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Christians against Harry Potter



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lilith84 said:
wow, I don' think I have ever read a more idiotic thing ;) This made me laugh hard and wonder about the future of our world in morons like that are allowed to walk among us. It was very entertaining though, in a weird way :D
posted over a year ago.
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I am Christian !
posted over a year ago.
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^I wasn't trying to be offensive in posting this article. I just thought it was funny :)
posted over a year ago.
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emilykuru said:
is this seriously serious or ...i mean is this a joke or what? this is stupid and also funny in a way.

^Katekicksass u need not worry. no one's going to take this offensive we all know the truth!
posted over a year ago.
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Darkshine said:
This is why I chose to be an atheist!
Ok not this.
But is this a joke or something?
posted over a year ago.
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Darkshine said:
"I was eager to get to Hogwarts first because I like what they learned there and I want to be a witch." Gioia Bishop, age 10

"I like the third book because Harry meets his godfather and Professor Lupin, a really cool guy who’s a werewolf” Mark Flitwick, age 7

“I want to be a real live witch like Harry. I wish my parents were dead so I could go to Hogwarts school too” Emma McGonagall, age 9

“I love Harry Potter books. They get you hooked. I want to be just like Lord Voldermort and kill all muggles!” [The name for Christians and other non-magical people in Potter books] Ginny Lupin, age 6

“Before I read Potter I used to go to Church every Sunday. Now I realise Jesus isn’t my true savoir, it is Harry Potter! I want to drink Unicorn’s blood and rape a cat!” Remus Fletcher, age 11

These are all Harry Potter surnames. Unpurpose? I don't think so.
posted over a year ago.
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LOL!!! That was probably the most hilarious thing I've ever read. This is coming from a 20 year old woman who began reading these books in the third grade. Yes, children are impressionable but I didn't start worshipping Satan and murdering cats after reading Harry Potter. Probably the weirdest thing that I did was pretend a stick was a wand and duel with my sister.
Another thing, "We believe Rowling is a recruiter for various Anti-Christian and Satanist Organizations, including the Church of Satan, The Wiccan Circle, and the Pagan Federation." I'm not Wiccan or Pagan. I would consider myself an Athiest but am I the only one who found the comparison of those two with Satanism to be offensive?
The person who wrote this article is completely insane.
posted over a year ago.
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I laughed so much I nearly fainted!This is the most idiotic thing I've ever read!
“Before I read Potter I used to go to Church every Sunday. Now I realise Jesus isn’t my true savoir, it is Harry Potter! I want to drink Unicorn’s blood and rape a cat!” - that REALLY made me laugh.rape a cat...ROFLDM!
It's so obvious that someone made this up.I'm a Christian and I still believe in God and Jesus,probably more now,after HP,then before
posted over a year ago.
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Yes, honestly, I think this is just a hoax. Look at the name of the kids quoted. Why didn't the author give the names of the Death-Eaters instead of the names of the good guys of the story ???

I liked the distinction made about Muggles : "Christians and non-magical beings". Another author that didn't read the books. What about the notion of sacrifice (Lily ; Severus ; Harry) ? Of love and redemption ? (Severus, once again). Love that conquers all (Dumbledore's solution to all the problems).

The author forgot that JKR worked hard on her novels. That she incurred the refusal of several publishing houses before being accepted. She worked to earn her money (and accept to pay her taxes in the UK by the way) while the Queen of England did not work for it, she just inherited it. No offence intended.

Laughing for not crying...

EDIT : the author is obsessed by wormwood. True it is the herb that contains the active substance called absinthine and behind the infamous drink. However, wormwood is packed with anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antipyretic and anti-diarrheic properties. Different parts of this plant, including leaves, fruits and flowering tops, are used for curing various ailments, like problems of menstruations, fragile nerves and fatigue, fever and bad digestion. Of course, it must be used with caution because of its addictive substances.

Unless that makes me I'm a bad person because I sound like a potions mistress that way ? Come back, Severus, they're all getting mad !
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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emilykuru said:
did you see the point where they said harry is evil cause he killed a snake in COS? what the hell was he supposed to do then..?
go into its mouth and become dinner for it or what?

then he set up a centaur horde aginst his poor teacher- is this the reference any sane person would give to Umbridge?

the only explanation is that this article was written by no sane person!
posted over a year ago.
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XD I agree....either it was a joke, or the apocalypse is upon us! LOL

And I didn't get why anyone reading Harry Potter might be influenced to rape a cat....I don't remember anything like THAT ever being in the books O_O
posted over a year ago.
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My friend goes to a Christian school and at that school they aren't even allowed read Harry Potter!!!
posted over a year ago.
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That's so sad, ScarOfTheWind. One of the priests at my parents' church is a Harry Potter fan and has even positively worked HP into his homilies. See if your friend can get a hold of John Granger's book Looking for God in Harry Potter.
posted over a year ago.