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burklund said about Boy Meets World
I loved BMW and i love GMW but i feel that something is not right when the old meets new, like the holiday episode of season 1, i don't think that cory's mother would hate topanga like that? Posted over a year ago
Omg i was in the city today on a shopping spree with a friend and we found a lip-pen with the color Rosewood! Posted over a year ago
Any_SJ gave me props for my images
Hey thx 4 adding me I added u back :) Posted over a year ago
burklund said about Bones
im liking the new banner and icon :) Posted over a year ago
3liiiiin said …
Hej hej :D Tack för att du la till mig. Posted over a year ago
so i've watched season 1 and 2 and i have to say that so far i'm not impressed but things can change! but if i will get "sucked in" to the show then season 3 have to bring something really super extreme good! Posted over a year ago
20cosmogirl commented…
the show is awesome over a year ago
burklund commented…
i have to agree with you now after watching season liking this show more and more! over a year ago
Bubba38 gave me props for my polls
hey thankx 4 ta add :) Posted over a year ago
I'm thinking of starting to watch this series! i don't know anything of the show, so i'm asking you is there anything i have to know before watching? Posted over a year ago
usra1392 commented…
its awesome!! but u do need to watch the first 2 seasons cz they r rly interconnected trust me u wnt be dissapointed:D over a year ago
JAlanaE commented…
I agree! You should definitely start right at the beginning! But if you're not totally overwhelmed by the first few episodes, you should know that it gets better and better! ;) over a year ago
gingerangel16 commented…
i agree with everyone but season 1 is a bit boring but its get better TEHEHE over a year ago
I am so tired of people that think that the books and the TV-series are the same thing, they are NOT! the producers have sad it so them selves. so stop make referents to the books. and if the show was just like the books that would kill the hole mystery of the entire show and nobody would watch b/c they already know what happens and the ratings would not be that high,and for a show to be on TV ratings must be high. also A in the book may be mona but i hardly believe that she is A in the show! Posted over a year ago
burklund said about NCIS
Hey! does any one know when NCIS is om in sweden? i can't find any info about it! Posted over a year ago
gthouse67 commented…
I went onto to NCIS show and asked for you. I will attempt at a few other places. If I don't get answers, I will ask Muse Watson ( Mike Franks) if he knows. If all else fails, I will ask Mark Harmon if he knows. over a year ago
burklund commented…
oh my god! thank you that would be great! over a year ago