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Zayn1D5 gave me props for my links
Thanx 4 adding me back Posted over a year ago
skittleslova said about McAbby
I was the first to write on the wall!!!!!!!!!! I love them 2 they are so adorable Posted over a year ago
Omg this guy is so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the episode when he tells us about when he got pulled over by a cop then he played the song cops that was just so hilarious. I dam neared peed myself lol hilarious bro!!!!!!!!!!! HOT AND FLUFFY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Posted over a year ago
They are so adore able together. Their kid is adorable too! Posted over a year ago
skittleslova said about The Outsiders
I love the outsiders its just sad that johnny and dally had to be killed off I love them they were my fav characters but I know that if they weren't then there wouldn't be a story. Still its sad. I watched the movie and I cried read the book and I cried I am very emotional I guess but for the record I wasn't the only one. Anyway movie book good stuff.
R.I.P. JOHNNY and DALLY Posted over a year ago
Happy birthday Michael!!!!!!!! I love u!!!!!! Posted over a year ago