My Wall

big smile
winney345 gave me props for my videos
hai ^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
rosy_rainbow said …
§(✿^◕ヮ◕^)§/) :) Posted over a year ago
correction; Elsa the ICE queen -_- Posted over a year ago
3xZ commented…
Ahem, based on HC Anderson's fairy tale: The Snow Queen, Elsa is both the Snow Queen and Kai. ~_^ Although I agree that in the movie she shows her ice power more than her snow power XD over a year ago
rosy_rainbow said about Kasane Teto
it's decided! (for halloween) i'm going as kasane teto!!!! Posted over a year ago
Cerudays commented…
I went as Teto one year, too!! over a year ago
rosy_rainbow said …
going to bed at 11:00 or 12:00, i don't know if that's a good sleep schedule Posted over a year ago
i haven't watched the WHOLE 2nd movie because i:
1. fall asleep,
2. watch it in a car and don't get to watch the rest because i got to the destination,
3. had a fight with one of my sisters in the middle of the movie,
4. had the microwave explode in popcorn.
(don't give me spoilers, (please.)) Posted over a year ago
Aquemarine gave me props for my images
lol sorry it was a poem i was being random Posted over a year ago
it's 4:22 AM (i'm kinda a night-owl) Posted over a year ago
rosy_rainbow said …
like my status if you think i'm cute, like my status if you play minecraft, like my status if you like nutella, like my status if you like bacon, like my status if you HATE jb, like my status if you HATE nikki minaj, like my status if you HATE 1D, like my status if you joined any clubs i have, like my status if you joined October 2014, if you do any of the things above then like this status and reply which you liked it for!!!! Posted over a year ago
rosy_rainbow commented…
(note: this is a joke (i'm not stupid)) over a year ago
Grammatical murder, everything in the game is misspelled. (just a little joke i made XD) Posted over a year ago