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Stelena-Finchel gave me props for my polls
Hey!! It's been a while (a LONG while) since I've been on here! Do you remember me? You probably don't, haha!
How are you? <3
I miss you!
ox Posted over a year ago
sawjj gave me props for my comments
Merry Christmas :) Posted over a year ago
Sabrina461 gave me props for my images
Yeah, again sorry for my very late reply. Was busy with school and some personal stuff :$!

It's good to hear from you too :)!
Yeah better late than never.
Awesome :), I'm doing great.
And how are you doing now?

Thanks, love your icon(s) too! <3 Posted over a year ago
ninibambini gave me props for my images
So sorry for the late reply! But yeah, that's true. What did you think of Glee last week? How cute was Brittana? :D And did you see this week's AHS? I feel so bad for Lana :( Posted over a year ago
Edwardism9 said …
Wow, isn't Finn suppose to be Glee's biggest hero? That just...makes me so sad. I'm not even going to get mad, I'm just so done with Glee.
Moving on to better shows now. Meredith and Cristina's friendship is one of the best things on the show! The episode was really good and I'm so happy Cristina is back in Seattle. :) AH! You just reminded me that Katherine will be back in the new episode! YES! I love her and I've missed her and I can't wait to see her back! So excited! xD Posted over a year ago
Edwardism9 commented…
Do you think Jeremy would actually become a hunter? I hope not. =/ over a year ago
Edwardism9 gave me props for my images
I actually haven't been able to watch The X Factor either, but I always go online and watch a few of the performances. The Voice is the one I really keep up with! I liked Grey's this week, it was pretty good. I liked TVD as well. The one thing I can remember that I didn't like about TVD was that Jeremy now has the tattoo, I don't know, I just don't like that. :P Oh, and that it seems like Stefan doesn't love Elena as much as when she was human. Even as a Delena shipper, I don't believe it! Posted over a year ago
Edwardism9 commented…
What did you think? I have to ask you something about Glee, it's just been really bothering me. I try avoiding everything Glee now, but people were just so angry about it that it was kinda everywhere. And I'm hoping really, that it's just people on the internet exaggerating everything....Did Finn really call Sue's baby retarded? Please tell me he didn't actually say those words right? People were just overreacting? over a year ago
ninibambini said …
Yeah the episode was pretty boring :/ I liked seeing Mike and Mercedes back too, but other than that, there was nothing that really interested me. Maybe I'm wrong because I wasn't even really paying attention when I watched it haha, but Ryder's character seems very similar to Sam's when he joined Glee Club in season two. Naya's back next week so I'm Kinda excited for that! Hehe aren't Heather and Chord so cute? I died when I saw all the pictures he posted. I re-watched some episodes of AHS Posted over a year ago
ninibambini commented…
Asylum and understood it better. At first I thought Kit was still Tate and was very confused :P But yeah, it's getting really good. Such a cool show! over a year ago
csiAthens96 gave me props for my comments
no problem Posted over a year ago
ninibambini said …
I wanna know who A is too! But at the same time I don't because once we do, I guess the show would b over? And I don't want that :P Haha, I feel the same way. I forgot all about it coming back until yesterday I think? And I was told that tonight isn't the Glease episode so no Brittana :( I'm all caught up with American Horror Story. It seriously is so, so good. I miss the haunted house though. I'll probably get used to the new characters and everything soon though! I didn't see all of last Posted over a year ago
ninibambini commented…
night's episode yet but I'll finish it sometime today :) over a year ago
Edwardism9 said …
Absolutely no worries. That's life for you! :) Hmm, I have a feeling you know exactly who that person may be haha. You have multiple characters that you hate that much? I have no idea why I find that so funny. Haha, I have one! Maybe two, but I always eventually end up liking/loving someone I used to hate. I'm going to be honest....I thought Glee came back last week! Hahaha. I've been really into The Voice and The X Factor this year. I guess you have a decision to make! Glee or Grey's? :P Posted over a year ago