Dragons Adventures in Eden, RP (sequel to fight back, RP)

greekgirlA posted on Mar 10, 2012 at 01:36PM

A new life awaits, earth is no longer a hoe for dragons. They must now face a long and tiring quest. A quest to ft in and find new homes in the new world they live in. That world is called Eden. Join the Alliance as they attempt to fit in this new and strange world.
Are you one of the dragons/humans that accompanied the Alliance to the new world?
Are you one of Eden's inhabitants?

if you wish to join:
bio(if wanted):

Oh, and we do not know anything of the creatures of Eden. So be anything, but remember; Earth is the world for humans.

Rules.I hate rules. So, no rules. But be nice or someone will report you.

Dragons 2708 replies

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over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
and the finished thing
and the finished thing
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
finished Thunder

next I`ll do Clat and I need to know well everything about her starting with who dose she look like Nlaa or Twera what is her base color ,eye color etc.
finished Thunder 

next I`ll do Clat and I need to know well everything about her starting with who
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
((Clat is on the dainty side for a dragon. She's purple with lavender eyes. There isn't a lot of Nlaa in her, though))
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
(man! you are good! i loved all the dragons you drew! and what-ever-your-name-is, ya. join but i have a question to you and to alvin, were do you get the idea that dragons turn into humans? the only reason Nemesis is a horse is because she pissed the GO's off.or she got on the good side of the brothers. anyway she can't switch back....yet. other than that....)

<i already have a short plan.> i say to them. <and i have hosted death for fighting the shadows. and the fact that balance is gone....and that i'm her daughter...> i add the last bit as silently as i can, almost a mumble. i look at the brothers and they nod to me. the shift to vipers-snakes with wings- and fly out of the cave. i just manage to grow wings and show them to the cave. they wait outside and shift to griffins as i land in the cave. lucky them. i suppose they could turn into dragons if they wanted to break my heart. or piss me off.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I heard the griffins arrive. They carried themselves regally. My guess was that they were used to being the most powerful creatures here. I turned to them. "Welcome, newcomers, to what probably looks like the headquarters of thed Alliance. What are your names?" I said, keeping my voice brisk and official
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
they hiss at her and give me a sharp look. <these are the brothers!> i say hurriedly. <they have names but are impossible to translate to our language. i call them bro and brother. they created the being. who created the GOs. it was their idea to tun me into a horse. i give them a sharp look. the just lie down and cross their paws.
"we want to help you."
"restore the line of reality."
"to this world." they said, filling in each others sentence. <and they know the GOs weakness.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Well, since we have similar agendas, you may as well stay. But be warned: we do not take kindly to traitors. Betray us once, and you will not live to see a new dawn." I couldn't stop the anger from seeping into my voice. <That's good to hear, but I still don't trust them. Last time this happened was when the imposter brought us here.>
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
((Ha-ha, The color on Thunderhawk is perfect! I bow to your mastery.))

Thunderhawk: <So, what? You two are like the Titans? The banished parents of the gods?> I hate dealing with the hierarchy of greater beings. I take a closer look at the griffins. <You don't always take this form, do you?>

