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AngelSparksxx said …
you like supernatural and muse?

you are instantly awesome Posted over a year ago
AJE123 said about Supernatural
so it looks like god made the earth to trap the darkness in can't wait to see how the next season unfolds Posted over a year ago
xXxDracoxXx commented…
I'm wondering how they're going to make that one play out. over a year ago
LM_67 commented…
wich season over a year ago
AJE123 commented…
season 11 over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my images
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get this poll to the Top Spot in my Club and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
noControl1199 gave me props for my comments

"The Fray" is Louis Tomlinson's favorite band. If you liked his cover of "Look After You", can you please please join his fan club?

He is a very talented musician and you might already know he is part of One Direction.

Please join his club here. I'd really appreciate it.


Thank You so much !! Posted over a year ago
AJE123 said about The Flash (CW)
i hope firestorm comes back soon so happy firestorm can split and rejoin so we get to see both actors in the show Posted over a year ago
Spytle commented…
Looks like he will be back next episode. You got your wish. :) over a year ago
AJE123 said about The Vampire Diaries
just for once i hope this season centers on damon and stefan's relationship as brothers Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
What realtionship?? Oh, you mean the one we're damon was always good and caring to his brother, and his brother never gave a fuck about him for five whole seasons? Are you talking about that realationship? Because as far as I can see, that's the ONLY realtionship there ever was. over a year ago
StelenaDluv commented…
are u fucking kidding me? u are so over a year ago
AJE123 said about The Vampire Diaries
Damon and Stefan are so cute Posted over a year ago
AJE123 said about The Mentalist
SEASON 6 EPISODE 22 BEST EVER Posted over a year ago
simovska commented…
YES! :D ♥ over a year ago
simovska gave me props for my comments
Give ♥ this ♥ to ♥ the ♥ twelve ♥ nicest ♥ people ♥ you ♥ know ♥ on ♥ Fanpop
P.S: You are one of those sweet people >//< Posted over a year ago
boytoy_84 gave me props for my answers
Thanks for the add :) Posted over a year ago