The Winx Club Winx club season 5 and winx movie 2:magic is back rumors.

pandawinx posted on Nov 10, 2009 at 06:25PM
Hi everyone! :)

I've been hearing a lot of strange and funny rumors about winx S5 and the second film, and thought you might like to hear them. (Warning: Soem fo rumors could be true, so please prepare yourself if you don't like spoilers)

Winx movie: the magic is back rumors:
1. That the movie will be set in Domino and Gardinia. (So no alfea?)
2. That it will be out in Italy around chrismas 2010 but if your American or English we'll all have to wait to 2011......In novemeber, fun times waiting, Lol! :)
3. Roxy will only play a brief part in it and not be part of the main character. (Sorry roxy fans, it might not be true.)

Winx fifth season rumors:
1. Clarice, Alice and their other friends will be back......As rivals, Nice thing to do to people who forgave you for trying to injure Flora Clarice, nice one! o.0 (Does this mean they'll meet up again at Alfea?)
2. Roxy will be the new leader of winx. (If thats true then the third winx movie rumor must be false or the other way around and this rumors not real)
3. Bloom will become queen of domino.
So what do you think of these rumors? confirmed truths or just stupid lies spread around the world? I'll leave it up to you guys to decide. :)
(PS if you know any other rumors please let me know.)

-Pandawinx. :)

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