The Host Host questions

SilverSoul posted on Jun 03, 2008 at 12:49AM
So.. I recently finished the book and I truly loved it
But there's some things I didn't understand.
Maybe you can help me? What was the problem with FireWorld and all that stuff? I did't really get it.
And don't get me wrong I really liked the ending
but... did Ian and Wanda did it on the game room?
because If they did that's just seriously disturbing I mean Jamie was just beside them.
And who thought that before Wanda gives Melanie back
her body, when she was talking to Jared and Wanda
asked him to tell her a lie, to tell her to stay, thought he was actually telling the truth. I mean,
Jared did't finished talking to her and she even thought he was A REALLY good liar. DO YOU THINK JARED FEELS SOMETHING FOR WANDA? For me, yes, maybe not as strong as what he feels for Melanie but I think he does have some feelings for her. I want your opinions
and I want to discuss the book I loved it, I really hope they make a sequel or something please!!!

The Host 12 replies

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over a year ago lalaforthehaha said…
no i don't think ian and wanda go it on i think they were only kissing, i think your right about jared feeling something for wanda but i think she said it in the book that they all were a little confused. Meaning Mel loves jared but she feels a little for ian and ian loves wanda but after seeing her in mels body the whole time he is a little confused over mel..get what i'm saying?
over a year ago cheergeek said…
lmao, I thought that too after reread that part XD
but I don't think soo XD

Maybe Jared did like Wanda.. but I don't care, I don't like him with her. He can stay with Mel.

I want a sequel too! I love Ian and Wanda!!
I hope another love triangle doesn't start though, I'm getting tired of those.
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
On page 59 of the novel, Wanda is teaching her class about FireWorld, and Faces Sunward is horrified about how the FireTesters burn the flowers and then ingest the smoke for food. So I'm guessing that the FireWorld disgusts most people and they would prefer not to live there, or maybe something about how FireTesters were very dedicated to their jobs there and hardly no one on Earth was from that planet.

In the game room at the end, it says, "And then he kissed me in the most unplatonic way under the crowded circumstances and I was thrilled that I had been smart enough to lie about my age." Now I hadn't noticed this until last night when I finished reading it again. Platonic in the dictionary means: purely spiritual or free from sensual desire (meaning Wanda was over Jared), as applied to love or friendship between persons of the opposite gender; feeling or professing such love. So if you can make sense of the rest of that, go right ahead because I still don't get it completely. :) But I don't think so because none of her other books had official hook ups in them so why start now? Yes, I think that Jared, all of his hope gone of getting Mel back, started to love Wanda herself. He wanted to reassure her that he did love her, to think about staying, because he loved Mel and Wanda. Hope that helped a little.

Yes I am The Host Geek. :D But seriously I loved the book more than any other and I want to discuss it too so feel free!
over a year ago cheergeek said…
ahh I loved it too!!!

a Platonic relationship is a realtionship with a person of the opposite gender that is completly without sexual realtions. Like....well ummm Harry and Hermione.... they are just friends.
over a year ago cheergeek said…
She explaining how the kiss was unplatonic because she was worried before that her realtionship with Ian wasn't as strong as she thought, because he was acting just like everyone else.
over a year ago SilverSoul said…
Wow thanks guys!
over a year ago twilightlova13 said…
No!!! They didn't do it in the game room they were just kissing and making arrangements! i also thought that at the end Jared was feeling a little something for Wanda!! I do hope and think she's making a sequal!!!=)
over a year ago Crookedspunk said…
I absolutely think Jared had feeling for Wanda in the end (event hough I hoped so throughout the whole book...) . And Yes, she IS going to make a sequel ( I jumped up and down and screamed for a half an hour when I heard this.) But it might not be true, she might not have time, you know. She did say so, though, on her website, but it's only a maybe. She WANTS to, though, so you never know. I even heard that thehost will be a trilogy ( YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY). But, as said, you never know.. but we can hope.. ^^ hihi.
over a year ago kttykatkate said…
No I don't think Ian and Wanda did anything because there was a part right after Wanda thinks "I was thrilled to remember that I'd been smart enough to lie about my age." where the book goes on to say "The rains would end, and when they did, Ian and I would be partners in the truest sense." I'm pretty sure she meant that they'd be able to hook up after the rainy season stopped because they're already partners in every other way.

I thought it seemed a little tiny bit real when Jared said he wasn't finished and was "lying" to her. Most of it was lying, yes, but I don't know if he completely didn't mean any of it. Especially since she says that after switching to Pet's body, even Jared would meet her "confused gaze with a searching one of his own". That part I didn't quite understand though- what was Jared "searching" for? To see if Wanda still had feelings for him?
over a year ago kitticat2 said…
About Jared's "lying." This was a question for Stephenie during her tour for The Host. At one of the book signings/Q&A Stephenie read a questions that said something like: Was Jared really lying? Her answer was: No, he wasn't. Then she goes on to say he respects her as a person and a friend at this point in the book. Something like that.

You can find it on youtube.
over a year ago thejackle123 said…
hello good morning
over a year ago angie_aplomb said…
the thing about fire world is that the flowers were also living creatures so when the fire-tasters would burn them they were killing intelligent creature...but they had to do it cause the smoke from the flowers had essential nutrients thats why she said something about that they were trying to use other methods of nutrition.