Phineas and Ferb Club
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posted by rania1234
As the two boys are sitting underneath the tree in the backyard, Phineas tells Ferb that one of the best times they ever had was when they built the rollercoaster. He proposes that they do it again, only this time as a musical— breaking into spontaneous music and choreography without a discernible music source. Ferb wonders if they would have any assurance that everyone else would break into song and dance along with them. Phineas thinks they probably will, so Ferb accepts. Phineas then starts singing the first musical number Hey Ferb (I Know What We're Gonna Do Today).

Linda tells Phineas...
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posted by woowie
Kat and Doofenshmirtz were walking one day when Kat sat, and wouldn't get back up. Was she just being a stubborn brat, or was something wrong? Then, he noticed how pale her fur was. Was his best pal getting old? Kat had very bad arthritis in her hips. They often collapsed on her. She was deaf, and was almost blind. One day, she collapsed on her old, shot, creaky, hips, and wouldn't get back up. Luckily, the vet saw. After a few long moments, the vet came out and said they would have to go into serious surgery. Doofenshmirtz went back with the vet, who was about to give her a shot. "There's...
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posted by karlyluvsam
Bow Chica Bow Wow
That's what my baby said
Bow Bow Bow
And my heart starts pumpin'
Chicka Chicka Chew-Op
Never Gunna Stop
Gitchi Gitchi Goo Means That I love you!
I said a
Bow Chicka Bow Wow
Thats what my baby said
Bow Bow Bow
And my heart startss pumpin'
Chicka Chicka Chew-Op
Never Gunna Stop!
Gitchi Gitchi Goo means that I love you!
Gitchi Gitchi Goo means that I love you!
Gitchi Gitchi Goo means.....
That I love you, baby,baby, baby!
baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby!
Gitchi Gitchi Goo means that I LOVE YOU!

(Thanks to Samantha for these lyrics)

More lyrics: link
All about Phineas And+Ferb: link
posted by rania1234
Phineas and Ferb are wondering what to do today, other than give Perry a bath. From behind the fence comes the roar of a race cars racing, and their dilemma is solved. They head to the garage to begin the upgrades to their mom's car. Candace walks by, engrossed in the need to take a new picture for her blog, for the current picture was already a whole week old. She poses and snaps the new picture; it appears exactly the same as the old one. It suddenly dawns on her that something is going on in the garage behind her so she zips over to investigate. Phineas and Ferb are part-way through converting...
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Phineas Flynn: The protagonist of the series. A kind hearted, fun loving young boy who loves to invent stuff to have a fun summer.

Ferb Fletcher: Phineas' silent step brother who invents stuff with Phineas.

Candace Flynn: Phineas' older sister who is obsessed with showing her mom what Phineas and Ferb invent.

Perry: Phineas' pet who is a serious, hardworking secret agent for O.W.C.A.

Dr. Heinz Doofenschmirtz: The main antagonist in the series. Perry's goofy enemy.


Major Monogram: Perry's boss who works at O.W.C.A.

Lawrence Fletcher: Ferb's goofy dad who...
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We consider every day a plus
To spend it with a platypus
We're always so ecstatic
'Cause he's semi-aquatic
Our Ornithorhynchus anatinus
Brings smiles to the both of us
Life's never fuddy-duddy
With our web-footed buddy
When we're brushing our teeth, (ooh) it's better
Tying our shoes, (oh, yeah) it's better
Combing our hair, it's better
Like we're a cheese sandwich and he's the cheddar
Blinking our eyes, (oh, yeah) it's better
Breathing in and out, (so much better) it's better
Sitting in a chair, it's better
And taking a bath, just a little bit wetter

Every day is such a dream
When you start it with a monotreme...
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posted by QTPie41184
I absolutely LOVE Ferb Fletcheer on this show. He is my favorite character and every time he opens his mouth, I love hearing what he was to say. Here are all of the Ferb quotes that have been in every episode that has so far aired of "Phineas and Ferb".

Bold - The Ferb quote
(Italic) - An action during the scene
N/A - Ferb did not speak during episode

Isabella: Maybe you can teach Perry some tricks.
Phineas: Well, he is a platypus. They don’t do much.
Ferb: They’re the only mammals to lay eggs.
Phineas: Maybe he’ll lay an egg.

Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror
DJ: Slather on your...
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Phineas: It's been a long, long day
And there were moments when I doubted
Isabella: That we'd ever reach the point
Where we could laugh and sing about it
Phineas and Isabella: Now the sun is set on this,
Another extraordinary day
And when it comes around again
You know I'll say.
Tell me whatcha wanna do today
All we need is a place to start
If we have heart, we'll make it
'Cause we're not messing around
(we're not messing around)

Yes we can dream it, do it, build it, make it
I know we can really take it
To the limit before the sun goes down...

Phineas: As soon as you wake up you gotta make your move
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Isabella and the Land Of Odd

This first chapter is a bit short, but the other chapters are longer!


Chapter 1:

Isabella fell on the ground, as her house was spinning around and around. The house stopped moving with a THUD, and she stood up clumsily, with Pinky, her pet dog, laying on her stomach.

She yelled," PINKY! Get off my stomach! I taught you better than that!" and she pushed him off.

She stood up, and wiped her hands on her skirt, to knock dirt off. She walked down the stairs and out the door, but what she saw was not what she was expecting to see.


See? Short, right? Trust me. The other chapters WON'T be this short, so don't judge me for this one chapter. DX

Comments are highly appreciated, especially if good ones.

This is MY prediction of AT2D. This is how I think everything should happen.

