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ROTJ said about The Right To Bear Arms
"I'm French, I can add another situation which clearly shows how gun control is pathetically useless, just outside of my house, about a year ago around midnight two drug dealers got in a shootout with each other. I wonder where such individuals could obtain any sort of firearms... surely more gun laws could adress this issue, right, right ?" link Posted 12 days ago
ROTJ said about The Right To Bear Arms
"In Denmark we got strict gun laws and control. Yet criminals have machine guns, hand grenades and even used a rocket launcher once. But we can’t legally have a baseball bat for self defence at home. Don’t stop the fight and defend for 2.A!
Stay safe, stay 2. Amendment" link Posted 12 days ago
ROTJ said about The Right To Bear Arms
"Ohio just released a study that shows that since concealed carry was made legal with no permit, gun crimes have gone DOWN in most large cities...." "Yup 6 out 8 cities in Ohio saw significant decreases in violent crime" Posted 4 months ago