Twilight Movie Movie Sucked?

Seleh posted on Nov 21, 2008 at 08:47AM
So I feel like I just wasted two hours of my life on something that I felt was going to be spectacular.
What the hell did I just watch?
The scenes were all out of place, and as for them "sticking to the book", they really didn't very well.
I laughed through-out the whole thing, because I couldn't help but make fun of it. The book's corny, sure, but it's a sweet, non annoying kind of corny, while the movie is just flat out in-your-face cheesy and gross. The actor who played Edward, NobodyWhatsHisFace, was TERRIBLE and was definately not portrayed right. There was no brooding to him, it was all mostly light and easy going. There was hardly any romance, just awkward scenes between the two of them.

I believe that any true Twilighter could not possibly enjoy this movie.

How could Stephanie Meyer let this happen?!?!?!?!

The only good thing I can say about the movie is that Alice and Jasper were dead sexy, and I thought they were both great as their characters.

P.S. I love how Eric was suddenly a gay asian! WASN'T EXPECTING THAT ONE! aaaaahaha.

And is it just me or did Edward look WAY constipated in the biology scene when he smelled her.

And since when is Bella.. umm.. Not clumsy and totally okay with guys hitting on her?
She wasn't even phased by Mike and Eric, and Mike didn't follow her around all lost puppy dogish.

Details are what makes the story, people. ROMANCE is what makes the story, and it was just you know, two people kinda arguing with eachother and two minutes later it's like I LOVE YOU. YOU SILLY LAMB.

God the lamb and the lion part was terrible.

sigh =[

One more thing, and please, PLEASE, bear with me on this. They didnt even really have to play out them doing cutesy romantic stuff to show that they were in love. They could have just done a five minute little like.. Slide show sort of thing with them spending time together as time passes, so we KNOW that it all didnt just happen in five minutes. Alls they did was them in the forest staring at eachother like creepers.

I know this isn't Edward's lullaby from the movie, so don't geek out on me please, but it's a beautiful song that fits them perfectly, and I'm just saying this is all they had to do.

Please watch. In my opinion, it does more for me than the movie did.

-end rant-
last edited on Nov 24, 2008 at 11:54PM

Twilight Movie 81 replies

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over a year ago michii89 said…
Yeah, I agree with you, Seleh.
My expectations were also maybe a bit too high.
Scenes were mixed up and I expected more romance, and not all the awkward stuff.
In the book it is so much deeper than I saw in the film and it is soo disappointing. I also missed the Alice-friendship and the clumsyness(she only slipped ONCE in the meadow scene).
If you haven't read the book, the movie confuses you. I think it is only fun to go if you actually read the book, and even then it will be a bit disappointing.
Even though the movie wasn't living up to my expectations, I look forward to New Moon.
Why? Because there will be a new director for this film.
So maybe then the scenes will finally be put in the correct order and maybe that one wouldn't be so vague as Twilight.
over a year ago michii89 said…
And since when is Jasper looking so weird out of his eyes?
Everytime I looked at him I couldn't stop laughing!
over a year ago Seleh said…
Jasper was more attractive to me than Edward!

Thank you all for your comments, whether you agree with me or not!

I would just like to remind all of you that the whole VAMPIRE stuff wasn't really in there. Sure, there were vampires, and a little about their backround, but what movie do we have to wait for when Bella starts to discuss the HOWS AND WHENS of when she does? They skipped out the part where she asks Alice about it, and we got no details into it except her saying she wants to be one. Whooppp-dee-dooo. Not to mention they dont talk about 'doing it', which let's face it, with every new book we were like 'DO THEY DO IT YET?!' and honestly it was such a big part that they should have put it in. Sure, a bunch of younger teens were going to see it, but REALITY CHECK, they probably already read the books, therefore they know all about them doing it.


