The Winx Club Winx club season 5 and winx movie 2:magic is back rumors.

pandawinx posted on Nov 10, 2009 at 06:25PM
Hi everyone! :)

I've been hearing a lot of strange and funny rumors about winx S5 and the second film, and thought you might like to hear them. (Warning: Soem fo rumors could be true, so please prepare yourself if you don't like spoilers)

Winx movie: the magic is back rumors:
1. That the movie will be set in Domino and Gardinia. (So no alfea?)
2. That it will be out in Italy around chrismas 2010 but if your American or English we'll all have to wait to 2011......In novemeber, fun times waiting, Lol! :)
3. Roxy will only play a brief part in it and not be part of the main character. (Sorry roxy fans, it might not be true.)

Winx fifth season rumors:
1. Clarice, Alice and their other friends will be back......As rivals, Nice thing to do to people who forgave you for trying to injure Flora Clarice, nice one! o.0 (Does this mean they'll meet up again at Alfea?)
2. Roxy will be the new leader of winx. (If thats true then the third winx movie rumor must be false or the other way around and this rumors not real)
3. Bloom will become queen of domino.
So what do you think of these rumors? confirmed truths or just stupid lies spread around the world? I'll leave it up to you guys to decide. :)
(PS if you know any other rumors please let me know.)

-Pandawinx. :)

The Winx Club 78 replies

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over a year ago smg09 said…
i know 4 sure there is gonna be a 4th season soon then after that there will be 2nd movie that they r already working on but idk about season 5 i'll have to wait til season 4 is at least starting in english cuz i just found out season 4 just ended in italy 2 days ago so its only a mater of time til it airs on 4kids tv but idk i heard 4m an online source its coming out on the 21st of this month nov. 21 but idk it might be a rumor so i'll have to find out more yay season 4 in english finally as 4 ur winx movie: the magic is back rumors those seem to be all true and as 4 winx fifth season rumors all of them seem true except 4 rumor number 2 although i like roxy i dont think she will ever be the winx's leader but idk i guess we will just have to wait and see ^_^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Yeah, thanks for answeirng. :)
-Pandawinx. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icychill1223 said…
oh smg09, there is a winx club season 4 out... ive been watching it on youtube. but its in italian but its still good =)
over a year ago smg09 said…
i know its on youtube in itallian but the english version is coming soon cuz the 4th season ended in italy so its gonna come here soon yay ;D
over a year ago pandawinx said…
big smile
Aprantly its coming in Novemeber, but its almopst December so I'm in sad doubt, but I'm sure it'll come soon! :)
over a year ago TheAncient1 said…
I think it's supposed to come out next november :)
over a year ago pandawinx said…
I hope your right, I'm certainly not waiting until 2011! Lol! XD
-Pandawinx. :)
over a year ago insaneaboutwinx said…
I hope they make both of them. I don't know for sure about the rumors, but I think it would be weird to have Roxy as the main character, she just joined the series.

also, I hope Nabu comes back as a sort of a ghost to Aisha/Layla (kind of like Daphne to Bloom)
over a year ago catiekat said…
its coming in november thats 12 months away or 11
over a year ago catiekat said…
over a year ago lightrain said…
i did not like the finishing of season 4.........
layla/aisha being alone and single??
come on.......everyone else is happy except her......nabu should come back if there is new movie or season
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Dear lightrain,

Totaly agree! You've raised a key point there. However, theres got to be more to it than that....After all, Layla was the only official winx to get her boyfriend in late s3.....
-pandawinx. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pandawinx said…
single people can be happy too, i believe, i feel much free with my mates and my family than i do with any guy. But this is just my oppinion.

-pandawinx. :)
over a year ago MioWinx said…
hello girls ! well I dont know if its true but.. i heard about that bloom will have a baby ?.. thats true ? if some one knows about that rumor pleas tell me .. XOX -am sorry if a made a mistake while im griting-- I speak spanish :$-

over a year ago pandawinx said…
Dear miowinx,

i have no idea, sorry! Although i must admit, i doubt it....

-pandawinx. :)
over a year ago MioWinx said…
ok ! anyway thank u so much ! XOX

over a year ago pandawinx said…
Yur welcome! Although while we're still on the subject of rumors, i did hear Bloom will have a wedding in the fifth season.....Or Stella (Who knows? Maybe even a double wedding!), although i can't gaureentee, sorry! Still the idea sounds quite cool!

