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Twilight is NOT Better than Harry Potter!



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Honestly, I thought she was high when I first saw this.
posted over a year ago.
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Kinda sad, really. I really feel bad for all the people who think Twilight is the best book ever written.
posted over a year ago.
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Renarimae said:
I agree. While I like both series, HP is a WHOLE lot better. And HP doesn't teach you the stuff Preppy Gurl just listed, these are things HP teaches you:
-There is a fate worse than death
-Even if the person you love leaves you or dies, you still need to go on and live life
-Bravery and courage are important
-Love is more powerful than death
There are many, many, many more as well.

This is what Twilight teaches you:
-Blondes are just snobby, narcissistic beezies
-It's okay to have a creepy baby that's going to kill you
-It's good for your boyfriend to watch you sleep and screw with your stuff
-You should still marry your boyfriend, even if you don't want to at first
-It's okay to get married and pregnant before college when you're still a teenager
-Women are worthless nobodies without a man
-If your ex falls in love with your baby that's just fine
-If your man hits you and mutilates your face, you should just stay with him
-It's okay to treat people like crap
-You have to be beautiful to be anything
-Immortality and beauty are better to have than family and friends
-If your boyfriend leaves you, you should become catatonic
-If your baby dies, you should go kill yourself
-Good boyfriends treat their girls like idiotic children
-It's good to give up a productive adult life for an eternity of going through the horrible miseries of high school over and over and over again
There's more to this as well.

But, yeah, Harry Potter is a lot better than Twilight.
posted over a year ago.
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yea harry potter is awesome & has heaps more imagination in it. twilight doesnt even have half as much.
posted over a year ago.
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Kaidi said:
I left a reply there (under PotterFreak), because I just couldn't leave it be. This girl really needs a reality check!
posted over a year ago.
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I agree with what Renarimae said.
Also, sometimes it's OK to break the rules! And sometimes you have to mistrust the government.
posted over a year ago.
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Renarimae said:
Yeah, I do agree with LoopyLuna96. And it'd be pretty hard to trust a government that's crooked and corrupt.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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is this girl high or something...and she is telling us that vampires are realistic while wizards aren't??? and what about imagination...all twilight does is through a huge sappy romance with a couple of heroes and villains....harry potter actually has adventure and suspense in it!!!! no offense to any twilight fans out there...but if you have read Harry Potter and Twilight you know which one is better...and Harry Potter does not teach you all that things preppy girl shows how fate can change someone's life forever!!!!
posted over a year ago.
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Whilst I agree with most of the comments here, shouldn't this have been posted in the HP vs T spot?
posted over a year ago.
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This girl isn't high. Look at her disclaimer. She's making this site to be sarcastic and poke fun of twihards. If she was serious, well then somebody needs to hit her on the head with a metal chair
posted over a year ago.
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i could murder this girl who wrote twilight is better than harry potter!
if love stories like twilight really CAN become so popular
i will also write a story in which a girl FALLS in love (oh,accidentaly )with a dracula or a boy who too ACCIDENTALLY falls in love a banshee!
really,twilight makes no sense
and yeah,if u stupid twilight fans really want to prove me wrong,i'll give a 1000 reasons why HP is better
support me all the harry potter fans!!!!!!!!!!
posted over a year ago.