The Winx Club Peacemaking

101musastella posted on Dec 28, 2013 at 07:15AM
Here's a forum for all of us to make peace. We're all one big family, and let's peace make.

This is about the past and current arguments, and we don't want any arguments nor fights in the future, don't we? So let's all apologize to each other. We're all one big spot.
last edited on Dec 28, 2013 at 07:21AM

The Winx Club 18 replies

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over a year ago 101musastella said…
I sincerely apologize to zikkiforever. I was being too biased on Stella and you were being too biased with Flora. And at that time I was stress and I was in an uncomfortable situation. Really sorry, and if you'd like to punch me in the nose just do it. I deserved it anyways (just don't forget to take me to the hospital..).

And I warmly welcome yasmin124 to apologize too, and followed by RoseOlaf and others. This is not just about the argument with the Flora thing, this is also about the past arguments that happened like the argument of Team Tecna.

So come on everyone, let's apologize to each other and bring back peace to this spot.
winxoxoclub commented…
What happened with Flora I wasn't here. over a year ago
over a year ago RoseOlaf said…
I'm sorry for eliminating Flora from the Character Elimination Game. And I'm sorry I offended the Flora fans because of eliminating her. But honestly you guys were way too biased on Flora.

I hope they won't be anymore arguments in the future :)
over a year ago nmdis said…
Ok first I am apologizing on the way I behaved with Aurie in Team Tecna's forum. I was just not getting why she said that I am forcing Meeka which I wasn't and the situations (in real life) wasn't so good which pissed me more and I fought with Aurie. Although it was kinda funny later when I thought because both of us keep on standing on our points. Both of us are very strong at standing at our points.

The one thing I regret is getting out of Team Tecna. I should have waited and calmed before leaving. I wish I hadn't but now I think at that time it was a right decision because if haven't left the situation could be worst.

Another thing I regret is unfanning Auire. Which I think was my worst decision but I fanned her again.
zikkiforever commented…
I been the unfanning stage. I un fanned a person on this spot cause of a huge argument and just had to regain them cause I felt guilty over a year ago
101musastella commented…
And evil characters went through the most pain in a series. I love them because I can always relate to them. And, like Rumple and Gina, when they've redeemed themselves I love them even more :') over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I call non-troll users who troll, flat out cyber-bullies. They aren't doing it just for amusement or a joke they are doing it to be flat out mean. I honestly don't like Rose much myself. Exactly, I don't know where she pulled that info from; my guess--her buttox. I actually think that the first chick (the one who thinks liking evil characters is evil) unfanned me first, I just returned the favor. over a year ago
over a year ago zikkiforever said…
I apologise to Princess-Flora for FOTM thing and all what went on.

I am sorry to other's about the eliminating forum. I took out Stella only cause I liked them all and her and Icy had the most points. Stella was on about 28/29, so was Icy. I wasn't exactly offended by Flora going out, though it was more of shock. It seemed like people was ganging up, it was like I was the only florist there and she went when I was a sleep.

Sometimes I think we forget they are CARTOONS not real people.

