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dragonrider1 said about Fantasy
elves are amazing. like if you agree Posted over a year ago
Winxella commented…
Agreed! over a year ago
dragonrider1 said …
if you have never watched the mermaid documentary from discovery channel I advise you too. Its breath taking Posted over a year ago
dragonrider1 said …
Okay so i went to the public library today and i found this really cool dragon drawing book. It teaches everything you would need to know in order to draw dragons. Its called dragon art by J. "Neondragon" Peffer. She has a web site. i suggest her for any fantasy artists out there such as myself. Check it out. Posted over a year ago
dragonrider1 said …
i would give up my whole life now to be a dragon rider. i'd rather be flying through the sky wind rushing at my face having my whole soul be connected to another being than live out a normal human life that is dedicated to making money and reproducing. Posted over a year ago
dragonrider1 said about Fantasy
okay so im writing a book but i dont have a name for the dragon thats going to be in it. the name needs to sound flowing and majestic but also fierce. Any ideas? post them on my wall. Posted over a year ago
sjango commented…
ive had names for my dragons in games such as Firestarter, Draconas, PyroFlare, some were named from stars too, over a year ago
AyakashiCaramel commented…
You could name them according to their types, like if it's a Electric Dragon, you could name them Electron or Jolt. A fire type can have a name like Flareon.. Good luck with your book, hope I can read your book though. Just know that I am si over a year ago
chole785chole78 commented…
FireDrake (fire), EmeraldHeart (stone?), RushStream (water), Breeze (air) over a year ago
dragonrider1 said …
okay so im writing a book and i need a name for the dragon that is going to be in it. the name needs to sound flowing and majestic but also fierce. any ideas? Posted over a year ago
dragonrider1 said …
Love merlin and eragon they are my fictional idols Posted over a year ago