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serenah678 said about The Host
Why does everybody think that the Host is not awesome? It is totally the best book I ever read and I am DYING for the movie to be released to the theaters. Jelanie is totally amazing! Stephenie Meyer, please write the sequel quickly! I am dying everyday until the movie and the full triliogy of the books are finally avaliable. Posted over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
I hate Jelanie (all about O'Wanda), but I agree, The Host is awesome! So jazzed! Can't wait. :D over a year ago
Avatarfreak14 commented…
I love Jelanie. I think that sequel should definitely include a lot more Jelanie since it hasn't been focused on in the first book. Personally, I think the book should be mainly about Mel this time. I loved her. over a year ago