Ketna: <Aren't you being a little direct with them? These are not creatures to trifle with.> I say only to Thunder.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"These two are nothing like the Titans. They created the Being, the Creator."
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
" no."
"not." they said to thunder.
<yes. and that is the only thing the could create. one thing. so, the created something to create more. then they resigned to flitting around the world until the GOs trapped them on a deserted world, which, by the way, was made for dragons only.> i say to everyone, addressing twera's comment. then to only twera, <don't worry. they just want revenge then they'll leave.> i paused then said sadly, < i made sure of that.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<Good. At least the mistakes of tghe past won't be repeated.>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
<yes.> i say, not bothering to cover the sorrow in my mental voice. it was hard to keep the memory of the agreement from slipping out of my mental walls. part of it flashes out before i can detain it. i hope it was too fast for twera to see.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I caught a flash of memory from Nemesis. I clung to it, saving it for later scrutiny.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
"the only weakness of the GOs is that they think they know everything and they think they are the most powerful. we need to turn that on them. and use it to our advantage. "
"we will be an extra pair of claws for you. we haven't had potential fun in decades of centuries."
<yes. and if we bring them to us, we could have the home team advantage. make ourselves look weak so the come to crush us, then show them we are strong.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I turned away from the main group and headedd for the back of the cave, where I'd hidden the evil objects. I had cleaned a good many of them, and taken stock of every enchantment. "Perhaps these would be useful." I pulled a silver dagger from its shelf. The dagger had been charmed to heat the flesh surrounding the wound it caused, creating even more pain. It wasn't an object that belonged to those self-centered bastards, which meant it could hurt them.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
((Oh sorry about that anyway Mizuko is a little more snake then dragon.He has sea green emerald eyes and well you actually them he perfect))
<So we got a good chance of defeating them and think they're all powerful>I shake my head
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I started sharpening the dagger's blade. The rasp of stone on steel was familiar to the older dragons. "With these weapons, we cannot do anything but prevail," I said, focusing on the blade. The weapons I had not yet cleaned couldn't be used, but there were still plenty that could.
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
saw two sets of steal talons. i pointed them out and said, <if i were dragon i would claim those. i could even make them sto sharp and icy that they would cut scales like butter. but i'm not.> i gave a pointed look at the brothers. <the other materials will still be useful.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Of course they will," I said simply, interrupting Nem's thoughts. I examined the dagger's blade for a moment. It was perfectly sharp. I whispered several enchantments over the steel, then threw it towards the brothers. "If none of you object, I have a plan. The true enemy here is the Great Ones. If we eliminate them, everything returns to the way it should be." I pulled the long and lethal-looking sword from its shelf. The blade shone with strange magics underneath the rust. I ran the stone over the blade, the rasp unusually loud. I continued speaking, almost whispering. "Why fight the Shadows when they can help us? Their army is much llarger than our own. If we ally ourselves with them, there will be peace."
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
Thunderhawk: <Join the Shadows?!> Grrr, everything's turning upside down, but the most irritating part is that I can't find a flaw in these strange plans. <Well then I guess we should see what's going on back on Earth. I'll go check what the drones have found, and maybe design some crystal weapons for you to enchant.> But shall we be the brave saviors of a world held by overbearing fiends, or shall we be cast down like Lucifer for daring to challenge god?
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I continued to sharpen the sword, a smile playing around my mouth. It was understandable if they didn't trust my idea. I was, after all, the youngest. I knew they didn't like my talent. They resented that they could hide no secrets from me. But that would change. Once the Great Ones were overthrown, my mission would be complete.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I growl and diamond talons our on my feet"I use my weapons diamond"<Join the Shadows good idea I guess>I say my mental voice full with calm and patience<GO having a conversation a argument Time just nvM>
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I stopped for a moment so I could think. Mizuko wouldn't be happy about my leaving, but I had no choice. Thunder and Clat probably wouldn't like it either. If I could stay, I would. But there were other worlds that neededd my help.
((She's not as careful about keeping her mind closed. Anyone could eavesdrop))
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
Back at the computer, I check the readings from the drones on Earth. That's weird, we got a signal that is reading as Twera's life-force... Try locking on. I switch the screens from showing data to actual footage from the drones' cameras. And... There. the cursor is locked onto a human's pocket.Now I wonder what that could mean.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Is something wrong, Thunder?" I asked, moving towards the bank of shiny machines.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I stop and fly out the cave,holding a diamond dagger in my mouth. I close my mind and start thinking. I could help other worlds but then I have something else to do...<I'm about to go on a hunt>I say to Twera and take off. I go to one of my favorite hunting areas and grab a deer in my talons and deliver the fatal blow with my diamond dagger, it turning into a sword. I grab another deer with my talons and do the same thing. I cook them and fly back to Twera's cave with them floating beside me
I stop and fly out the cave,holding a diamond dagger in my mouth. I close my mind and start thinking.
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
"Ah, well, according to these readings, this human has you in her pocket. perhaps you did leave a scale behind after all. Of course, what that means to you is beyond me."
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
??? (only Twera can hear this): "Your words are not meant for me! It’s as if I don’t exist! As if you don’t care that an entire world is covered in darkness, and is dying!”
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
i had stayed quite. i, after all, had lived with the shadows. and they were compulsive, primitive, and only good at taking orders. not giving. no, they would unite with them, i would not. after all, they hate me for killing their arch general.
i toss my mane and say, <twera, f you don't mind, tell the shadows that i am dead. it would help you win them over. say you personally killed me. after all, i am a horse at the moment....and it is good to keep your temporary allies in the dark a tad. and a lesson of warfare: always, always, have a spare ace up your sleeve. now, i am thirsty, curse this horse need.> then i start down the mountain, stopping at a small stream. i drink my fill then run the rest of the way down. i keep running until i find the tunnel. in horse form, i can fit all the way in.
"ahhhhhhhhhhh, Nem-eee-sssisssss. to wh-aaa-t do-ooo i owwwe t-hhee pl-eeea-ssssssurr?" a voice hissed in the dark.
"hello Medusa. i believe i owe you a hunk of dragon meat?"
"y-eee-sssssss. buut y-oooou aaa-reeee a hooo-rossse. i d-ooo nooot eee-aat theeeeem."
" i know that. i offer you the flesh of a great one."
"oooooh? i woooo-uld nooot da-aare h-ooope for th-aaat...."
"it is true. gather an army, and they all shall get a portion of the bodies. meat, bone, flesh, scales, horns, you name it."
"hmmm. i....ac-sss-eeept."

