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Ponyboy9132 said …
I started a club called Stay Gold, please join! Posted over a year ago
Ponyboy9132 said …
I started a club called Everything Outsiders, please join! Posted over a year ago
Avry commented…
oh teust me im joining!!! <3 over a year ago
Avry said about Ralph Macchio
I am now totally obssesed with Ralph macchio <3 luv ya Ralph!!!!!!
Posted over a year ago
Ponyboy9132 commented…
Awesome! I looooove Macchio! I can tell you are an Outsiders fan. I'm so obsessed with them right now. :) over a year ago
PonygirlCurtis7 commented…
im obsessed with T.O. too. but just cuz they like Ralph dont mean they like T.O, ik u do, ive seen u around in the clubs and i can tell by ur "name", but dont jump to conclusions :). but anyway I LOVE RALPH MACCHIO!!!! HE IS EPIC/ADORABLE/SEXY/EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN!!!!!! over a year ago
PonygirlCurtis7 commented…
and now that i think bout it ive seen u round on the T.O. clubs @Avry. oops. but im just sayin@Ponyboy9132. thats all im doin. i hav good intentions. dont take me the rong way :) over a year ago