lady took out some papers and a pen.

“Here,” she urged. “Take a look at these: your schedule, some guidelines, a map, some forms, and a planner. I hope you’ll like Redwood.”

I took a look. The classes were regular. But I had… electives?

“Excuse me,” I said timidly. She nodded at me. “What are these electives? It says that I have two.”
“Oh, right! Since you came on short notice, you haven’t decided them yet. There are many classes,” –she gave me a list, then continued- “that you can choose from.”

“Okay… Spanish looks cool. I took it before. And… Multimedia too, I guess. Sounds interesting.” I said. Why not? These were supposed to be my choices anyway.

After another hour, my dad and the lady, who I figured was Rebecca Something-or-the-other, finished discussing details about my new school. I was studying the sparkly nail polish on my fingernails when Rebecca called me.



“Your dad and I have finished talking. So let’s get you started at your new school, huh?”

“Mmmhmm,” I said. I didn’t have a single iota of enthusiasm. I got up, a vapid taste in my mouth. Here goes nothing, I thought.

I arrived in Spanish, feeling awkward. I was half an hour late as I trooped in the door. I didn’t know a single person. The teacher stared at me for a moment, then he faced cleared.

“Ah, you must be the new student!” he said. “I’m Mr. Navarro, and welcome! You may take the set there for now, next to Stephen. Stephen, please show Angela where she is supposed to sit.”

A boy, Stephen, I guessed, stood up and waved. I made my way over to him, trying not to feel self-conscious as everyone stared at me. I set my backpack down and stared at my desk, trying to fight an overwhelming desire to cry.


It was the boy, Stephen.

“I’m Stephen. I take it that you’re Angela?”

I nodded mutely, not trusting myself to speak.

The teacher directed everyone to keep on working on their group activities.

“So, um, I guess it’s pretty hard in a new school. What’s your schedule?” he asked.

I think he was actually trying to be nice. Wow. (Don’t get me wrong; most boys just aren’t that nice.) So, this Stephen wasn’t that mean. I took my schedule out of my backpack and handed it to him with a smile. He glanced at it then handed it back.

“It looks like we have Spanish, math, and P.E. together. Hey, uh, right after math is a ten minute break. Do you want me to show you around the school or something?” he offered hesitantly.

“Thanks! I’d love to! It’s really hard, being new and all. So a tour is definitely appreciated.” I replied, grinning. Maybe my first day here wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Spanish ended and Stephen showed me the way to math, room 42. On the way, he explained about Redwood. By the time we got to math, several more people introduced themselves to me. I met Theo, Bill, Katherine, Alice, and Kailee.

Math was different, somehow, but I couldn’t tell why. Once again, I had the problem of being the new kid. I walked in through the door, causing-once more-stares and confusion.

“Excuse me, are you in the wrong classroom?” a lady, the teacher, I assumed, said.

“Hi, I’m Angela, and I’m new. According to this schedule, I’m supposed to be in this class,” I explained as respectfully as I could.

“Okay, wait a moment, then,” she said, frowning slightly. She made a phone call, talked for awhile, and then turned her attention back to me.

“Angela, is it?” she asked.

I nodded.

“Alright, now we need to get you somewhere to sit,” she said, moving on

“She can sit here,” Stephen volunteered, indicating the empty seat next to him. I smiled at him, grateful that I had a friend, sort of.

“Or here,” Bill offered, nodding to the vacant desk he was sitting next to.

“She won’t want to sit there,” Katherine said distastefully. “Boys.”

“Hmm, that’s very nice of both of you, but Angela can choose,” the teacher said, frowning at them. I shrugged and looked helplessly at her.

“You can sit next to Stephen, then,” she said. I later learned that her name was Mrs. Durbin.

After math, Stephen gave me a tour of the school, as promised. I looked around, trying to drink it all in. There was a quad, library, a huge gym…

It was almost too much. But thanks to Stephen, he showed me all of the afternoon classes. When the bell rang, I felt more confident, slightly, mind you, about the rest of my day. My English and history classes, taught by the same teacher, were a repeat. Phone call, who are you, etc. At least I started to meet people though.

This wasn't too bad, I thought. I had no idea how wrong I was.

so this is just a preview!!
over a year ago LeoNicoCrazaiii said…
big smile
ohhh stephen <333 i swear ive been reading too much 1D fanfic, everything seems romantic. *shiver*
u noe after a week or so of not loggin in you dont expect fanpop to be modified *sigh* i liked the old fanpop better.
post the full chappie rainbow! nowwww!
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
theres gonna be more romance. but im still working on the real chappie.
over a year ago teamleo said…
How did I miss this preview!?!?!?!?! Oh well, it was awesome!!!!! PLEASE POST SOON!!!
over a year ago Phoenix_Stone said…
big smile
Awesome post! ^-^ Please post again soon! :P
over a year ago rainbow_girl said…
big smile
working on it!
over a year ago annabeth523j said…
big smile
good Job!!!!!!!!! that was great chappy!!!!