Hells to the yes. The new director can't possibly fail as much as Catherine.
over a year ago mcewen_girl said…
^^I didn't agree with you about the movie but I do agree with u about Catherine! I'm SOO ecstatic about the new director! Cause even though I LOVED the movie and better director could have made it like 5 million times better!
over a year ago spivian said…
A new director!! That's so awesome! How do you know?
over a year ago michii89 said…
I've read it on the Stephenie Meyer site!
Here's the link:
over a year ago currry said…
yeah,the movie sucked.honestly i was vry vry disappointed..esp edward.and bella in the movie was...weird.after readin the book i was dying to watch the movie it kept me anticipated for like one week but when i watched it what i felt was utter disappointment.the movie was nothin like the book.
how could stephenie meyer let this happen??!!
i want a different version!!
over a year ago Seleh said…
I agree Currry
over a year ago angeljayne said…
Ive read all the books and am obsessed with them of course. Ive seen the movie 4 times and I must say it gets better the more times you watch it.....and I really do appreciate Catherine Hardwickes arty raw approach to the story. I even like the sombre music and almost disjointed editing. I thought it was a very mature interpretation. It could have easily become a commercial streamlined spoon fed love story for the masses - but she managed to give it an arthouse edge. I even made my husband watch it (who hates gooey love story movies) - and even he got the directors vision and enjoyed it! and now wants to come to the sequel.
Ive pulled apart the movie, acting, music and scenes in everyway possible - and I still come up happy with the end product in the four times Ive seen it. Im even going for a fifth time this week with a friend who hasnt been able to see it yet. Am kinda disappointed Catherine isnt directing the rest as I enjoy her raw approach (but then again I really liked her other pieces of work - Thirteen, Lords of Dogtown) so I get her vision and understand how she tries to bring some truth to the characters.
What I find interesting is how many comments Ive read saying the movie is cheesy. Im all about cheesy movies, love stories and will cry at the drop of a hat with gooeyness.....but I didnt cry once during this and found that that I was more moved by their ever growing intensity for eachother rather then my heart fluttering and myself becoming a blubbering mess....the movie left me wanting more....which is probably why Ive watched it so many times!
I think the movie could have used more dialogue between Edward and Bella. I adored watching them interact and wanted to hear more and more of their conversations and ever growing sexual tension. Thats the only thing I think it lacked.....
but I do recommend watching it again to anyone who may have been disappointed the first time. The 2nd time round things come together better..
over a year ago HarryPotterFan said…
Sorry it's a little late but I only saw the movie yesterday in the UK and the one word that comes to mind when describing the film is: rushed.
*Takes a deep breath*
This is gonna be a long’un..
I really tried to be objective when watching the film; to appreciate it as a separate entity from the book but I just couldn’t. Book to film adaptations have always been disappointing – I have no doubt they will continue to be. Anyway sorry to transgress, back to my point, the screenplay (the parts that were left in the movie that is) was laughable and the acting sometimes was definitely below par in my opinion. Is it just me or does when Edward/Robert is introducing himself to Bella, he just sounds British?
I have two main criticisms. The first is I felt dialogue was too obvious.I believe Meyer writes with subtlety and deliberate slowness. To be fair, I read Rosenberg’s supposedly complete screenplay and it has good development and depth, however there were too many scenes cut from the movie.
I know, I know. A movie cannot possibly stay completely true to a book’s plot and it must be compressed otherwise it would be a 4+ hour film (I wouldn’t have minded seeing this version if it was better than the current). By cutting out crucial development scenes, lost are the little details that captured the essence of the book i.e. wretched angst and Bella’s constant self-deprecating attitude. Some parts were incredibly corny, I laughed out loud at the biology when Edward is gagging/covering his nose. I found myself cringing multiple times.
My second key criticism is how absolutely rushed the film felt. A guy and girl meet, guy dislikes girl, BAM they fall in love. So when Edward announces he has been watching her sleep for months, there’s a vibe of psychopath instead of an intrigue for her and her thoughts. I was literally incredulous about how little development there was. To quote from an article by odd-duck: “They went from animosity to inseparable in what felt like 12-seconds-flat, leaving the impression that this was just a bad case of puppy love (or lust).” (link)
I really missed the “blood-typing” scene, they left it out because they were too many scenes similar to it I think. But I would have liked to see Edward play the hero again, and to enjoy the ironic content of the scene. I also sorely missed the canteen scenes when it’s just Edward and Bella to a table, and I wish they had fleshed out the hotel scene to develop Alice and Bella’s relationship.