101musastella commented…
What matters now, we're all back in piece :) over a year ago
winxoxoclub commented…
I wish they were real :( over a year ago
Princess-Flora commented…
Thanks Megan and I'll apologize to you because I think I overreacted when that all happened over a year ago
over a year ago yasmin124 said…
im sorry about be angry at for disliking flora
over a year ago yasmin124 said…
it was just because i thought everyone liked flora but i was just disapointed that peole hate flora because thought every one liked her but i was wrong
over a year ago yasmin124 said…
well at least there less fights here then on youtube youtube has to many fights
zanhar1 commented…
I hate the people of YouTube. Like 85% of them are jerks. over a year ago
winxoxoclub commented…
Lol^ over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I actually had like 8 people going at me all at once and not ONE person backed me up. So I just stay off of YouTube (or at least the Winx comment section). over a year ago
over a year ago yasmin124 said…
and there was a question saying whos your least favourite they picked flora i was angry that peole said they hated flora and not one said they liked flora where where winxoox and princess flora the biggest flora fans i wanted them i and felt like i was the only flora fan you see why i was disrespecting the flora haters opions because i was just angry i dint mean to though
101musastella commented…
It's okay :) over a year ago
over a year ago 101musastella said…
I think this forum worked well :)
Let's be happy again ^^
nmdis commented…
You did good that you made it Farhah over a year ago
over a year ago winxoxoclub said…
Honestly I don't think I did anything wrong, o, wait, I did. To many forums. Sorry! I really didn't know and I just wanted to" in a little more.
zikkiforever commented…
Really you didn't. There just been a little misunderstanding after Flora got voted out on something. over a year ago
winxoxoclub commented…
On what? I wasn't there just wanna know. over a year ago
101musastella commented…
A character elimination game. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'm sorry for not being sorry for posting this...(again);
last edited over a year ago
I'm sorry for not being sorry for posting this...(again);
WinxClub_Stella commented…
XD funny, every, time! over a year ago
101musastella commented…
I'm really confused on arts on deviantART and Tumblr.. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Well a lot of things from deviantART wined up on tumblr. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
No seriously though, is everyone okay? Like one minute we're all fine. The next it's apocalyptic style chaos. And honestly I actually wasn't even aware that we had any drama (outside lilytames) lol. Really didn't think that nmdis and lovebaltor were having trouble. Friends, please don't have the trouble, I love you both.
winxoxoclub commented…
I didn't know either! I was like when did this happen?! over a year ago
101musastella commented…
We're all friends now :) @winxoxoclub: It's a long story, you don't need to know. over a year ago
nmdis commented…
Zannie that's so sweet well we are friends now. Aren' we Aurie? :P Now both of us are strongly bonded. over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
That's good. over a year ago
over a year ago XxLalasaysxX said…
Whenever a fight breaks out I just start singing, "Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends"
and Ikr? @Zannie one minute we're skipping through daisy fields next minute we're at each other throats arguing to the death.
winxoxoclub commented…
Or like first we were all sleeping and the very next second we all wake up pull guns out and shoot! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Lol right. I'll just sit there picking daisies. over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Lol, ikr. over a year ago
over a year ago MissAngelPaws said…
I want to apologize to Farah because I accused her of being rude to zikkiforever. I didn't know that she meant it for someone else. I'm also sorry if I had said anything in the past that hurt someone's feelings.
MissAngelPaws commented…
Anyways, I'm really happy that we're all friends now c: over a year ago
101musastella commented…
All you need to apologize is for misspelling my name. Lol. It's Farhah c: This spot is one big family! over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Lol, sorry XD over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
And I agree with you, we're all a family ^^ over a year ago
over a year ago 101musastella said…
C'mon, everyone's welcome to make peace here :)
And tell me who you are in the photo below. I got Icy x]
C'mon, everyone's welcome to make peace here :)
And tell me who you are in the photo below. I got Ic
WinxStellaStar commented…
I'm Layla. :D over a year ago
firebloom190 commented…
I love it over a year ago
Musa2002 commented…
I'm Krystal over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I got Stormy...that's good too. But not good enough *Switches April and May* That's much better. :3
101musastella commented…
You're making me laugh so hard XD over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
:P over a year ago
MissAngelPaws commented…
Lol Zannie XD over a year ago
over a year ago firebloom190 said…
Why are people so mean on YouTube
XxLalasaysxX commented…
Lot's of people on Youtube are just straight up jerks and can't handle the truth. over a year ago
101musastella commented…
I don't know..they're jerks >.< I usually comment on stuff NOT related to Winx, because if it's not related to Winx the people are nice. If I comment a single word about Bloom they get mad, and if I say Darcy is awesome they'd rep over a year ago
firebloom100 commented…
People I just do not understand it,don't they have the reporting thing,seems to me they keep forgetting about that thing,anyway you guys are the best over a year ago
over a year ago RoseOlaf said…
So let’s just forget about the whole argument on tecna535 and zanhar1’s position thing..