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"You've burned the food, the shade, the rum!"- jack "Yes, the rum is gone!"- elizabeth "Why is the rum gone!?"- jack Posted over a year ago
kornikopia commented…
I love that part! It's hilarious how frustrated jack gets when there's no more rum haha over a year ago
big smile
There is absolutely no doubt that one of my favorite scenes is...
"I got a jar of dirt. I got a jar of dirt. And guess what's inside it!"
Like if it is one of yours too. Posted over a year ago
Nerdbuster2 commented…
soooo funny!!! over a year ago
I am always looking for fans and buddies! If you have any ideas, please tell me but keep any mean comments to yourself! And remember... WITHOUT BELIEF, YOU CAN'T HAVE MIRACLES!
-SHALLOWFURR Posted over a year ago