(zero, u know what cake for.)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I send a thought to 10 my dragons friends that have been at Earth. "Yeah Yeah Yeah okay you're free to come back to Eden and bring the elites of the army"Their our 20 of flashes showing dragons that our my elites of my army<The elites of a army I had and they're also like 5,000 more that are in the army>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
posting for GOs third pov

they could not hide their metal thoughts that they send out for far away friends. the great ones hear a call for an army. "we should gather our own and help them. they must be fighting the shadows again." life said.
"no. they are not attacking them." said fire. "we must find out who they are attacking. and why they need help." said draco.
"i think i know." murmured water so low no one heard it.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I felt the anger behind that mysterious voice, but I tried to ignore it. "Yes, but why would a human pick it up? That scale has all sorts of magical properties."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I flap my wings hard <Wait Water is suspects something> I look at Twera <They heard my call for my army> I feel anger rise in me and Water the GO gets slammed into the wall by a hurricane
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
<Yes, why indeed, it is not my area of expertise... Regardless, the weapons I was thinking about: they aren't exactly the kind you can pick up and wield.> I store the still image and bring up a screen showing several diagrams and a rotating 3-D model of a strange machine. The device had three multi-jointed legs, a turntable waist, a fat body with two short, strong arms, and a flat head surrounded with eye-like cameras. <You see, the Great Ones can't kill what isn't alive to begin with, and I'm certain Life and Death would have the ability to instantly do so to any living thing we send after them.> I move the model front and center. <The arms can be modified to fit any weapon you can conceive, and a de-centralized processing system will allow components to function, even if the rest of the Mech is destroyed.> I give a small flick of my tail and wait for Twera's opinion.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
"Perfect. They'll never know what hit them."
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
"of if they do, they won't have time to dwell on it.> i told twera. backed out of the cave and started for twera's. i made sure to keep my conversation hidden, no need for them to now i was gathering my own attack force.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I smiled. This time we would prevaill and take back our own. But one thought was nagging me. <Thunder, how far back couldyou send someone?>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
reach the top of the mountain side and trotted into the cave.
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
<How far back... in time? You know that was a complete accident.> What are you getting at, Twera? <But most likely all the way back to the beginning; you would have to ask Mizuko, he went back and met me in the past, and brought Ketna forward. Of course, you would need some kind of reference point.> I start to nake some modifications to the blueprints for the Mechs, but I remember something. <Oh, I want to know if you can test this, see if it reacts to magic like a natural one.> 'It' is a synthetic diamond. <It should be fine, I didn't use any magic to make it, but I just want to be sure before I start mass-production.> I hand it to her, half hoping it would distract her from what ever she was planning.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I took the gem. I knew he was trying to distract me, but it wouldn't work. The nice thing about having such a powerful mind was that I could think of so many things at once. <Well, the tests shouldn't take more than a few hours. I'll save my memories when I'm done. In the meantime, would you be able to figure out how to send me back about nineteen years?>
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
I shrug, <Like I said, you would have to ask Mizuko, But I'll see if I can't build something to make the ride a little smoother.> Back nineteen years? Is she planning to... <Just remember, if you plan on changing the past, you could end up causing what you went back to prevent, or vise-versa.> No point voicing my suspicions, whether I'm right or wrong it would only upset her.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I shot a bolt of energy at the gem. <I know exactly what I have to do. I know exactly what happened to Mother and Father. Wouldyou like to comewith me?>
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
<twera....> i slowly interrupted the conversation, <the river of time is.....delicate. it only flows one way. even Time knows that. if you meddle too much, you will become a branch stuck in one place, not a pebble that bounces along with the flow. remember that. time is in fact, a bomb. it will go off at any moment and i know for a fact what the result of changing a major happening will cause.> i let it sink in then continue, <the river of time has many tributaries and may small detours. you may be able to dam time, but when it busts out it will go so fast time it's self will stop and then play back. it will go back to one place in time, and then replay the events. only the person who dammed it will know what happened, and that person will be a keeper of time. until he or she dies. trust me, you do not want that. so i will say it only once: be careful what you do in the past.> then i lay down and closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.
over a year ago Knowitall123 said…
who`s next ?
who`s next ?
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Time might be a river, but every river hides secrets. I knew exactly what happened to Mother and Father. Everyone had said they diedd in the attack, but no bodies were ever found. The neighbors found me, alone in the wreckage of Father's lab. I had spent nearly nineteen years wondering why no one found the bodies, and now the answer was staring me in the face. Someone had brought them forward in time
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
<Yes! exactly like Clat and Ketna, they both vanished, and later, knowing that they vanished, I, or Mizuko in Ketna's case, went and closed the loop by bringing them forward! Of course, Nemesis is right, what she described is one possible result of a paradox; the other things that could happen are far more frightening. It's extremely dangerous.> Pulling more beings out of their timelines... I fear unforeseeable consequences, but we already know they vanished... <I think it would be best for you to go alone, one dragon's harder to spot then two or three.>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<Perhaps I might be able to stop you from leaving as well.> What good could come out of this venture? I knew it was chaancy at best, but I had to do it. I knew I had to because I had already done it. Butg there was one problem that weighed heavily on my mind. <But before I go, could you run a test on me?>
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
<A test? What kind?>
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
<Eggs,> was all I said. I was worried. If I was carrying eggs, time travel could hurt them. I had to be sure before leaving.
over a year ago Zero_Delta said…
<Hmm, yes, I see why that would worry you. Give me a few moments...> That's embarrassing, running a pregnancy test on my own sister... I guess I'm the only one who can... I take a small blood sample and place it in the computer. <There, done. I don't see any of the typical hormone indicators, you're clean.>