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Lady was the ideal Christmas present for Darling.
Lady was the ideal Christmas present for Darling.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Lady from "Lady and the Tramp" (1955)

The opening sequence in the movie, when Darling opens up a hatbox to discover that the gift which Jim Dear has given her for Christmas is a puppy, Lady, had its origins in an incident in Walt's own life. Many years before he had forgotten about a dinner date with his wife, and some sort of gift by way of a peace-offering was definitely called for - something really special. His solution was to give her a puppy in a hatbox....
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Walt Disney's 28th Animated Feature, The Little Mermaid (1989)
Walt Disney's 28th Animated Feature, The Little Mermaid (1989)
Hello fellow Disney Fans.

As you all know, I love Disney Animation. I love to watch the movies, hear the songs and look at the characters. But one thing I really love is watching the animation in slow motion. It gives a great insight to how much work the animators puts into their work. It's facinating to me to watch a scene or a sequence in slow motion, as then I get more details the next time I see the movies.
Now, you all know how much I LOVE The Little Mermaid. My favorite movie of all-time. Ever since I was a little boy, I enjoyed to watch the movie, even in slow motion. When I discovered...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Character Description of Simba from "The Lion King" (1994)

The story of Simba is the story of the movie: Born to kingship, he is tricked into abandoning it and then deliberately turns his back on it until persuaded by others to assume his responsibilities. Stripped down like that, the story seems a very simple one, but that is not the real story. The real story is of the transformation of Simba's character through several pronouncedly different stages.
As a baby and then a cub he is what Bill Cotter...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Jake from "The Rescuers Down Under" (1990)

The character of the Australian Mr. Competent, Jake, has a very difficult role to perform: he must be simultaneously an adventure hero and a comical figure; moreover, he mustn't be Crocodile Dundee. This last point the animators seems to have taken very much to heart for, although Jake's persona has many of the macho, tough-guy attributes of that hero and countless other Australian stereotypes, the core of the characterization...
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Walt Disney's 32nd Animated Feature, The Lion King (1994)
Walt Disney's 32nd Animated Feature, The Lion King (1994)
Hello again, my fellow Disney Fans :)

This article is similar to the one I did a while back with The Little Mermaid, but this one will be about The Lion King. Now, The Lion King, for me, is also one of my Top Favorite Disney Classics. I think it has really gorgeous animation, both character animation and also the backgrounds/locations. The way the animators brought all these animals to life is just astonishing!
Like I wrote in the piece for Mermaid, I think it's funny to watch certain scenes in slow motion. That way you get more of out the animation. You can see where the animators have animated...
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Roger Ebert's Review of Walt Disney's "Hercules" (1997)
Roger Ebert's Review of Walt Disney's "Hercules" (1997)
Roger Ebert: ***½ (3 and a half Stars)

The wonder is that it took Disney so long to get to the gods of Greek mythology. ``Hercules'' jumps into the ancient legends feet-first, cheerfully tossing out what won't fit and combining what's left into a new look and a lighthearted style.

Starting with a Day-Glo Olympian city in the clouds, and using characters based on the drawing style of the British illustrator Gerald Scarfe, this new animated feature has something old (mythology), something new (a Pegasus equipped with helicopter blades), something borrowed (a gospel singing group) and something...
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The Little Mermaid Early Original Script

It is a bright, sunny morning. Scuttle is excitedly flying toward the palace.


Ariel is asleep in her bed with a happy smile on her face. She is dreaming of romance with Eric. Sebastian is also asleep, on the stand beside the bed, SNORING loudly. Scuttle swoops through the window and enters the bedroom.

Ariel! WAKE UP!!!

Sebastian wakes up with a jolt in reaction to Scuttle's screaming. Scuttle flies over to Ariel and frantically pulls at her clothes and her hair. She wakes up groggily.

SCUTTLE (cont.)
I just heard the news!...
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The beautiful Princess Jasmine
The beautiful Princess Jasmine
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Princess Jasmine from "Aladdin" (1992)

Mark Henn, who created the look of Jasmine for the movie, had various inspirations. One was a theme-park guest at Disney World in Florida, whose long thick mane of black hair sparked off an idea. The most important, however, was his sister Beth - although an actress called Robina Ritchie did live-action modeling to help the animation. Linda Larkin, who gave Jasmine her speaking voice, and Lea Salonga, who sang for her, looks...
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6th article of my Disney Slow Motion Gifs is the classic The Black Cauldron from 1985.

Links to the other Walt Disney Animation Slow Motion Gifs Articles:





Now, growing up, I was never aware of The Black Cauldron. It was only when I got the Once Upon A Halloween DVD in 2004 that I became aware of it as there is a clip from the movie on there. But I was definitely intrigued about the movie. So I got the Gold Collection DVD, watched it and was blown away. It's such an underrated classic with great characters and stunning animation. I wish the movie had been a big hit, but I do understand...
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Hello, fellow WDC club people! This is an appreciation post for some of my personal favourite characters from various Disney animated movies. The characters in this article will be listed in alphabetical order, and they are all the ones whose Fanpop spots I've joined... so far! Of course, there are plenty of other Disney characters I adore too, but I guess I had to draw the line somewhere.

