Dark Poetry Club
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posted by amoremusic
Bitterness is like a sickness.
At first the symptoms are mild.
Over time they fester and get worse.
Left untreated it spreads to others.
Love is the only cure.
Certain and for sure.
As if my words are of the pure.
But it doesn't matter.
Because I know.
I walked in that shadow.
I've been down that road.
I can't be angry with anyone.
No matter how hard I try.
All I can do if there intentions are to hurt and inflict pain.
Is to put a wall between us.
Separate my body from my soul.
The heart follows.
Resting my head upon the gallows.
If you want it, take it.
But my love I own.
posted by ALittleMischief
I know some people do not like the idea of darkness, but that is reality. There is darkness in the light. You can't control it, without darkness there wouldn't be light. My club is about expressing dark feelings that you rather do on paper than to yourself. Would you won't a bunch of teen doing bad things to themselves or write it down? what seems better? Write or Do? For me its write. My club is also for curious souls wondering about dark poetry. Also you don't find tons and tons of clubs about dark poetry. I think people who are against the fact dark poetry is better than actually hurting yourself do not know what us humans are capable now adays.