Zach Coley

Fanpopping since January 2018

  • Male, 21 years old
  • Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
  • Favorite Movie: Alpha and Omega.
    Favorite Musician: To many to list
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Zach-Coley said about Alpha and Omega
Jesus It’s been a long time since I’ve been here… I’m now nearly 21 and much more matured and no longer a dumb idiotic kid. I can honestly say that haha, I’m a much better and kinder person now. I also now finally see how bad this franchise is and how terrible my idea of a VR game thing was. These days I am no longer a fan. Anyway just wanted to pop in. I hope everyone is doing well. Cheers Posted 11 months ago
pabloescaval commented…
jokes on you i'm 24 and i'm still the dumb idiotic kid from back then 11 months ago
bliggazarewet commented…
I remember you from 2018. How much carbon monoxide were you huffing to try and even consider a VR game adaptation of a (forgotten) furry's cum dumpster? 10 months ago
bliggazarewet commented…
As respectful as you can put that, anyway. 10 months ago
Zach-Coley said about Alpha and Omega
Fuck, it’s been a good while since I’ve been here. I’m no longer a fan of this franchise and had completely forgotten this place existed until I got an email saying that skeeter64p had posted on my wall lol. How’s everyone doing? God seeing my old posts makes me cringe so fucking hard. I was such a idiot immature kid back then. Posted over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Wasn't you the one who wanted Alpha and Omega to be on VR? over a year ago
Zach-Coley commented…
Yeah that was me. But that’s long dead now. over a year ago
PurpleDragon02 commented…
I came back just to see how much this site has died, and seeing that the stories I posted over a year ago were still close to the top of the articles page was all the confirmation I needed. over a year ago
HSJProductions said …
Do not listen to Skeeter64p aka Jacob B he is a hypocrite and a liar Posted over a year ago
skeeter64p commented…
Hardinal, he doesn't use this site anymore and this is who you're talking about? Bro, this is OLD NEWS and thanks for further proving my point that AL still won't hop off my nuts. Man, y'all need a hobby really badly over a year ago