I might join some more fanclubs for Disney characters eventually, but when I do I probably won't bother to update this article. Not after I spent ages carefully organising the little graphics so that the colours...
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Max, Prince Eric's good-natured old dog.
Max, Prince Eric's good-natured old dog.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Character Description of Max from "The Little Mermaid" (1989)

Max is Eric's big, shaggy, ebullient, flobby-eared Old English Sheepdog; as a member of that species he obviously bears quite a strong physical resemblance to the Colonel in One Hundred and One Dalmatians, but Max has no pretensions to military competence: he is everybody's fun-loving, bouncy darling.
Well, not everybody's. He alone of the land-based characters immediately recognizes Vanessa as a wrong'un, and snarls at her as ferociously as his roly-poly appearance will permit. Naturally - having adored Ariel on sight - he joins in soon afterwards with the efforts of the marine animals to disrupt the marriage ceremony.
Max in a happy moment.
Max in a happy moment.
Max dosen't like Vanessa.
Max dosen't like Vanessa.
But he loves Ariel!
But he loves Ariel!
The hero of the movie, Aladdin.
The hero of the movie, Aladdin.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Prince Aladdin from "Aladdin" (1992)

As is very often the case in the Disney animated features, the story of Aladdin as a character is that of growth from selfunderestimation to the realization that the individual has worth and can achieve a particular aim, which is generally living happily ever after with the mate of his choice. The different here is that Aladdin tries to cheat - he makes the Genie turn him into a prince so that he can woo Jasmine, and it is...
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Third in my Slow Motion Animation Gifs Article Series, I give you Beauty and the Beast from 1991.
Now, Beauty wasn't one of my favorite Disney movies when I grew up, but over time, I've come to be rather fond of it. The music is great, I have the whole score (songs in instrumental included) on my computer. The animation is good as well, but there are a few scenes where I think Disney could have done it better. But I'll get to them as I make more GIFs from the movie.

Image 1: Princess Belle

Single cel set-up applied to a matching watercolor background of the town.
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Pocahontas' best friend, Nakoma.
Pocahontas' best friend, Nakoma.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Pocahontas's best friend, Nakoma is something of a character in search of a personality; in their pairing, Pocahontas is certainly the dominant one and certainly the brighter. Nakoma represents, in a subtler way than Kocoum, the reluctance of most of the Native Americans to embrace change, and thus contrasts completely with Pocahontas, who is a wild, free spirit enthusiastic to find adventure in each new moment. Their physical appearances reflect this: Pocahontas has a genuine Native American face...
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The Mighty King Triton.
The Mighty King Triton.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Character Description of King Triton from "The Little Mermaid" (1989)

The character of Triton is in many ways rather nondescript, for the mer-king's role in both the plot and the emotional subtext of the movie is as a symbol - and, at that, a symbol of two different things. First, he is the symbol of constitutional authority, convention and staidness: he is the establishment against which Ariel is rebelling, the past which she wishes to leave behind. Second, he symbolizes parental authority; in this...
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Jodi Benson.
Jodi Benson.
It's often been said that good things come to those who wait. But no one knows that axiom better than voice actor Jodi Benson. Who had to wait a full year after handing in her The Little Mermaid audition tape before Jodi then learned that she had won the role of a lifetime.

"Back in the Fall of 1986, I was appearing in Smile, a Broadway musical that Howard Ashman had written with Marvin Hamlisch. Given that Howard and Marvin were such huge talents, everyone thought that this show would run forever. But that isn't what happened with Smile. It closed at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre after just 48...
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The evil vizier, Jafar.
The evil vizier, Jafar.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Jafar from "Aladdin" (1993)

The evil vizier is represented as a caricature villain - he has a long thin face, a curly black wisp of beard, two great spikes of something sticking out from shoulders of his customary garb, an unpleasant habit of hypnotizing people, a sinister voice, and very much more. However, the exaggeration works: the characterization is such that we early become fully aware of his evil, and we cheer when he gets his deserved comeuppance. Much...
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The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Thomas from "Pocahontas" (1995)

A callow youth, Thomas epitomizes the changing mood of the settlers. When we first see him he is kissing his mother goodbye on the dock in London - they may never see each other again. Within an instant, however, he is enthusiatic about the challenge of the voyage and by the prospect of serving with the great "savage" slayer John Smith. Later Smith saves his life as, during the storm at sea, Thomas very courageously attempts to...
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Shanti, the human girl.
Shanti, the human girl.
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Shanti, The Girl from "The Jungle Book" (1967)

The little lass with a red spot on her forehead who comes down from the manvillage to captivate Mowgli is full of eastern promise. Although it will be a decade or so before the promise turns into anything else, she nevertheless enchants Mowgli as she fetches water from the river and sings the song "My Own Home", yet another fine piece of work from the Sherman Brothers.
She has little by way of character except her basic allure, which weaves a more powerful spell upon Mowgli than even Kaa's hypnotic attempts. Baloo advises the boy when he sees a female human for the first time: "Forget about those - they ain't nothin' but trouble!"
Mowgli, though youthful, has more sense.
Mowgli did not want to become part of humanity... Until, that is, he saw the Girl.
Mowgli did not want to become part of humanity... Until, that is, he saw the Girl.
The beautiful Vanessa
The beautiful Vanessa
The Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters: From Mickey Mouse to Hercules by
John Grant

Walt Disney Character Description of Vanessa from "The Little Mermaid" (1989)

When Ursula adopts human guise in order to ensnare Eric romantically (with the aid of Ariel's hostage voice), she takes for herself the name Vanessa. Vanessa so strongly resembles Ariel that it is easier to note the differences than the similarities. Some are superficial - the hair colour, for example - and others much more fundamental. A curious feature of Vanessa is that, even though Ariel is in theory still a little...
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