Smaller criticisms now and I might be being pedantic to highlight these but still... I know they had a small budget but they couldn’t have edited out the noticeable outer ring of Robert’s contact lenses? And as for the “sparkling”, I was prepared for the worst but it wasn’t horrific although it reminded me of someone smothering Rob in gold glitter.

Believe it or not, I do have some praise for the movie. I have the highest respect for the people involved in scouting out the locations. Most of the natural locations included were stunning.
Additionally, I loved the depiction of certain scenes:
1)The baseball scene was amazing in terms of visual effects and the building of tension.
2)The scene where Bella explains to Charlie why she has to leave was heart-rending; I felt this was one of the best acted scenes of the whole movie.
3)The final scene at prom under the lights, a true indulgence for my inner romantic.
4) I also loved the part where Edward and Bella are in the truck trying to get away from James, well executed and well directed.
5)The kissing scene = Wow. They went further than I thought they would.
6) I loved all the elements of the battle scene and again great acting.
I’m fond of some of the little touches such as Edward hacky-sackying(?) the apple as well as Edward’s “killer look” in Port Angeles.

I have to hand it to Rosenberg; she knows how to deliver the jokes. On more than one occasion I was laughing, and not because of the corniness. My favourites are:
1)Edward: Sex, money, sex, money, cats
2)Tyler: I’m sorry Bella, I’m really -
*Charlie yanks curtain*
3) Jessica: She was right about this halter, it does look great.
Later.. Bella points out Jess’ cleavage at prom.
4) Charlie: Alright, bring him in.
*Cocks rifle*
5) Rene: Are you being safe?
Did anyone else notice when Billy Black gave the weirdest evil eye to Edward as they pass in the road? Haha.

Finally to unleash the fangirl in me, Rob looked so HOT in the scene where he and Kristin are sheltering from rain under trees, and Taylor looked pretty good too *swoon*.

I acknowledge my view is biased as I’ve read the book and so compared it to the film but I went with 2 friends who had not read the book and they both agreed the film lacked depth and development. Okay so now I’ve expressed all my criticisms, I’ll watch the movie again and try to enjoy it more, focusing on the positive aspects. When it comes out on DVD, I hope they include a whole lot of the missing scenes in the extras.
Right, this is just my opinion, please don’t hate me those who love the movie.

Edit: watched the movie again, MUCH better the second time round
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago GONZOLAND said…
It's a pre-teen girls movie...My girlfriend asked me to see it with her...I just laughed in her face and told her i got 2 words for you and the 2nd one is
Want a good vamp film then see LOST BOYS or QUEEN OF THE DAMNED,not this pile of pre-teen gibberish.
Oh...There one good point to the movie...PARAMORE did the sound track...Apart from that....PILE OF SHITE!!!.
To all that have not seen it...Dont waste your cash on this film get one of the book's(or a better vamp subject).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago EdwardCullen5 said…
i liked the song but u can not say that Edward and belles relationship was not active they were together all the time and so what if they did not have a sexual relationship that is not what a relationship is it is about someone loving you and you loving them back if u think different than that is your opinion but in my opinion it was a good movie for like 9 year old to so that they could watch it not the just the older girls and guys but twlight was the best movie i ever saw well 1 of the best movies i ever saw i am so in love with Robert Pattinson a.k.a. Edward Cullen he is so hot and sexy
over a year ago kiki15 said…
I really really liked the movie. Of course the book was better but I think they did a really gr8 job. I still think the sparkle scene could've been better but it still was good overall. In my opinion :)
over a year ago Xo-lamb-OX said…
i agree with Seleh ROb was not Edward worthy and al in al the movie sucked compared to the movie
over a year ago molly0000 said…
i agree mostly with seleh and cascalia after reading responses. they both have the best points. i know after reading the book you would expect more but still the movie was not THE STORY of TWILIGHT. it just seemed like a little love story between a vampire and a girl. had no involvement with the book. i do think the movie was okay just because the fact that i dont compare it to the book. the book of course was great and yes i was expecting a great movie but i understand why it wasnt what i thought it would be.
everyone has their own opinion so no one should put others down. just because one thought the movie was great and the other thought it sucked does not mean that one should criticize the other. it just happens that seleh thinks the movie sucked and she explained why. good enough for me.
to sum it up im not gonna expect for new moon to be all that great. for 1 edwards not in it and the movie is mostly about jacob (yuck!!)
AND 2 as twilight, the book was good but the movie did not relate at all. the best news it that steven strait may be the new jacob.....awesome

i'll really be looking forward to eclipse and breaking dawn though. hopefully they won't screw the story up so much.

