The Winx Club Roleplay: The Woods of Alfea

Tecnarules posted on Jun 25, 2012 at 03:12PM
"Oh no! It looks like the portal to Alfea has had a miscalculation...the last four remaining students to arrive had landed in the woods!"

That's right, our four fairies must cross through the deep woods to finally reach Alfea. But be careful, the school also shares this vast amount of forest with Cloudtower; the notorious school for witches.

They must meet up and work together to arrive safely to Alfea. But can even this small of a task be manageable? Good luck girls! Let's hope you make it to Alfea in one piece...

The Winx Club 20 replies

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over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-(lands on the ground with a FWOMP!) Ow! (rubs her head) Well, at least I'm finally here...where am I? (scratches head, looks around) A forest? No no, I'm supposed to be at a school! No one said anything about a forest!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Lands roughly on the ground* What the--*Gets up* Where the hell am I? *Looks around* A forest...? A forest. *Smirks* Just my style! *Lifts hood up and begins running in a random direction*

Meanwhile, in another part of the forest...

Jasmine: *Falls to the ground* Well that was pleasant... Noe I should be at this school when the portal--spits me out...*Looks around* And I'm in a forest. Great. *Reaches for a gun...finds nothing* Dammit! I told Harry not to make me give up my weapons! *Rolls eyes* Might as well start walking...
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-(Stars walking skittishly around the forest) I do not like this at all! I can handle quasars, black holes, magnatars and pulsars...but not the woods. (Frowns) Where am I supposed to head anyways? If I knew which direction Alfea was in, I might be able to track it down-(hears rustling in the bushes. Backs into a tree) W-who's there? Friend or foe?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Hears someone, steps out* Friend of foe, eh? Well, that depend who's asking.

With Jasmine

Jasmine: *Kicks a rock around* I have no idea where I'm going, I have little to no control over my powers so...I'm literally screwed. *Continues walking*
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-(Jumps) Uh, well I'm Manu...Manuella, really, but that's what people call me. I'm the fairy of stars and I'm supposed to be at Alfea but my portal somehow got thrown of course and spat me out, friend? (Laughs skittishly)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Lowers hood* I guess you seem alight. My name is Lorinna. I am the fairy of--thievery and trickery, *Smirks* and I was supposed to end up at Alfea as well. I don't know how we could get there, do you? I mean, I'm usually one with the forest, but I am not familiar with this territory. My skills in the woods would be no use here so...any ideas?

With Jasmine

Jasmine: Well, maybe I could try calling never hurt! *Gets phone and starts searching for a signal*
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-Well, nice to meet you Lorinna. A plan? Uh-I did have this idea but I don't know if-(Stops) Did you feel that? (Nods) Of course you didn' was a small radiation tingle that came from that direction...maybe someone could be there! Let's go!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Confused...throughout Manu's whole little show* What's "radiation"--where are you going? Oi! *Runs after her*

With Jasmine

Jasmine: *Keeps walking around* Dammit, why wot you pick anything up! *Shakes the phone* Eugh, lousy piece of technology...*Hears rustling in the bushes, raises fists* Who's there?
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-(Keeps running) You don't know what radiation is? It's a invisible particle that travels through space and matter. It can be very dangerous if there is a lot of it...but thankfully, the amount I felt came from something small. Like, a phone or an iPod. (Hears a voice) Shh! (Steps out slowly) Look another fairy--right..?
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Still confused* I still have no idea what you're talking about...and phone? iPod? What--*Gets hushed* Not "sh" me!
Jasmine: Who's there? *Sees Manu* Oh, wait, you're a fairy too?
Lorinna: *Steps out* And me.
Jasmine: Uh-huh. Did you get transported here by a bad portal?
Lorinna: Yes...I'm Lorinna and this is Manu. Who are you?
Jasmine: Jasmine North, *Sticks hand out*
Lorinna: *Looks at it* you have any ideas as to where Alfea might be?
Jasmine: *Moves her hand away* No...that's why I was trying to see if my phone could pick something up. You two have any ideas?
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-Nice to meet you Jasmine. Ideas? Well I was thinking that maybe if someone were to fly high enough, just above the trees, then maybe they could see where Alfea is...or I could just do it, (Laughs stupidly. Transforms into Enchantix) Hopefully it won't be too far, (Flies up) Yes! I can see it! (Lands) Now I know Alfea is to the West of us so, all I have to do is, (Creates a small magnetic field, turns it to face the exact North) make this thing and we're all set!
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Stares at it* But was does it do?
Jasmine: I think it's supposed to work like a compass.
Lorinna: Okay, so, West? *Looks at the ball of energy* Then let's go! *Starts walking*
Jasmine: *Follows*
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-That's right! It does work like a compass. (Smiles) Alright, off to Alfea! (Follows the other two)
over a year ago FairyJanise said…
((sorry for being late xD))

Janise lands on the ground in the mud. She tries to stand up but when she saw the mud on her dress you heard a loud scream in the woods with an echo. "Ahh my dress!!" Then she looked around and saw she was in the woods. "What am I doing here, I need to be in alfea!!" Jasmine starts too walk. She is in Enchantix form so her wings are all sticky because of the mud so she can't fly.
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: *Looks around* Did you hear that?
Jasmine: Hear what?
Lorinna: It sounded like a scream of some sort.
Jasmine: I didn't hear anything.
Lorinna: *Rolls eyes* Obviously...let's go see what it was...*Turns around, starts walking in opposite direction*
Jasmine: Wait, should we tell Manuella?!
over a year ago FairyJanise said…
Janise walks towards a lake in the middle of the woods. "Finally some water!" Janise starts to clean herself. She is still wet but doesn't look that disgusting anymore. Janise tries to fly but it's impossible with wet wings. She looks around. "Arrgg I hate this! Where do I have to go?"
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-I'm sure that if we keep walking this way we'll get to Alfea in--(Turns around) Hey, where are you going?! (Runs after them)
over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Lorinna: I heard something!
Jasmine: I didn't hear anything so I don't know what she's going on about.
Lorinna: *Whirls around* If you don't want to follow me; just stay behind and wait till I come back! We don't have to make this so complicated!
Jasmine: Who was making it complicated?
Lorinna: *Narrows eyes* Come on...
over a year ago FairyJanise said…
Janise walked towards the other fairies and she heard voices. She walked to the voices to see who it is.
over a year ago Tecnarules said…
Manu-Where exactly are we going? Shouldn't we be headed near the direction of Alfea...? (Hears something) Hey, did you two hear that?