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mamalewis69 said about Supernatural
This is for Misha, I absolutely loved the how you played your roll as Cass the Rebel Angel. Alittle bit good mixed with alittle bad ass what a combination. Posted over a year ago
mamalewis69 said about Supernatural
This is for Jared Im not threatened by your height.I like tall men and if I ever get the opportunity to meet you my wish would be for a hug.Tall men give the best hugs. Posted over a year ago
mamalewis69 said about Supernatural
Hi, Jared,Jenson and Misha you guys are awesome. I love the show and enjoy watching and rewatching all
14 seasons and cant wait for season 15. I hope that when its all done and over all 3 of yoi guys return home to your families and now with all your free time create as many happy memories as you possibly can. This is for Jenson when I come to Califorrnia one of these days I hope I have the pleasure of rolling up to a red light and looking next to me only to see Baby and you at the wheel. Posted over a year ago