My Wall

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Av-JackJohnson said about Magcon
As you can see my username you can clearly tell i am in love with jack johnson but i love both jacks equally love you jacks don't change a thing love you both. Posted over a year ago
Av-JackJohnson said about Supernatural
I really enjoy this show in fact i watch it everyday i get to a new season almost every week i have been team dean since i started watching it me and my best friends are always acting like a am dean because i am the oldest and my other best friend is sam because she is the youngest and i also went to hot topic and bought the bracelets that sat bitch and jerk and i bought so much stuff from them together it all costed 157 dollars and i cant wait for 12 love you Jensen but i love you too jared Posted over a year ago
Av-JackJohnson said about muffin-mendez
i will tell you muffin mendez is a backstabber and a best friend stealer she may sound like an angel but she is not and because of her and her selfishness R.I.P Marisol Trinidad who was a best friend and because of "muffin mendez" our friendship is gone forever maybe next year she comes back Posted over a year ago
big smile
Av-JackJohnson said …
i needed something on my wall so i wrote this but seriously can some people write on my wall i like Nash Grier, Jack and Jack, Hayes Grier, and i totally love Death Note