p.s sorry for talking so much but twlight did have some good scenes.
my favs were 1= the baseball scene of course, ALICE!!!! duh her motions were soo cool
2= bella's lullabye. robert pattinson played "goodnight my angel" soo good, i wish it were really him playin if it wasn't. it sounded like his own version but it was soooo pretty. i think that was the best scene that shows edward and bella's chemistry.

well theres my opinions
over a year ago hitman11 said…
AMAZING FILM, i just think ur a liiiiiiiiiittle bit obbsessive...
over a year ago LittleMissMetal said…
I think I need to see the film again, probably on DVD by myself to make a proper decision on it.

Overall I thought it was quite a good film though. I liked Robert and Kristen, some of the scenes felt odd but I think that was the directing not the acting.

The only acting problem I had with the whole film was James. He is supposed to be a lethal and sadistic killer, and for me I felt he had all the intimidating presence of a wet mop. Again, this could be bad casting which is not his fault, but I just didn't like him at all. Victoria, on the other hand I felt managed to be completely menacing with very little dialogue or time on screen - and I think their entrance at the baseball game was good.

Yeah, the Edward Bella relationship could have used a bit more work, but they only had two hours.

However, I did like a lot of the little things. When they come in to school the first day Edward picks her up, and he has his arm round her and says the "going to hell completely" line - nice touch. Also, the kiss was good, and I did like the Meadow scene, surprisingly, especially the "As if you could outrun me" part.

Oh and the "money, sex, money, sex... cats" line - genius :)

I think Alice and Bella's friendship was summed up in the quickest way they could do it - we know about Alice's ability and when she says "We'll be great friends" I think you're just supposed to assume that's what will happen in the next films.

My fave scene was probably the baseball scene - superb choice of song with Supermassive Blackhole! - and I did actually really like the scene at the Cullen's house with all the Italian gags.

Not as good as the book, which it never would be, but I don't think it was that bad. It could have been better, but there was room for it to be a heck of a lot worse aswell.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Crow_Girl1990 said…
The actors took on different characters than were in the book. in a way they portrayed what they thought the charcters to be. if you get my flow. With the proper direction they would have nailed the parts a lot better. I think Stephanie should have been more involved, espically with the development of the characters and the casting. I definitely don't think kristen stewart was the best pick for Bella. She did the job but it wasn't the best job. Has anyone else noticed that in at least three of her films taht i can remember she uses the same style of acting. She is always some sort of depressed teenager or character. I thought Bella got a little happier throughout the book and the series and i don't think Kristen Stewarts style is going to fit that. And what was up with Edward and Bella having no chemistry? The movie definitely should have focused more on the action part of the movie. Oh well it was a low budget film and with the popularity and some what successfulness of the movie, they will have a bigger budget for the next movie, and hopefully we will see an improvement
over a year ago Crow_Girl1990 said…
By the way Chris Weitz is the new director. He directed the Golden Compass and has produced a numerous amount of movies. I don't think he will have the same artsy raw approach as Hardwicke did but he will most likely cater to the mainstream teeny boppers. My hopes are not very high, but hopefully New Moon will be better.
over a year ago tearsushead said…
What made it BAD for me was? lets start with the charters, in the book they're described as beautiful(lol) um no. Carlisle nice dye job you could see his roots!! not beautiful, Rosalie Beautiful? (lol) another bad dye job and talk about junk in the trunk beautiful um no. Alice true to charter, Emmet good, Ense didn't have that beautiful, kind, motherly look at all, Bella ok she's just an average human girl, but what was with her bad dye job at times it looked like there where huge chunks of punk rocker red in it? did they even have a hair and makeup person on the set or did the cast have to do it them selves? Edward couldn't find much wrong there except the acting wasn't on but that went for the whole cast Jasper!!! LMAO omg what was wrong with that guy put a pair of antlers on his head, put him out in the road and shine some headlight on him he constantly looked like he'd seen a ghost come on dude your a freaking vampire for cryin out loud!!! the Indians all good, Charlie good, Bella's Mom no wasn't at all like the book version. The camera angles were horrible the scenes that just kinda hung there between Edward and bella, ie bedroom scene and tree top scene didn't work for me and why one earth did her call her a tree monkey?????? that was just plain dumb. So all in all it came across like a really bad after school special and I felt so let down. In closing I also agree with all the other reasons that everyone else has stated for the disappointment from this flick. thank you for bearing with me.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL well I don't feel like writing a super long response on all of the reasons why I LOVED the Twilight movie right now, but I totally LOVED it, I have seen it three times in theatres so far and soon to be four and it really does get better every time!!!!

