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natsu-tam said about Anime
hello can more people answer my quizzes Posted over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
stop judging a book by its cover and fully watch the story. and see how it impacts your life. Posted over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
Time to at least watch an anime outside your hype zone/comfort zone. and Learn that anime isn't just about fighting, romance, nakama, and never giving up , those are what generic shounens do almost all the time. time to learn what anime truly is with animes like Haruhi, Lucky Star, K-ON, Madoka, Nanoha, and Comic Girls. Posted over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
and also don't just stick to your favorite mainstream animes forever try to give animes like ENDRO, Yuru Yuri, Acchi Kocchi, Gochiusa. Also animes you might of missed that are very important to all anime such as Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, K-ON, Hidamari Sketch, Azumanga Daioh, Bofuri, Ro-kyu-bu, and Kiniro Mosaic. Posted over a year ago
natsu-tam commented…
give these animes a chance to shine on stage. over a year ago
natsu-tam commented…
and make yourself realize what you missed for the past 2 decades ever since before Kyoto Animation started. The first anime directed by Akiyuki Shinbo isn't from shaft. over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
Hey guys read this comment and remember it good, all my future polls forbids mainstream anime fans and to answer my polls, you have to complete all animes listed on the poll before you can answer or I'll set and expiration date for that poll. Posted over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
Just to let you know i no longer have the interest on your generic shounen anime, there not enough freedom in those animes than slice of life if you want to recommend me anime it has to be an anime where the main character is a cute girl, with minor violence, with a more lighthearted tone, or anime that are targeted for otaku audiences. all your generic shounens are just way too on the surface of being a big otaku. Posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf commented…
lol okay over a year ago
BlindBandit92 commented…
*CoughEDGELORDCOUGH* Be sure you don't cut yourself with all of that edge. over a year ago
natsu-tam commented…
I'm already proud of the animes I watch so i don't need to. over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Anime
I got a lot of unanswered questions and lack of answered polls. I need you to try and answer all of them and comment them Posted over a year ago
NagisaFurukawa- commented…
Sadly Fanpop just ain't that active like it used to be. over a year ago
Pk2956 commented…
Thats' true! Even in my case, 11 years ago i was a regular. over a year ago
natsu-tam said about Magia Record
I uploaded 5 star rarities for the Kamihama characters in Magia Record including iroha and sana's Posted over a year ago