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Hangeng shares his thoughts about SM Entertainment

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Hangeng shares his thoughts about SM Entertainment |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Hangeng shared his current thoughts about his former agency SM Entertainment.
SEE ALSO: Hangeng comments on his recent hangout with Heechul + his thoughts on the possibility of starring in a production with Super Junior
Super Junior member posted to his Weibo on August 13, "SM Entertainment has given me a lot of help. There are sunbaes and friends I respect at that company. Even if time passes, everything I have will always be because of their help. Though we chose different paths, I always hope the best for them."
Hankyung) parted ways with SM Entertainment and Super Junior after he filed a lawsuit for termination of his contract in 2009, and the last we heard, he had hung out with Super Junior\'s Heechul.
Considering that Hangeng has previously aired his grievances about the label publicly, what do you make of his most recent comments? 
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I think he\'s just come to a point in life where he realizes that that\'s history and it\'s something that\'s helped him grow as a person, with him hanging out with suju though I can understand that; his issues were largely with SM, not suju.
I\'d like to think that he\'s finally reached that point in his life where he can just be happy and thankful for everything he\'s been through. Yeah, SM treated him unfairly, but we can\'t deny that SM was still the reason he debuted into showbiz. If he had debuted any other way, things may not be the same as they are now and he may not be as popular. Also, SM did train him, too, so his natural talents were honed and refined as well. We can hate on SM all we want, but at the end of the day, without them, we wouldn\'t know the idols that we so love today. I salute Hangeng for his humility in being able to look past the reason he left and still be able to say nice things like this. It speaks a lot of his character.
In other they have to use this picture of him every damn time? It\'s either this one or the one from 2006. 
Sounds like SM is paying for some seriously needed PR. 
well ... its true what he said ... now and then, because before he was really in the situation that not make him happy, but as for him now, being more happy (to do stuff he love) and showing gratitude for SM, i think its alright. 
because we know him, we love him, we support him start from SM introduce him as part as Super Junior ...
He is allowed to say what he wants regarding the situation. Yeah his situation was crappy and yeah he aired his grievances with the company. He might not like the company but that doesn\'t mean he has to hate people in it  that actually helped him and liked him. I have my own opinion regarding him working with Kris but I wont say it because its not nice toward Kris. I will leave it at that.
I honestly agree with your comment. Same as what I was thinking. ESPECIALLY THE LAST SENTENCE.... Not to be mean though, but I can see where Kris\' path is heading:D
This man just earned my respect. Yes, the past was dark and probably not the greatest ever but it was something that helped shape him up to what he is now. I can relate to Hangeng on that. When I started my first job it was the worst. I was yelled at, I had to stay late, I wasn\'t trained well so I had bad thoughts towards the company for a while. But then years passed and I was less angry. I am able to work hard and am able to handle the same thing as I did from my first job. Hangeng came to the acceptance because no one can be mad forever. That is a true human being.
TTuTT I see a bright future for our baby Geng and SUJU <3 
I think some ppl just want to see the worst in SM when the truth is there is good in bad in all companies pending on who speaks. Whatever issues Hangeng had with SM is clearly all water under the bridge. HE is no longer signed to SM and is not obligated say anything positive or their behalf. If he is now speaking positively bout the company then consider it his true feelings and leave it at that.
Delusional fans thought SM forced him? LOL 
WHAT POWER SM has right now over him? He cuts ties with SM and also remember Shinhwa also thanked Lee Sooman. They are mature men and always remember their roots and where they started, it\'s called being humble. 
I\'m not saying that I know anything really on the subject. But if I wanted to make an educated guess I would say more in the lines as they paid him off for some much needed positive PR. With all the SM artist scandals this year and JYJ comeback. I don\'t feel it would be much of a stretch you have them offer him some money to say something positive.
There has been tons of them thank sm the man because he\'s been like a father and brother to them. Sm the man who hasnt been ceo in a very long time treats them so much more differently than sm the company. Just because they thank him doesnt mean they appreciate the management, who are shitty.
Nobody is forcing Hangeng to appreciate SM for getting him started. Nobody s forcing him to be kind to a company that treated him unfairly. Nobody is forcing him to hangout with his SJ friends and take pictures
Nobody is forcing JYJ to be nice to SM. Nobody is forcing them to talk abut TVXQ and how much they would like a reunion. Nobody is forcing them to be nice.
