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harrypotterbest gave me props for my images

I love your icon. :) Posted over a year ago
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my answers
i think college is the definition of tiring and hectic!!! i need another holiday!!! Posted over a year ago
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my links
thank you sooo much for the help!!! college just started for me yesterday and i already feel like its a been a month!!! sooo tiring and hectic!! Posted over a year ago
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my articles
i know!!! college takes up soooo much time that i never find spare time to read during all those months!!! say, if you're a fan of Harry Potter, it would be a big help to me if you filled out quick survey that i'm doing on HP? its for my college competition that i'm taking part in... if you know any friends of yours who are fans you can tell them to answer the survey too!! the link and message are on the HP spot or i could send it to you if you want? Posted over a year ago
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my links
I actually have a nice long list of about 9 or maybe even 10 shows that i watch... hehehe... but my fav ones are Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Bones and Castle! And yes, Once Upon A Time is my new fav! I read a looot!!! lolz... too many fantasy books... Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia... i read all kinds of books!!! hahaha!!! ^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my articles
cool! we love harry potter and x-men!!!! what about tv shows? which ones do you see?? Posted over a year ago
ryans_love said …
thanks friend! i'm pretty obsessed with that fandom, i can't count the number of fics i've read...people are such geniuses who write them :) Posted over a year ago
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iceprincess7492 gave me props for my links
i'm obsessed with harry potter too!!! i liked the other x-men movies too but i think that first class was really awesome!!! its my fav movie out of all!! ^_^ Posted over a year ago
iceprincess7492 gave me props for my articles
cool! so what else do you like apart from X-men?? have u seen the other movies? Posted over a year ago
ryans_love said …
Hola! thanks for the add! Posted over a year ago