The Heroes of Olympus The Three Banished Demigods..

greektrickster posted on Sep 17, 2011 at 12:39PM
Rated :T for TEENS

In this basically Percy,nico and Thalia are banished because of crimes they hadnt committed and they become gods by themselves,900 years later when Gaia and Kronos attack together again,the gods are in panic because the fates give them one way to defeat the threat,Thalia and Nico come back but Perseus feels abandoned and bitter and he needs to work wig the Olympians against his better judgement.....

Disclaimer: I do not own anything by RR.

Also I accept Spam so go nuts. And please read.
last edited on Sep 25, 2011 at 10:21AM

The Heroes of Olympus 764 replies

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over a year ago energykid400 said…
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Yay you r starting to bring back Percabeth post soon
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
that was a good chapter.
please add some romance in the quest. maybe you can have Binaca or Kate fall for Tim.
keep posting.
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
oh, of course they have no idea what's going to happen.
it would be to easy if they did.

*snickers at privet joke*
over a year ago TheSennin said…
As ajatashatru says, but for gods sake kill the percabeth thing and let someone else be with Percy and please not Artemis, i luv her but there's too much fic 'bout them ( No offence ajatashatru i luv your work)
over a year ago energykid400 said…
What about Nike or Alcyone? A good idea could be Hestia, she could break her vow she didnt swear to Zeus or on the Styx so...
over a year ago godoffate1 said…
post soon
over a year ago parras said…
post soon
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Chapter 15
No one's pov
17th june