Nobody is forcing Kris to be silent until this is over. Nobody is forcing him to work in a movie with Hangeng. Nobody is making him gang up on SM.
Even if you hate SM, you have to agree that thanks to SM you know these people, They were able to catch your interest and SM started them on the path to success. SM was their stepping stone.
You can downvote all you want, I will not take back what has already been said
Well said. It makes me laugh whenever fans says something like "FCK SM. Always about money. Well they can go to hell" and they still go to SMTown concerts and are willing to spend hundreds of dollars to get the overpriced seats (or floor.. Lol :P) talk about double standards. There\'s always two sides to everything, and we fans are probably the ones who know the least about entertainment business but we act as though we\'re best friends with our idols and know every single aspect in their lives lol
@jennkyube SM are a bunch of bullies look what they\'ve done to JYJ just recently. Sponsoring the IAGOC then throwing JYJ out of their ambassadors. And replacing them with and SM boy group.
@pepita787 But all is fair as long as you have a lot of money to throw around, right?
Obviously, he has moved on and can be objective about the company now. I still think it\'s one of the worst in the industry when it comes to the way they treat their idols.
Fuuny that he just said what some people always try to deny especially those jyj stans lol.
it\'s ok if he changed his mind, but he didn\'t think always this way... so when he said
Even if time passes, everything I have will always be because of their help
"  it\'s kind of... weird! I don\'t like hypocrisy and I hope this is not the case here.
Btw he posted this to shut those idiot media etc who are saying he teamed up with Kris. Jeez why would he do that? Hangeng started filming MONTHS back argggg, anyhow our boys got NOTHING to do with Kris so just STOP
ELF seriously why waste time talking to antis? these people are clearly trying to bash hangeng to get our attention. We know our boy is not a 2faced nor did he betray SJELF. The bond our boys have wont be broken by SM or some stupid haters who got nothing better to do in life. Kris-Exo issue is NOT same as Hangeng-SJ coz both SJ and ELF respected Hangeng decision to leave SM. We never hater or attacked him nor did he do that too. Because we went through alot together. We are actually more sorry that we didnt know he was having a hard time TT_TT. Anyhow up till now both members and Hangeng have great relation, they are brothers and we ELF still count him as our boy and it will always be like that. So let\'s ignore haters and prepare for SJ7.
E.L.F. PROM15 TO 13ELIEVE, 10VE AND PROT3CT Blue Sapphire Ocean
Honestly, most kpop fans should be thankful to SM for what they have done. Other then PSY accomplishment in the world, I believe SM help pave the way for kpop to be spread. Their structure and organize planning help all of their idols rise to prominence not only in Korea but also world wide. Of course some stuff we don\'t have to agree with them, but a lot of you make them out as an evil power house in the music industry. I would believe all the idols knew what they were getting into when they decided to sign with SM. If they didn\'t like how SM was running they should have gone to audition in another entertainment label. The effort SM put into training them help them become who they are. I mean even Hangeng is saying in his comment how much he received from SM.
I love him so much. He\'s perfect. His personality, his voice, his dancing, his solo music, his acting...everything.
I don\'t know why people in the comments are making it sound like he\'s being two-faced and changing his words. The ideas in his recent post aren\'t anything new. Even while the lawsuit was ongoing he has always said that he was grateful to SM for all the things he learned from them and for all the help that they had given him to get him thus far. He even defended them in 2010/2011 when the Chinese media was overexaggerating the harsh conditions.  It\'s just that as a person and as an artist there were things that he could no longer endure within that setting, which was why he filed the lawsuit in order to nullify his contract.
His recent post on weibo didn\'t come out of nowhere and wasn\'t meant to attract fame/attention or whatever. He gets enough of that on his own and even tries to avoid it. In all likelihood, his post was in response to all the buzz on the internet about Kris joining in on the new Korean-Chinese movie collaboration that Han Geng has been filming along with Joo Won. Han Geng already started filming his scenes in May/June. Kris is the most recent addition to the cast and will start filming his scenes at the end of August. A lot of the media articles and fan comments have been making it sound like Han Geng and Kris are joining forces to purposefully piss off SM. Han Geng probably thought it was a bit distasteful; hence, his weibo post.
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