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fundiness said about Twilight Series
Well Guys, I just returned from the cinema, I went to see Breaking Dawn pt 2 for the first time. I am so overcome with all sorts of emotion that I have to express myself. Firstly, Bill Condon, you are a sweet & beautiful son of a bitch (pardon my french) & I will forever love you for what you've done with Breaking Dawn 1 & 2. I was and still am crying over the deaths that occurred, I know it didn't happen, but the shock of it has not worn off. Bill, why did you have to make it seem so final? Posted over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
This is it everyone, the end has come. I haven't seen Breaking Dawn part 2 as yet, and I'm already in tears. I just know that I will be wailing in the cinema. Gosh I can't believe it's gonna end, WHY?!!!!. I'm going to need moral support when I go see this movie, but I have no one to go with me. I'm scared to go alone, I'll need someone to help get me out of the cinema.
I can't wait, but I'm dreading it at the same time. Posted over a year ago
xokaylaxob commented…
okay so you say your going to cry and you havent seen the movie yet? i saw it on friday and i didnt think i was gonna cry but i did, it was amazing! -more than amazing. by the way get ready to have your mind blown, this is def my fav movie yet!! over a year ago
fundiness commented…
Thank you. I'm crying because this is the last one, but I didn't expect to cry because of what would be happening in the movie, thanks for the head's up, I'll be sure to stock up on tissues when I go. over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
What do you guys think about this rumor that has been going around that Rob and Kristen are back together? I mean if it is true it will totally make my year, but I don't want to get my hopes up on a lie, so show me the proof people, (yeah I watched Jerry Maguire yesterday), but seriously, I NEED PROOF!! Posted over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
I DID IT !!! I was finally able to get over Rob and Kristen's breakup. Well not completely over, I am still a little sad, but not as much as I was when I first heard of it. I'm so happy I was able to do this because I did not want it to ruin Breaking Dawn for me. I had to ease back into it and what best way than a fanfiction story on that was the perfect way to get back into things. THANK YOU TWILIGHTED! I was even able to watch the movies again and reignite our love affair. Posted over a year ago
bookworm12 commented…
OMG i soooo didn't think about how that would affect the move (stupid)! over a year ago
fundiness commented…
Try what I did. Try to separate Bella from Kristen in your mind. Coz we know Bella is perfect and she would never do anything to hurt Edward. over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
I had to watch all four movies this weekend. I was missing them and needed my Bella and Edward fix. I thoroughly enjoyed them as always. Still cried, still laugh and if possible fell even deeper in love with them. Posted over a year ago
gothic_vamp08 commented…
is that possible? to fall deeper in love with edward? over a year ago
Renesmee_08 commented…
Yes.I myself have experienced it. over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
As any of you ever checked out the website TWILIGHTED.NET? it's a fanfiction site. Absolutely beautiful. I am currently in love with a story I'm reasing called "Pure Revelations"

I hope they continue this site long after Breaking Dawn part 2 because I'm always gonna need my Edward and Bella fix. Posted over a year ago
mr-cullen commented…
checking :p over a year ago
ebcullen4ever said …
do u wanna join my club bella the beautiful and brave?email me if u do. Posted over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
That glimpse of Breaking Dawn part 2 was really a teaser. It was so short, I mean 14 seconds, gosh. They're really planning to make us suffer for this last one. But it did made my twilight fire blaze brighter. I'll love twilight FOREVER!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
Hello everyone, I miss you guys, Did anyone see the pictures of thousands of Brides showing up for the UK DVD release of Breaking Dawn? I wish I was there. I would like to do something crazy for the final film, like travelling to the US. and camping out on the streets before the preimere. Any suggestions anyone? Posted over a year ago
fundiness said about Twilight Series
Hey everyone, I'm asking for all of you to go to your facebook page and search for "the long time coming' website and like the page. Posted over a year ago