Tim and Kate were talking as they walked to Bunker 6,Kate told Tim about her mortal life when she was a kid and how she discovered she could read and manipulate minds since she was 7,at 10 how she had almost lifted her dad's car with her mind.Tim asked her then " who is your dad,someone I know "?Kate kept walking and said " my dad was Peter Connell ",she paused to let it sink,she was extremely proud of being his daughter.Tim stopped in his tracks.Peter Connell was the best architect of the world,he had made some seriously ingenious designs,he had worked in almost every city and country of the world- New York, Dublin, Mumbai, Torronto, Vancouver, Bombay, Alexandria, Brazil you name it,his architectural designs were absolutely amazing but he had died of an unfortunate Heart Attack about 70 years back.Tim nodded impressed and asked " so how did you become Immortal "?Kate thought about it and said " well you know about Hurrican Troy 200 hundred years ago,so what happened was that Nemesis feeds on Pshycic energy of revenge and grows stronger ".Tim nodded and said " and so she took Posiedon's revenge energy and probably decided why should she take orders from Hippie Zues,and went Haywire and you got a Quest to stop her,which you did and became immortal ".Kate nodded smiling,she stopped in front of a massive steel door in the middle of a cliff in the middle of the woods." is this it " ? Tim asked.Kate shook her head and said " This is Bunker 9,Bunker 6 is on the other side of this cliff ".Tim looked sideways and was dismayed to see,nothing but the cliff extending as an impenetrable wall between them and their destination.Kate said " we usually have a lift,but whoever went to bunker 6 last did not send it back,so we will have to rock climb over the cliff ".Tim shrugged.Kate suddenly numbed back in Surprise as Tim vanished from beside her and appeared at the top of the Cliff looking down at her expectantly ".Kate's mouth fell open and she yelled " how did you do that ".Suddenly Tim appeared beside her again startling her out of her wits and said " it's called Time- Travel,it's basically walking at your normal pace,but in a time tunnel,which sends you anywhere you want faster then the speed of light ".Kate was slightly confused and seeing this Tim explained " see,each place we want to go to is at a particular distance,say Mount Olympus,so I only accelerate myself in Time,accelerate my speed so it seems that I have popped out of thin air,quite wonderful really ".Kate nodded and started laughing,Tim looked blank and Kate said " it was just a joke go send you up there,there is another way to Bunker 6,I was thinking you would rock climb and halfway I would shout you are going the wrong way ".Tim glared at Kate and finally smiled at her and said " lead the way and no detours this time ".Kate led the way and they started talking again,Tim asked how many bunkers were there and Kate said there are 12 bunkers though they had only discovered 9,the only ones they hadn't found were the Big Three- Zues, Posiedon and Hades.Tim frowned and said " hold on to that thought ".the pair walked through a small passageway between the cliffs and getting to the other side.on this side there were more trees,and wildlife.Kate led Tim beside at the border of the trees and Cliff,sort of walking between the two,until they emerged in a small clearing beside the cliff,in the cliff a huge metal high-tech door was in place.Kate started typing her code in the security systems.Tim looked around the clearing,suddenly something caught his eye a flash of orange,he quickly looked where he had seen that color buy saw nothing but an old tree.Tim straightened,his eyes calmly surveyed the trees for a source of that orange but his eyes found nothing but green and brown.he turned to Kate and asked " do you keep monsters in these woods " ?Kate nodded and said " yeah,you know for practice ".Tim looked at the ring of trees again feeling cautious and asked " anything that can walk on two legs and has a brain larger the a pea "?.Kate snickered and said " no we dont keep intelligent or smart monsters here incase some of the little children get hurt,Why "?Tim looked around,he was sure that orange flash came from a monster,he was absolutely sure of it,what else could a orange color belong to in the middle of the woods exactly when they were there,what were the odds ?Suddenly Tim felt himself seeing the future, he saw that strange orange Color going through the woods at an extreme speed,then Tim realized that it was fire,for a brief instant,a small figure jumped from tree to tree caught his eye,it had hair made of flames,one leg made of bronze,the other leg Donkey,an emerged in an Clearing where more then a hundred monsters stood together closely filed.
With a gasp Tim returned to his own body,an Empousai were servants of Hecate,they followed her commands,and Tim knew Hecate was on their side having met her quite a few times at the City of why had that particular Empousai run away from them,there was danger in the air Tim could feel it,by this time Kate had opened the door and was about to go in.Tim glanced back and shouted " Watch Out ",he charged forward and pushed her out of the way,just as an Orange Flame blossomed from  inside the unlocked door,coming from a 10 feet tall Dragon.
