Dragons Adventures in Eden, RP (sequel to fight back, RP)

greekgirlA posted on Mar 10, 2012 at 01:36PM

A new life awaits, earth is no longer a hoe for dragons. They must now face a long and tiring quest. A quest to ft in and find new homes in the new world they live in. That world is called Eden. Join the Alliance as they attempt to fit in this new and strange world.
Are you one of the dragons/humans that accompanied the Alliance to the new world?
Are you one of Eden's inhabitants?

if you wish to join:
bio(if wanted):

Oh, and we do not know anything of the creatures of Eden. So be anything, but remember; Earth is the world for humans.

Rules.I hate rules. So, no rules. But be nice or someone will report you.

Dragons 2708 replies

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over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Um...I have a place to go when I need to Twera and I'm Mizuko"I say
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Well…Mizuko…you are always welcome here." I was pissed that he wouldn't at least let me tell the story. But then again, it would be better to wait. The pain of our losses was still fresh. We would all need time to heal, time to find the meaning in our lives again. And time to pick ourselves up and carry on.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"And would you please tell that story"I say
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I smiled. "It would be my pleasure. You see, it all started on a snowy, windy night on Earth. The Shadows were just starting to take over. Me, I was pregnant and nearly blind. My parents and Ture Love were dead, and my brother most likely so. I didn't have much hope that night. I might have been trying to kill myself. Either way, the Great Ones guided me through the storm to the cave." I continued talking, describing each member of the Alliance in great detail. I told of laying my egg, the confusion of knowledge, and the death of Gymish. In aharsh voice, I spoke of losing Clat and Glid, seeing Nlaa again, and meeting with the Great Ones. I spoke of the Nem's defection, the last, desperate fight, and our final days on Earth. "While we were all waiting on that riverbank, I thought it a goood idea to leave something behind, a memory of our time here. I pulled a scale from my side and left it near the bridge of ice Nemesis created. There was to be no return through the portal to this world. None of us was to return to Earth. We gave it up for lost, following Clat's advice. I was the one to Seal the Door." I paused, thinking for a moment. "Not a day goes by that I wonder if we made the right choice."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"You sealed the door to Earth.Not that good seeing how I can go to Earth just by thinking of it"I say and disappear then reappear"Like that"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"But you still did good"I say"I found a way back in tho but it's from my powers"
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"There must be another Door. The one I Sealed was a physical Door, you had to actually go through it to use it." I looked at Mizuko, my expression unreadable. "Since you are from Earth, how have things fared in our abscence? It is only fair. The Ways say 'a story for a story/Must be told/When Adventures end/And so does the Cold.'"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"Darker with shadows filled through it.More polluted then usual and the air stuck to your chest.I remember how it when down. Every time I go I try to keep myself secret,but when I saw one of the Shadows beating up another dragon.I went in and attacked I fought a great fight,but some more Shadows came and i got the gash on my body.I flew back and crashed into a building.I froze the shadows that attacked me but the frost was colder then dry ice.Never to melt unless I want it to.I flew then activated my way back but something slammed into me and I spun out of control.I reactivated my way back and was back here.But again it was darker,polluted,and bloodier as ever"I say
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I have another door to get there and I only know where it is and I'm gonna keep it that way"I say
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"That is bad news indeed. Alas, we cannot return. You must be the one to rally support."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"You want me to go back to earth already"I ask
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Not quite yet. You need to rest here for a time before we send you back. I can See that you seek answers." I lit the fire, watching the dancingg flames.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i circled the sphere in the center of my cave. i was chanting. my tail drew out the runes. finally i stepped back and watched the mist float up. i nodded and let isik climb on my back so we could visit the dwarves. i helped them mold there axes and then collapsed a wall for them. in turn they paid me with a large diamond. i took it back and placed the diamond in the ice sphere. i admired my handiwork. i set isik in a small sand-covered bed. he curled up and fell asleep. i nodded then walked into the circle. i pressed on the sphere and it glowed. then in a flash i was looking at my reflection in the frosted ice. it was a much younger version of me. i was smaller and leaner, less muscled. i closed my eyes and stepped out of the circle. i fell asleep.