The alarm clock rang and Phineas shifted in bed. He turned over and hit the snooze button on the alarm clock. He turned to look at the ceiling, but instead saw Ferb looking at him. Ferb was dressed and everything. Phineas had just woken up and had bags under his eyes. Phineas rubbed his eyes and chuckled. "Looks like you won again Ferb." Phineas stood up and said," So, what are we gonna do today?" Ferb shrugged and turned to the empty desk, that would usually have blueprints...
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posted by PhineasFangirl
I had originally written this on my deviantART :3 I'm Puffedwarrior of DA 8D
This looked really fun :D I'm doing it PnF style(lol, this is more like PhineasXIsabella style, but with some of just regular Phineas and Ferb XD)

Sitting at the bottom of her friend's tree, Isabella tried to think of something to make her friends laugh. She had never usually been a funny kind of person, but just recently had she found out that Phineas did enjoy laughter. "I think I might have been dropped when I was a baby, because there is just something missing up here," she pointed to the top of her head. Even...
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From fans all over the world and people from here and deviantART, I see that lots of Phineas and Ferb fans are loosing interest.
One of my popular dA friends has said: [I need a breakup from Phineas and Ferb. Or at least a really long break from our relationship. And I don't wanna give the whole explanation of WHY... unless if you really wanna know.

So, I won't be drawing more of this out of will, I'll do just if I take requests from CLOSE friends, or if you ask on the open point commissions.

So long, and Goodbye.

EDIT: OK, so a lot of people have been asking me why I don't wanna draw this anymore....
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Attack of the 50-Foot Sister
Phineas and Ferb help Baljeet with his Festival entry while Candace aspires to be the next Flawless Girl. Dr. Doofenshmirtz plans to cover the Festival with the "worst smell in the history of mankind".

While Candace and Stacy are watching television in Candace's room, with a song called "Flawless Girl". Candace states that she'd be so lost without Flawless Girl, and she sees a commercial on television saying that Blanca, the company's founder, will be attending The Midsummer's Festival. Candace decides to sign up to be the next Flawless Girl. Meanwhile, Phineas...
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posted by phinabella2007
Here's the link to the petition:


Right now, we need about 130 people to sign the petition. There are over 10,000 fans in the the Phineas and Ferb Fan Club so if at least .013 of you sign this petition we'd get all the people we need!


#revivephineasandferb #spreadtheword #wecandodis #130people #130fans #phineas #and #ferb #revival

#i #need #to #make #this #article #longer

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"Will you marry me?" Phineas's voice said in Isabella's mind.She turned the on the other side of the bed,avoiding him.A tear rolled down her cheek ss she recalled their past memories.She rembered their wedding day.Their first baby.Their second baby.The first time they kissed.Now,she wished it was like that again.Instead,Phineas was abusing her,hitting her every time she spoke up.They were going through a divorce and Isabella was supposed to leave with the kids in the morning.
Phineas wasn't always like this.Up until he took special medication he was happy and creative.Isabella wished she could...
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posted by Garu500
Hey! It's time to start Garu500's offical Phineas and Ferb hangman! Every once in a while, I will post a random word that fits in with Phineas and Ferb. Then YOU will have a chance to guess the word. All guesses go in the comments area.

This word is:


The answer will come up shortly around mid-April. The next hangman will come up shortly after the resluts of the first hangman. Stumped? Write me a Fanpop letter to ask me to give me a hint! Oh, you should add me as a friend first! This hangman is a character. That's the only hint I'll givein this article. Any questions? Ask me! Good luck, all you Fanpop users!
posted by rania1234
Phineas and Ferb are sitting under a tree, wondering what to do. Phineas realizes that they will be back in school shortly and they will have to say what they did over their summer vacation. He feels that their time off should be exciting, like a rollercoaster. Remembering the lame coaster they rode at the State Fair, Phineas realizes that's what they should do today: build a rollercoaster.

As their mom, Linda, heads off to do some shopping, Candace runs to her car to confirm that she's been put in charge. Mom doesn't think it's necessary that anyone be in charge, but Candace does. "What if...
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posted by iggysbabe
Hey, the movie doesn't come out until Friday but, I have Disney on Demand so I watched it today. it is a great movie!!! Full of humor, surprises and action. I recommend watching the movie!!!!! You won't believe your eyes!!!!!
Brief Summary *May Be a Spoiler*
The boys go into a different dimension by accident. They can't get out, will they be able to get out, and along the way of escaping they need to help save Perry. They all have clones in the 2nd dimension. They act differently and don't know what summer is, all because of Hienz's character in the 2nd dimension. Does Candice finally bust Phineas and Ferb? Does Isabella confess her love for Phineas? Do Phineas and Ferb discover that Perry is a secret agent? Watch and find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Ferb, it's raining!" said Phineas, "We can't go outside!" They watched a TV program about a kid with an underground secret base. "Ferb! I know what we're gonna do today!" said Phineas. He looked at where Perry was a minute ago. "Hey, where's Perry?"


"Doofenshmirtz has been going to a lot of donut shops lately," Monogram said, "we think it's for... uh... what was the pet's name again?"
"Sparky, sir." Carl replied from the background.
"Sparky." continued Monogram, "But he's also been purchasing a lot of things off the internet lately. You've got to stop him agent P!" Perry left.

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[After Candace busts the boys]

[at Doofies place]
A small ghost came through the wall. "YO DOOF! I'M BACK!" she said. She was an old pet of his who died five years before. Her name was Kat. Kat often came for a visit, but when she wasn't, she was floating around, lonely and bored.

The day Kat died was a sad day. She was fifteen, but in Lightopian years- which was her type of alien- she was 103. She died from cancer. She had been suffering from it for a long time. The veterinarian said she was too old to survive this, and she shouldn't suffer anymore, but Doofenshmirtz didn't want her to put...
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