Kate landed on Tim,the guy had pushed her out at the last minute and she saw why,a dragon was on the other side of the door,it was breathing fire and staring at them evilly.suddenly Kate fell again as Tim vanished from beneath her,she straightened up and saw the Dragon had come out of the tunnel which led to Bunker 6 and was now fighting Tim,Tim himself was a Blur,he was running around extremely fast probably accelerating Time around himself,Kate watched with We as he jumped up on the dragon's back and Chopped of it's head with his sword,the entire drain disintegrated leaving behind a dragon tooth about the size of     Kate's finger which Tim must have cut off before.Tim picked up the dragon tooth and put it in his pocket.Tim looked around again and said to Kate who was still looking at Tim with awe " are you all right,we need to get out of here ".Tim helped Kate to her feet and said to her " get behind me,get in the Bunker and stay there,check if the others inside are safe,I'll handle things out here ".Kate shook her head and said " there is no one in the Bunker,that Dragon was waiting for us only and I am not going in there without you ".Tim cursed like Arion did at the city of Pearls and said " I'll be fine,but you won't ".Tim watched in surprise as Kate brought out her dagger and said " no way I am not missing any of the action ".Tim rolled his eyes and said " fine ".he whistled,suddenly an athletic looking girl with brown hair and blue eyes was leaning against a tree,she held a dagger in one hand polishing her nails with it.suddenly another boy appeared out of thin air,he had a handsome face,he was extremely thin and had dark brown hair.Tim nodded to them and said " hey Rachel and Andrew,we got an Emergency ".Kate was surprised as they had practical appeared out of nowhere ".suddenly another boy appeared above her,he was spinning in somersaults slowly as he came down,he landed lightly on the grass,the new boy was also exceptionally handsome,had Auburn hair which looked blond in the sunlight and had silver eyes.Tim greeted him " hey Alex ".Rachel said " I thought you two were going to make out in the middle of the woods ".Tim laughed and said " really,I think the heat has made your brain fry Rachel ".Andrew laughed and said " forget that,why did you call us here "?.Rachel said " don't you know," Tim called us here so we could all make out ".Tim glared at the daughter of Hermes and said " Rachel one more time you say something like that,and I swear you will get it ".Rachel laughed and shouted in the air " Tim and Kate were going to make out,Tim was going to kiss Kate ".Kate blushed!Tim shot green energy straight at Rachel,suddenly Rachel appeared 5 meters on their right,she said " catch me if you can ".Tim shot more green energy bolts,Rachel was a blur as she dodged all,in the end Tim just stopped Tim and grabbed her.Andrew and Alex were looking at the fight with amusement,eating Popcorn which Andrew had gotten from teleporting to a movie theatre,who said being the son of the goddess of Teleportation and necromancy would be boring,Alex could have shot Rachel with an Arrow but this was way to funny to pass up.Tim turned to Andrew and said " I still don't get why you are dating Rachel,I mean you could het any other girl ".Rachel laughed and Andrew said " Believe me,I have been asking myself the same question for 76 years ".Alex laughed which sounded like birds chirping asked " so what did you call is here for ",his voice was  extremely light and soft.Tim pointed at the woods and said " an Empousai just met up with a giant monster army,I think the army wants to kill camp half blood we have to destroy them ".Suddenly the atmosphere was serious and Kate said " but monsters can't enter the camp without permission and we closed all the other ways in ".Alex shook his head and said " no,someone had to have summoned the monsters,probably that Dave son of Jupiter never liked him ".Tim shook his head and said " don't start accusations,dump Kate in Bunker 6 and let's go ".There was silence for a minute and suddenly Kate roared " Dump me in bunker 6,what am I sack of Potatoes that you could dump me somewhere,I am coming with you ".the three boys looked at her in amazement and Andrew whispered in Tim's ear " you know I was thinking we should switch bodies for one day,I take yours you take mine,".Tim shook his head and said " keep Rachel ",he looked at Kate like wether deciding she would be safe or not then said " okay you can come but onLy if you stay quite,in the trip you will debate all possible meanings of " silent as a grave ".Kate nodded and suddenly Tim grabbed Kate in his arms and suddenly Kate felt like she was flying,she looked around to see Rachel was easily keeping pace to Tim's brilliant running speed,Andrew was repeatedly teleporting ahead,and in the one second that took Tim and Rachel to catch up he would teleport again,Alex was running as fast as a Cheetah,way slower then both Tim and Rachel but he was able to keep up because he could run easily through the closely placed trees and plants,he was extremely graceful leaping from tree branch to tree branch,through gaps like spider man.Suddenly the 5 emerged in a clearing and face to face with a group of hundreds of monsters and Tim said " Yep let's have some fun ".................

