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Which “Friend” Are You?

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Which "Friend" Are You
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Fabulous! Don\'t forget to share with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.
You’re fashion-forward, outgoing and maybe… a little bit spoiled. You’re a true romantic who believes everyone finds their lobster at the end.
You’re the life of the party and always ready to get the fun going, but you’re also a loyal friend who will, uh, always be there for your besties. And let’s be real — you LOVE to eat.
You’re a total smartypants who works hard on your career. While you have drive and ambition, your friends always come first.
You’re quirky, bubbly and really really talented (maybe not musically). You may have not had the easiest past, but you love to daydream about a totally rad future.
Could you BE any more hilarious? You’re a constant jokester with a witty mind to boot. But deep down, you’re a huge softie who loves spending time with your friends and loved ones.
You’re definitely a Type A personality who thrives on neatness and organization. But that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to let loose! You can enjoy the party as much as the next person, and you love taking care of your friends and family.
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friends quiz, friends, which friend are you, quiz
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I Got Monica!
posted over a year ago.