(past Nemesis.)

i glanced around. this new world was strange. so much like earth. i had a job. what was it? oh ya, find my old friend...what was her name? oh well. find her, find dragon from the future. that's what the dream told me. a great dragon much like me-maybe one of my ancestors-told me that a dragon i would meet again in 2000 more years was in eden. he was sent back in time and iwas told to give him a message.
"the alliance finds out more every day.if you try to change the past, you only set the future to what we know. so, twera says do whatever you want, Thunderbird."
for some reason i doubted that this twera had realy said that. more like the the dragon that told me that wanted to be sly. or not follow orders. maybe both.
i took off and pumped my wings,up down up down, in constant rhythm. i turned when i saw what i was looking for. i landed outside the cave and stuck my head in.
"it's nemesis. i'm back. how are you?" i asked the stretching figure. "i'm good nemesis. long time no see, how are you?"
"fine, other than you're the only one not worried when i turn up."
she laughed and swished her tail. "i have to tell you something!"
"then tell me!"
"i just met this amazing guy."
"he's amazing."
i laughed. "no kidding?"
"no realy! he was so sweet. and it's lonely without any dragons to talk to here."
"and he's your..." i let the sentence hang.
i nodded. "may i ask his name?"
"yes! he called himself thunderhawk."
i smiled. typical man-name. a swoosh of wings behind me then a tail hit me and rolled me over. i jumped up to see a snarling figure with a deer in it's claws. i opened my wings and bellowed a challenge. he hit me. he actually had the ever to hit me. he responded to my challenge in kind. i launched into the air and landed on him. he whipped around and i jumped back. "that's thunder hawk!" my friend shouted. i lowered my wings but kept the snarl. "well then, Thunderbird, i have a message for you."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I stared into the flames, thinking. How was I able to think across time? It just didn't add up. There was something more to this world. I began planning. I would first have to bring Thunder forward. Then we would search for the hidden mysteries of Eden.
((Remember what Death did a page or two ago? This is what happens next. Can Nlaa really turn Clat around? Or is there something more sinister in the young dragon?))

Nlaa knew the way to Clat's cave. The dead have their ways. It was an easy trip, as far as he was concerned. Nlaa knew Twera had laid, as she had said as much last time they saw each other.
He saw Clat standing on a landing ledge, watching the horizon. She was so much like her mother. The tense muscles, the bright eyes. He landed next to her.
"Hello Clat."
"Who are you?" Her voice was deeper than he expected, deeper than his.
"I am your father, Nlaa." She turned away.
"I have no father. He died long ago."
"Yes, he did. He died to protect those he loved from the Shadows."
"The Shadows are not real. They are the dark thoughts of Man and the nightmares of Dragons. There is no stopping them."
"Then what do you mean by bringing your family and friends here?"
"Here they will find thed truth just as I have said. There is no conquering what you are. Purity and innocence last only so long. Sooner or later the ball must end. The sun must set."
"Each being conquers their Shadows in their own way."
"The Shadows cannot be conquered. The can only be held off for a little while. But they always return."
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(this is the present nemesis)
i sent a thought to twera. <i know how to bring thunder bac. but first i will explain what i did.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I was jerked out of my thoughts by Nem's message. <Really? How?>
((Bet you didn't see that bit between Nlaa and Clat coming))
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I nod at Twera.I just go to a bed and slowly drift into sleep.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Mizuko would be our last link to Earth. I noted his coloring. It wouldn't be hard to pass him off as a Dark Dragon.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
My body turns darker to almost black.Saying that I looked like a Dark Dragon.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I held the crystal, thinking. Why would Thunder give me such a gift if he didn't know what it did? Here, the unknown was to be feared.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I wake up and lock eyes on the crystal.My body turns back to its natural shade."What's that"I ask
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"It's a gift from my brother. I miss him terribly."
over a year ago ZeroSpark said…
Pierre Dragon and can transform into human. Human form is an African American with caramel skin with dark brown freckles and light brown hair that's like Justin Bieber's.
Pierre Dragon and can transform into human. Human form is an African American with caramel skin with
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Glad you could join us))
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(Justin Beiber? bla.)

