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EverLastingLuv said …
Im not gonna start a fight with you...listen, I love franada AND fruk the same. Though i have to admit they're not my favorite couple of all time, that doesn't mean im gonna go out of my way to post something like that on anyones wall. I'm not gonna fight with you...believe whatever you want cuz im tolerant 24/7. Everyone thinks different things, don't beat someone up for saying something that you don't agree with. That's not the right thing to do. Posted over a year ago
TotalWeirdo666 commented…
I'm not trying to start a fight over pairings with you. I'm merely telling you that FrUK is not incest. You said it was. It isn't. over a year ago
EverLastingLuv commented…
I don't believe my facts are wrong... over a year ago
TotalWeirdo666 commented…
They're not brothers. When and where does it say they're brothers? And using five Os in your "so" does not make you seem any less pathetic and childish than me, my friend. over a year ago
I have one of those towels from ThinkGeek that has "DON'T PANIC" embroidered on it. I keep said towel (plus a few other useful items) in a little backpack, which I lug around with me absolutely everywhere I go. I call it my "emergency pack" and inform people that it's so that I will be prepared when the Vogons attack. True story. Posted over a year ago
mudpie102 commented…
epic over a year ago
TanyaTheUmbreon commented…
I do that too :D over a year ago
I love this series more than many other things on the planet. The depth of the emotion Elizabeth's speech in the "Hoist the Colors" scene in At World's End filled me is indescribable. There's honestly nothing I could ever want more than to be a pirate, thanks to POTC. It kind of saddens me to see that the depth of my feelings for POTC does not seem to be shared by many others. Posted over a year ago