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dbzfan5 said …
this club is about a book i wrote
but thin lost it >.> so i gonna start all over Posted over a year ago
PercyJacksonluv commented…
damn. that has to suck TT~TT over a year ago
PercyJacksonluv said …
We are here by God creating the sun, the sky, the Earth. He made Adam out of His own image. Later, Adam was lonley so God took one of his ribs and made the first woman, Eve. After awhile, a serpent told Eve to take a fruit off the Tree of Life and eat it to become wiser. She told Adam about it and they both ate a fruit off the Tree. God had told them not to. And that's when they relized they were naked. Vines wrapped around them. They thought they could hide from God and lie to him, but He knew. Posted over a year ago
lilmarie commented…
ah ha !!!!! amen! lol over a year ago
PercyJacksonluv commented…
lol it da truth!!! over a year ago