
Fanpopping since November 2010

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jaqtkd said …
Okay, so I've been a member for a while but haven't done very much exploring. So, my profile and wall were long overdue for an update. Thanks to all who've left messages etc - I wasn't ignoring you, just not really paying attention! Sorry.

So, obviously a HUGE Merlin fan, although I love other sci-fi and fantasy stuff. Also a mad Merlin Fanfiction writer (Have set a link if you're interested)

Thanks Posted over a year ago
jaqtkd is a fanfiction author that has written 16 stories for Merlin.
IcLufeMinBytt gave me props for my comments
Because you made me smile when I saw your comment... ;D Posted over a year ago
jaqtkd commented…
Thank you over a year ago
diademrocks gave me props for my images
I love Merlin 2 XD I assume you do, cause thats the only spot you joined and Colin is your icon :) Btw, I love it...I mean your icon :D Posted over a year ago
jaqtkd commented…
Thank you. Just changed my icon, hope you like that one too. Only flicked in and out of this site since I joined so hadn't paid much attention to my wall. thanks for the prop. over a year ago