<i can travel between this land and two others. i do so by a small gold scale. it can also sent my thoughts back in time. i told the young me to give a message to thunder. i can't remember what happens but i'm sure if think on it i could.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<I hope Thunder is ok. Listen to me, worrying over my older brother. I do wish I knew what the Shadows WERE.>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
<i know.they are the fears and mistakes of creatures. the unicorns started it.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<I've never even seen a unicorn. Mother didn't really mention them much>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
<purity. that is what they are. the complete opiset of shadows. the shadows originated from them, then grew on other sins. i've seen them. i met a funny one, he was called lightfoot.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I prodded the heather into a more comfortable shape. <Nemesis, where did Dragons and Men come from. Mother never told me those stories. She always said I'd know the truth when the time was right. I know I'm sounding like a silly hatchling, but, agewise, that's all I am.> I could feel tears, hot and wet, filling my eyes. <I know I was chosen by thed Great Ones, but why?>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
<it is said, that some lives are linked across time. connected by an ancient calling. destiny.the great ones and the being were not the first powerful forces. that i know about them is one of the reasons why i am cursed. to say nothing. i am afraid i cannot tell you, other than, 3 brothers.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<Nem, ever since Thunder was sent back, I've been able to keep talking to him. He's trying to see if the past holds answers, I think.>
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
"I know where the Shadows are"I say"I hate going back to earth but I have to"I say"I'm gong back to earth tommorow no questions asked and maybe you could go with me"I sat
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"I cannot go back," I told him. Impressive as his power was, we could not travel together.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
< perhaps it is the bond between brothers and sisters.> i make sure clat is asleep then fly to twera's cave. i catch the last bit of the ale's sentance and say, "i can go."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Are you sure you want to risk it? What about Isik?"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
My eyes reach Nemesis"Okay but I have to"I say"I be right back"I let my wings loose and took off,flying past Nemesis.I charge straight into the water and slam into my way to get back to earth.I fly around the shoot water on one of the shadows.I see the ones I froze still in there place.I change into the human form,and charge into battle.I start climbing a building,stabbing my foot into the brick concrete.I get to the top and see a mob of shadows.I pull my bow and launch for arrows,explosive arrows.They hit their mark and their heads look my way,but I slam my foot on the roof make some of it collapse.I swing my way in before they see me.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I lay on m bed of heather, trying not to worry.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
"i'll be back." i assured twera. i concentrated and shimmered. then shimmered on earth. i shook my head and stared at the shadows. i shoot icicles at them and take into the air. i swipe my tail at one and it falls to the ground. they hadn't changed their ways. still the same formations. i snap a neck then tell (whatever his name is) to come back. i'd seen enough to give a report.then i shimmer and come back to twera's cave. "simple as that for me. 3rd nature for me."
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"What's it like? How bad is it? Be honest?"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I don't come back,I run across then I know first hand their's no way we can defeat them on a first line attack.I vapor travel back on Eden right near Twera."My same description of it last time.Horrible the shadows are still in their old ways.I'm" say
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
My face fell. If the Shadows were still in their old ways, Earth would soon cease to exist.
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
((Damn internet's P*ssing me off, been dead since my last post, now I have to get in here from school>:())

"Ye-owch, Was that Nemesis? Why'd she have to do all that, and how the hell did she get back here in the first place?" I set the deer down for Ketna and, after briefly asking her if she needed anything else, I fly off to see what I can do. You can do what ever you want. Well, let's find some Dwarves.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I touched the crystal, in need of reassurance. For some strange reason, I was unable tosense Thunder.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(past nem) i turn to ketna ans asked, "is he usually that dull?"
she shook her head no. "would you like to share the deer?" i smiled. ketna knew it was n my nature to fight anyone, and so knowing that, left me alone about fighting thunder. "maybe just a leg." i pulled off a front leg then swallow it whole. "so how has your life been?"
"same.i'l come back tonight if you don't mind." she nodded and i took off. by the time i caught up with thunderhawk i was out of breath. he was fast and a long way away. he ave me a strange look. "what?" i asked. "how did you get here?" he asked me. "i flew."
"no." he sounded angry. "how did you go back in time?"
"i didn't. look, i don't know you but one of my ancestors told me to give you a message from twera."
"twera!?!? why wouldn't she just tell me?"
"i don't know!" i snapped. " it sounded to me that she didn't have this 'twera's' permission. now, the message was something like, 'don't stress out. anything you do in the past seals the fate of the future. just chill out thunderbird. if you panic you could end up not going back.' and yes, she did say 'bird'"
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(ummmmm. did i miss something? nemesis told her old self to give that message to thunderHAWK and she said it was from twera to get him to listen.)

(present nem) "are you ok twera?"
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Oops. I'll just delete that one, then.))
"I'm fine, really. No need to worry. It's not like I'm about to lay or anything." I winced. I'd nearly forgotten those early days.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(("you're so pretty" (inside joke))

"ya. well i'm gonna check on isik." <hope he didn't do anything stupid. if he did i am giving him to your care twera>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<Considering the last hatchling I took care of ran off for a year, that might not be a very good plan.> I laughed to myself.
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
((It's a miracle, my internet decided to come back(Knock on wood), every time I make a complaint public the problem seems to fix itself to make me look like an incompetent whiner.))

"Ah, so the current you is visiting Eden at this point, and someone, most likely the you from the time were I belong, gave you the message you relayed to me." I gave a satisfied snort. All this time travel crap is easier that I would have expected. "So, do you have any news about one called 'Isik'?" I ask. Geez, I thought the female was supposed to be the one always worrying.