The Host Is it difficult for you to choose between Ian and Jared? Why?

Yoss posted on Feb 19, 2009 at 06:58AM
I think I like Ian more. He is sensitive, considerate, super sweet. Totally not pushy. But then, Jared is very passionate about Melanie. He refused to give up on her (even on the expense of Wanda) But then, who wouldn't do just exactly that when somebody you love was suddenly "taken away" from you. So I'm still confused. Good thing, it ended up nicely. Ian for Wanda and Jared for Mel. As it should really be. I would be crazy if it would just like Edward-Bella-Jacob love triang;e.

The Host 5 replies

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over a year ago lizzybean14 said…
I like Ian more. Jared is sweet but not at first. At first he is a total ass cheek. I like Ian way more.
over a year ago Luh_ said…
Oh, I'm definitely with you.. In the beginning I used to be in love with Jared, he seemed just so easy going, sweet, fun to be around.. In Melanie's memory, of course. Even when he was keeping Wanda as a prisioner I liked him better, but when Ian really came out and started caring about Wanda, I completely changed my opinion. I'm glad I don't have to choose now because both of them got what they wanted, and that is enough for me... I'd hate the book if the love triangle was like Edward-Bella-Jacob too. So yeah, Ian is the one I like best ;)
over a year ago barbiegirl2435 said…
It was hard to choose at first, cause I love Jared and Ian, for a bit I prefered Ian, then Jared. But then they introduced Kyle, so....
over a year ago gizem4 said…
Not for me.I love Ian much better than Jared.
over a year ago pwooden said…
I think it's difficult because they each meet different needs we all have. Jared fills our physical and mental needs: he provides food and supplies, he is a great lover, he makes us think twice before taking a risk. Ian provides our emotional and spiritual needs: he is empathetic and protective, and is willing to make a leap of faith with his love.