As far as the actors who played the characters, I pretty much loved them all, Kristen as Bella was the only one I wasn't sure about, but she pulled it off in the end, Carlisle is EXACTLY how I pictured him and totally amazing, and they really all are!!!! Personally I really loved it...:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago moneygirl said…
hey this is alyssa fuk bitch if you think dat movie suks it is juss you because robert is so hot and yo not talk shyt man i luv him man i would do anything to be wit him
over a year ago melandjim4eva said…
It's not as good as the book that's for sure, but i did still enjoy it. There was a couple of things that bothered me like; There was not enough Edward and Bella scenes. You didn't see how her friendship developed with Alice. They left out some really good scenes. But oh well i still enjoyed the movie, and loved Edward, and especially loved Emmett.

over a year ago HeatherR said…
For me, this movie was utterly painful. I enjoyed the books so much, that i was really hoping that the movie would just knock my socks off, but i was very dissapointed. To think that they could have made an epic movie series out of it, picked a better cast, and made it a wonderful story, and then to watch it choke! *cry* I hope they dont further destroy it by trying to make a new moon movie.
over a year ago bibi87 said…
It was easier for me to watch this - link - than sit through the movies. It captured all the highlights and I hope there's one for New Moon.
over a year ago DemiFan4Ever said…
im gonna see it
over a year ago mookins said…
True fans hate the movie .
The actors were fine, i blame the director, whom has been fierd! :)
over a year ago hayleyln said…
Were you obsessed with Twilight? To be in with a chance to win a trip to visit the set of the sequel, in Italy, for free go to the T4 website this weekend.
over a year ago carr81190 said…
over a year ago Freya96 said…
over a year ago SpunkyOne said…
Okay I know I am coming in a bit late to this conversation but I thought I would add my two cents anyway.

I had never heard about twilight until it came onto the movie circuit. I also never got to watch it at the movies (due to moving to a new town at the same time etc) so waited for it to come out on DVD. At the same time (unlike LOTR) there was no real excitment in me to watch the movie until one day I read someones post where they had just bought the DVD and had already watched it 10 times. So I thought to myself it must be good then.

I went and got out the movie and after watching it thought to myself what was all the hype about. No ways could I watch this over and over (at least not the way I watch LOTR).

My niece's father recently purchased her the book series and so I borrowed and started reading. The first one took me 2-3 days to read because I already knew the storyline from the movie, but Wow!! what a difference between the two. I have to say I was enthralled with the book. When I got to 'New Moon' I read it in one day and then forced myself to read the other two at a much slower pace.

I have now purchased the DVD and watched it 3 times and I have to admit the movie version is growing on me each time but at the end of the day you cannot compare the two. Reading a book allows you so much more detail and in-depth character that you cannot always portray in a movie. Also production costs play a large part in the making of the movie. The fact that Twilight started out as a low budget movie says it all. I honestly feel that if you had the budget and directorship, production crew etc that you had in the LOTR you would have seen a totally different take on the movie. I also feel that we will see a difference in 'New Moon' due to the fact that they now realise just how big the 'Twilight' series can be. I certainly hope so.

Overall though I loved the choice of actors/actresses for the characters and I love Robert Pattinson in the role of Edward. I can't wait for 'New Moon'.