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Quiz: How Well do You Know ’90s Disney Songs?

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Quiz: How Well do You Know ’90s Disney Songs?
Today we’re asking you to put your lyrical prowess to the test once again, this time in arguably the best decade ever. That’s right. Grab your scrunchies, chokers, and temporary tattoos, because we’re taking you back to the years that brought such films as
. And we’re asking you to fill in the lyrics from some of the most memorable Disney songs ever. Now, real talk, we know some of you have thought our trivia quizzes have been too easy of late. Well, we’ve tried to make this one extra tricky! So test your ’90s Disney movie knowledge and feel free to sing along!
♫ Far from fools made of of wax, I’ll get down to _____ _____ and relax, when I’m human again! ♫
♫ But we’re talking kings and _________ , even you can’t be caught unawares. ♫
♫ Eagle, help me feet to fly. ________, help my heart be great. ♫
♫ Who’d’ ya think you’re kiddin’? He’s the _____ ___ ______ to ya! ♫
♫ You must be _____ as the coursing river, with all the ____ of a great typhoon, with all the _____ of a raging fire. Mysterious as the dark side of the moon! ♫
♫ And that good people is why he got dolled up and dropped by with sixty elephants, ____ _____ !♫
♫ No sir, not me! I _______ __! I want much more than this provincial life! ♫
♫ Arabian nights ‘neath Arabian moons a fool ____ ___ ____ could fall and fall hard out there on the dunes. ♫
♫ With a nugget for my _____, and another one for me! And all the rest’ll go to the _____ _______! ♫
♫ So make a face that’s horrible and frightening. Make a face as gruesome as a ________ ____. ♫
♫ Softly _____ the sand below your feet now. ♫
♫ Where the crowds will cheer when they see my face and a voice keeps saying, ‘this is where I’m ____ __ _____.’ ♫
♫ Help me not to make a fool of me and to not _____ my family tree. Keep my father standing ____. ♫
♫ Life is your restaurant and i’m your ______! ♫
♫ From ______ _____ and ________ our Herc had cash to burn! ♫
♫ All of my life I have searched for a land like this one! A ______, more challenging country I couldn’t design! ♫
So you’re not an expert on ‘90s lyrics yet. We met your musical prowess is just around the riverbend! Try again!
We’re pretty sure you have all the strength of a raging fire when it comes to ‘90s lyrics. But just to be sure, take the quiz again!
You’re gonna be the main event, like no person taking a ‘90s lyrics quiz was before! Great job!
Tagged as: Aladdin (1992), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Mulan (1998), Pocahontas (1995), Tarzan (1999), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996), The Lion King (1994)
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