Twilight Movie Edward/ Robert

mandapanda posted on Jun 08, 2008 at 04:25AM
Robert Pattinson is very shy on camera usually, but one interview he had with G4 was very informative. He was talking like he was Edward, and he explained what the character thought of himself. I think he will do an amazing job. He gets into the roll, researches on the part. he read Midnight Sun, which he got from Stephanie Meyers, so. I say, its in the bag. I think he will do great. The MTV scene that was released, you could see the strong emotion Edward is supposed to have, and he portrayed that incredibly. I feel that he will do an amazing job as I said. Please, those who dont think he will do a decent job, give him a chance.

*please comment, do you agree?*

Twilight Movie 4 replies

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over a year ago surfen_cutie09 said…
i agree extremely
i saw that interview you are talking about, and i know for sure he will do a great job. See there are alot of actors that are shy on camera and do a great job, and RObert will be one of them

i was happy to find out he read midnight sun so he could get a feel for edward, he is really trying
i love him already lol
over a year ago mzteriusgurl said…
OMG! he got to read midnite sun!?!!?!?! LUCKEEEEY!!!! lol
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
geez no kiddin y dont we get 2?????????????????? i think that they couldve done better in his looks (cuz no offence but in some of the pics he just looks weird 2 me, but then again, on the trailer he was totally hot :)) but i saw the interview 2 and i think he'll b great!!
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
I agree aswell! He is putting sooo much into the role of Edward and I love him for it :)