-Pandawinx. :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bahareeee said…
im speak persian!ilove bloom very mutch
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Yeah shes cool, isnt she?
over a year ago musafan said…
over a year ago WinxClubiz4ever said…
i think blooms wedding is gunna be in the 2nd movie cause Sky gave her the ring in the 1st movie, layla and nabu are dating in the 4th season so they all have bfs now thats all i know since i've only watched a few episodes in the 4th season
over a year ago dwinegar said…
will brandon and stella break up?
over a year ago samoangirl96 said…
yeah there's is going to be a season 4 for sure and i can't wait until the second movie comes out!
over a year ago nee911 said…
no stella and brandon will not break up but musa and riven will break up and in the 13,14,12,or 15 episode. nabu prposes 2 leila and in season 4. episode 23 brandon will propose to stella. and bloom and sky get married at the end. i hope helia and flora get married. in episode 24/25 nabu dies. i feel bad for leila her man died right in front of her and bloom doesnt help oh by the way if you didnt know bloom has healing powers and she didnt even try to help. i think he will come back in the movie the magic is back. hopefully he does come back. musa gets a recording contrack and riven gets jelouse becaue he thinks musa likes he producing guy it turns out the producing guy is getting married and he just wanted musa to sing at his wedding. if you dont beleve me just go to and type in winx club season 4 english subs if that dosent work just type in winx club season4 and watch episodes 1-16 its in italian but it has the english sub titles. in season 4 musa's hair is actually cute and long but she wears it in 2 loose pony tails hanging down in the back of her head. well i wont tell you any more just go to the site listed above and find out for your self bye
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago setter said…
what's the second movie all about?
over a year ago pandawinx said…
Dear setter, good question! :) Apprantly, its all about how Bloom is becoming queen of domino and she cant handle it, but soon she finds out that 'even when our young princess sinks, her brilliant friends, the winx club, will always help her fly!"
thanks for replying, pandawinx. :)
over a year ago gintareka said…
I now thet bloom on season 5 will get dother. do thet true???
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over a year ago MissLebanistaa said…
Yes, Bloom will be came queen of Domino one time... But.. I'm not sure if Roxy came to be the new leader of the winx.
Okay, Anyway, Thanks you !
over a year ago kelseypurr92 said…
big smile
there is a season 5 coming out! totally true same with the movie not sure bout the others ...
over a year ago gintareka said…
Laila and nabu gona merid in season 5.
over a year ago Winxlove said…
Nabu is died...
over a year ago gintareka said…
yes but in firs 10 episodes ( I think) nabu asket her hand
over a year ago Winxlove said…
Yes,but in episode 23 or 24 or 25 Nabu die...
over a year ago gintareka said…
MioWinx I hurt thet bloom get dother too. just youtube distroi thet video so I can't show you.

link in this link is season 5.

this is movie 2 prewiew: link

over a year ago numera9 said…
I dont know.God knows
over a year ago Amphion said…
dont they have the power to bring one person back from the dead? if so thats gunna be in s 5 them going to like some undead world and bringing nabu back :)
over a year ago 30degrees said…
oh I would love Nabu to be alive again!
I cried when he died!!!

I think I cried more than Layla lol

I miss him so much! he was awesome!
over a year ago CyD12 said…
oh I cried too....
over a year ago Tasfee said…
i think s5 is yuck!cuz roxy is getting her leadership unfarely!
over a year ago Tasfee said…
i cried a liter tears cuz nabu was a nice guy and i wud love to have him back,anyways,goona go,bye
over a year ago bloom5275 said…
i hope the movie will come to the U.S. this year....;)
over a year ago animelover12 said…
i dont want roxy to be the leader because i prefer bloom no offence roxy fans but thats my opiaon!
over a year ago Silvermist_94 said…
Roxy will become the leader? I don't think so. I think Stella will be the one, or Layla
over a year ago rabeetbf said…
roxi will never be the new leader of winx. she is evil
over a year ago rabeetbf said…
roxi is not one of the winx. she is evil
last edited over a year ago
roxi is not one of the winx. she is evil
over a year ago rabeetbf said…
Bloom will become princess
of domino
over a year ago ariel306842 said…
how do you know that roxy is evil?
over a year ago winxomg said…
hey,fans you can see winx club season 4 in english on gate.

over a year ago winxomg said…
oh,and roxy is not evil.I saw half of season 4 im in episode 25
over a year ago Kandrakar said…
I don't think Roxy is going to become the leader of the Winx Club... if she is, and it's confirmed, then I'm not watching season 5 :(.