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EW: Vote For The Hottest Vampire!



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fanfly said:
Ack! Ed*gag*ward is winning! Please, people- vote for Spike! Or at least Angel- as much as I don't like him he's still way better than Edward Cullen.
posted over a year ago.
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no hes not so get over urself Edward is so much better
posted over a year ago.
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fanfly said:
^^ Yet another polite response from a Twilight fan. :/

@kitten_123, Feel free to insult Angel and Spike, but please don't insult me by telling me to get over myself. My dislike of Edward is not a personal insult directed at you- it's an opinion and *newsflash* I'm entitled to my own opinion.
Sorry if I sound harsh but I'm tired of being personally attacked by Twihards when I express my dislike for Twilight.
posted over a year ago.
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im with fanfly
Twilight sucks
I like Spike
posted over a year ago.
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i do love twilight but edward is nooooower near as amazing as angel or even spike, actually im quite happy that eric is doing rather well id like him to surpass edward as well!
posted over a year ago.
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babybell said:
I have a dream one day people will realize that RPattz isn't that fit :P
posted over a year ago.
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hes only hot as edward hes so not good looking without the makeup and accent!
posted over a year ago.