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41 Times Justin Bieber Was The Best Big Brother

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
JB\'s finest moments are when he\'s doing brother things with these kiddos.
Say what you will about Justin Bieber, but this is a guy who totally loves his kid siblings, Jaxon and Jazmyn.
In fact, apart from his tattoo shots and videos of him ripping tricks on a skateboard, Bieber’s twosome of mini-mes are the most constant feature of his social media shots. And even if he has gone through a spell (or two) of rampant bad boy behavior, you better Belieb his lovey doveyness with the little ones is completely endearing.
We tracked back through dozens of delightful family moments with the trio of Biebers and found that our hearts were warmed right up with pure joy by just the sight of these kiddos in family action.
Justin Bieber\'s Camcorder App Videos, Ranked By Greatness
Like this new pic of Justin cuddling with his little “broham.”
And that other time when he played pillow for his buddy at the beach and gave him a sleepy smooch.
Note: He made sure to up the sentiment on this one by captioning it, “Love you more than anything Jaxon.”
They’re pretty much always snuggling when it’s sleepy time.
Except when it’s Jaz’s turn, that is.
Sometimes they’re both getting in on the snuggle game with big bro.
And he’s totally been teaching Jax the ropes of being a superstar.
It’s really only a matter of time ’til he’s the international heartthrob of the fam, and we have a feeling Justin would be all about it.
Even as a kid, he was a big helper with tummy time.
Justin was helping to make sure his baby sis stayed on track.
Bieber had a whole slew of “What Do U Mean” supporters, but this has to be the cutest one of the whole bunch.
And he doesn’t forget to Facetime the little ones while he’s touching road for the job.
Even if it is just to see how those karate lessons are paying off.
He’s totally down for the kid-friendly vacay spottage.
Like any good big bro, he likes to capture those special moments.
He even brought out the sweet cheese by captioning this one, “Never lose your sense of wonder.” D’aww.
And he’s not too cool to whisper “I love u” to his little gal.
Seriously. This family runs the fun familial selfie game.
Even when they’re like soooo sick of it.
They share germs like when a case of the sillies is going around.
Justin even got lil’ man his own hoverboard so they could match.
He even lets little man steer the ship once in a while.
’Cause this is one big brother who knows how to have a good time.
He won’t hesitate to share a funny face with the whole world.
Or show ’em off when they’re being extra cute.
Jazmyn, he wrote, is his “little princess.” And she’s certainly dressed the part.
And he’s bringing them right along with him for this life ride.
Maybe this is what he means when he calls his album
See? You’ve totally got that warm and fuzzy feeling right now.
Clumsy, wavy-haired, and full of good intentions. Yep, that about sums it up.
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