The Host wanda's tribunal

samdbz posted on Jul 05, 2008 at 03:20AM
i know that the tribunal was hard for everyone but who would you side with.

when i was reading i couln't side with any one because they all had good points.

so who do you guy side with?

The Host 4 replies

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over a year ago wanda4ever14 said…
ian 4 sure!
over a year ago kitticat2 said…
I can't make predictions when reading a good, but complicated book. It could have ended in so many ways, but I couldn't see how they were going to put Wanda in a new body after she said she didn't want to be a parasite anymore. And we all know she wasn't just saying that, she meant it!

So, I had to side with Ian because I love Wanda more than Mel, and Mel didn't want her to leave/die either. But I loved how it ended with Wanda getting a new body that didn't have a human mind inside it. I never saw that coming.
over a year ago samdbz said…
yea me nether but they say that there is going to be a secong book
over a year ago angelicdevil789 said…
I like the way it was done with Wanda and Mel each having their own bodies. :) I couldn't side with either. But, the entire time I was thinking just give Wanda a new body. Uhhm... But I think I'd have to side with Wanda in the end. It's what she wants, what Mel needs and yeah.