hey guys just a small doubt,do you want me to make this in a series type of way,or all in a single book,because like if I include Giant fights and the entire final battle in this one book,there will probably be like a hundred plus chapters.
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Feel free to do what u think is better, and good chapter
over a year ago energykid400 said…
Idk, love the story though! I'd probably go with all in one book with 100 chapters
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
great chapter it think you should do more than one book but do what you want
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
awesome chapter
over a year ago energykid400 said…
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
big smile
Awesome Chapter Post Soon!!!
over a year ago parras said…
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
hi im new! i love ur story!! since im the only one in my class with an id im rooting for all my classmates and all those who are following this story without ids! i know abt them cause i was one of them uptil recently (aka today) ive been following since last month!!
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
make it a series. let the fun continue.

keep posting.
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
Love your story

take your time to post
over a year ago madsavroc123 said…
over a year ago energykid400 said…
Change of mind, SERIES!!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
yeah i agree wid energykid400... i want a series!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
sooo bored vac. are not all they r meant to be..... not counting the fact that im visiting agra (taj mahal) in less than 1 week (without my laptop).... yeah no posting pressure.... after all its only for 2 weeks.... i wont miss reading this and other forums that much!

*laughs sarcastically*
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
big smile
Awesome! I love ur idea and i'm amazed by ur amazing level of awesomeness !!!!!!!!!!! post soon
over a year ago greektrickster said…
sorry guys,i am grounded,i could barely get on the laptop to even write this,i will post tommorow be sure of that.
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
nooo! i was soo counting on this!
mind ur mail cause i have a wierd voice like gaia in my mind urging me to send u homemade greek fire (dont ask, it involves water vingar baking soda and dry ice)
so mind ur mail (especially the bulky ones which say happy bday greektrickster and are pink with lots of green polkadots and a gaudy silver bow )

*hmm... if this flap on the packet it sould trigger the dry ice to fall into the bottle.... hm*
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
okay caps lock just relax and put down the lethal weapon its ok think happy thoughts puppys rubber duck mark of athena breath in breath out just relax
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
hyped up... cant relax... going into overload...


*accidently activates greek fire*


*laptop blasts*

game over

over a year ago exmo33 said…
Hi I just read ur story and think it's awesome! Plz post soon!!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­o when can u post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
Post now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or atleast give us a hint on the next chapter
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Post Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
* doges Greek fire out with some sort of magical liquid that includes a eye of platypus, lama blood (must be lamma any other blood turns you into a fruit fly), and high fructose corn syrup
over a year ago exmo33 said…
Plz post now!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
if ur experimenting percyfan568, u may want to try and mix soda boms an dry ice, the resulting explosion is awsome!

*side effects may include having to scrub room and being grounded for a month.(atleast my dry ice didnt get confiscated!)
over a year ago tessa34567 said…
where did you get dry ice?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
i'm not sure we want to know where cApsLock1 got that dry ice.

and i know, going parent isn't cool, but you guys shouldn't mess without that stuff without permision and an adult supervising. that stuff is dangerous. i've heard storys where people get horrable burns and one guy had to get his arm amputated because his burns were so suviear.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Yikes! Be careful if ur grounded you can't read this *winces* oh the horror! But how do u make Greek fire? Just curious and the fact theta my brother just locked me out of MY room and I got yelled at. I feel a need for revenge... *cackes evilly and rubs hands together*
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Just make it a huge book like 1,000 big long chapters or some than like that
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
If we have to wait this long since no one is posting right now I'm totally with goatly powers: it better be like 1,000 pages. Please post! I can't wait! *mental breakdown*
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Ya meantal break down of killing and screaming like a two year old Rowling around on the floor I'm warning u it will not be praEtty so prepare yourself
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
great work. please post soon. we need your storys.

*hides dry ice from cApsLock1, percyfan568, and number1pjfan.* no, i don't hav any.

*looks away, like im hiding something. sweat dots my forhead. runs away as fast as i could, taking the greek fire, dry ice, and stink bombs with me.* no, you guys can't have any of this stuff. i need it for..... something.
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Well if you say you'll give me some so I can torture, erm 'play' with my brother it's ok with me! Please post ASAP! I need something to do while I chase down icrs.
over a year ago mynameis67 said…
greek fire is just petrolium on fire and because the petrolium powder(just remembered that)is lighter than water it seems to burn on the surface and is almost impossible to put out. saw a documentary on the history channel
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago goatlypowers said…
Pish its still rad cool and can I have some to kinn rem get rid of my brother
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Ooooh! Thanks my name is. Bwahhaha *laughs evilly and rubs hands together* your to late icrs!
over a year ago percyisthebeest said…
POST! If u don't i'll go mad and turn incredibly evil and intercept all the pizza deliveries 2 ur house!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
*hands three containers of dry ice, greek fire, and stikn bombs to friends.*
sure, as long as your doing something responcible you can have some.

you know, something responcible like teaching your brothers why it's a bad idea to TOUCH dry ice.
*she said, hoping they get the clue that they should make threir brothers thouch the stuff and get burned and smell like a skunk and a dung bettle got marryed and their kid makes his living cleaning port-a-pottys.*

out loud, i say you SHOULD never do that. in my mind, i can say stuff like that. so, nock yourselves out and have fun.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
sorry guys i am still grounded,i will try to post but my parents are just allowing me on the computer for 5 minutes which really sucks