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The Vampire Diaries Question

After Damon and Elena's kiss in 3x10, what were you thinking? Do you think they're endgame?

I'm just wondering about your guys's opinions! Personally I think they're endgame. And I screamedinto my pillow.

How about you guys? Do you think they'll stay together?
 colorfulssmile posted over a year ago
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The Vampire Diaries  best answer

RoseJackDawson said:
It doesn't have to be Stelena just because they started together.DE love is stronger,much stronger so they might be endgame.
I cried when I saw the scene.And when I finished crying I strated to watching scene over and over again.
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It doesn't have to be Stelena just because they started together.DE love is stronger,much stronger so they might be endgame.
I cried when I saw the scene.And when I finished crying I strated to watching scene over and over again.
posted over a year ago 
I hope that Elena and Damon will be together! Yes, Stefan loves her and he have always protected her. But, we all know that Damon eventually have always kept her alive. He loves her so much! This is true.
melanieliami posted over a year ago
if Damon wasn't there, then Elena would have died already. And Elena said that she wouldn't know what to do without him...<3
natatata98 posted over a year ago
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twilighter4evr said:
Not at all! It's gonna be Stefan/Damon/Katherine all over again he's in love with her but I don't think it's the same for her "I Love Stefan it's always going to be Stefan" even though she said this a season ago I will always believe she'll stay true to her feelings for Stefan & Damon's gonna get hurt in the process again...Stelena forever ♥♥
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posted over a year ago 
Actually, if you watch Season 3 Ep. 4, near the end Elena and Caroline are talking about Damon.....Caroline says:"Just admit it, you have feelings for Damon". THen Elena says:"I can't Caroline, if i do......, or if i even think about admitting it, what would that say about me?". Then Caroline says, "It says that you're human"...... SEEEEE ELENA DOES HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM! I DON'T BLAME HER. DAMON HAS BEEN THERE FOR HER THROUGH THE WORST TIMES. Stefan bit Elena under compulsion but if it was real love then he wouldn't have listened to Klaus. Soo..........DELENA 4EVA <3<3<3
natatata98 posted over a year ago
thats your opinion not mine and your entitled to it
twilighter4evr posted over a year ago
he's compelled ! if he was compelled to kill himself he would have do it , it's not like he had a choice . Damon also bit her .. after all it's your opinion i have to respect it but for me i wish that SE will be endgame =)
Cutesaso0o posted over a year ago
thank you i like your response
twilighter4evr posted over a year ago
az0965022 said:
ofcourse delena will be endgame <3333333
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ofcourse delena will be endgame <3333333
posted over a year ago 
DelenaChairxo said:
I'm still hyperventilating over this scene! Delena is meant to be. I love Stefan, don't get me wrong, but, Damon & Elena is endgame. They have to be.
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posted over a year ago 
escada said:
Endgame??? It just a season 3
its gona be 6 seasons at leats
How coule you if they are endgame or not
It just too early to say
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posted over a year ago 
natatata98 said:
I WATCHED THAT SCENE OVER AND OVER AND OVER!! I hope they do end up together but i'm not quite sure who Elena will end up with. I <3 DELENA!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
overthedges said:
No i think Elena will end up with Stefan. Its a clichè, the main character always have his girl in the end. (i still don't understand why) but i will always ship Delena no matter what!
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posted over a year ago 
Kackahaluzova said:
I hope so. They deserve it. We had SE for 2 years so I think now is right time for DE.
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posted over a year ago 
LuCe60bis said:
I thought it would have been worse, but Elena was passive, so the kiss didnt bother me, it's again about Damon and his "feelings".
Im glad it happenned, glad because of the first part of the season, it was leading to it, and because of the fans who deserved it.
So no, i still think Stelena will be endgame no matter what.
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posted over a year ago 
nice answer
20cosmogirl posted over a year ago
Passive? Is it hard to lie to yourself? I never tried,but if you tell me that it's easy I'll try too.
RoseJackDawson posted over a year ago
thank you, im glad we can get along and respect eachother opinions.
LuCe60bis posted over a year ago
nevenkastar said:
I watched it a few minutes ago. Im still say "OMG" in my head the whole time. Im a Stelena fan so it was a shock but it was kind of cute too. The show is getting so interesting! I cant wait for the new episode
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posted over a year ago 
MusicOfTheNigt said:
At that point in the episode I was wicked depressed about Jeremy leaving...
And then this Delena scene started and then when the kiss occured my sadness about Jeremy left for that moment and turned into excitement and happiness. I was like "Yes!" I was bursting with joy and even now I am so glad it happened.

As for endgame, who knows what will happen?
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posted over a year ago 
xoxoGG115 said:
Of course their end game... even who are for stelena have converted to being for delena... do you think after THAT kiss... and after sucha huge DELENA Based Fandom.... the writers could even consider a STELENA END GAME? Hell no. This kiss below proves DELENA forever.. and we're only getting started.. hehehe
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Of course their end game... even who are for stelena have converted to being for delena... do you think after THAT kiss... and after sucha huge DELENA Based Fandom.... the writers could even consider a STELENA END GAME? Hell no.  This kiss below proves DELENA forever.. and we're only getting started.. hehehe
posted over a year ago 
Chairfan123 said:
Yes, I think they will
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posted over a year ago 
darkness19 said:
i think they may be cute and together for awhile but i don't think it will last
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posted over a year ago 
20cosmogirl said:
love it
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posted over a year ago 
sophievn said:
I hope Delena would be endgame!<3
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posted over a year ago 
tvd_Rachelxx said:
I was thinking "wow, that looks...weird!" Not bad weird but weird because we Delena fans have been waiting so long for it and then it finally happens and you just feel so shocked! whether they will be endgame, who knows? But I do know that SE will have to get back together before they're not endgame, and I don't see that happening any time soon ;)
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posted over a year ago 
MariamGH said:
I love the show but I am getting tired of so many discussions about the endgame. I have like hundred reasons why Damon and Elena should be together and why I am not a Stelena fan, but I am afraid Stelena is endgame. From what I can see there're way more Delena fans (at least in my country there're very few Stelena fans and Delena shippers have been going crazy when they finally saw them kissing) but the producers only seem to be pushing Delena for now, to make Stelena as endgame. I am also tired to hear how great Stefan is and I dislike the fact that Stelena fans picture him as a hero. I personally was never a big fan of him even when he was being a good caring and sweet guy. Now he's being a badass vampire and I still don't like him. There's something about Stefan that really irritates me. I love Delena, but I am pretty sure Elena will end up being with Stefan in the end. I don't know why but generally the producers tend to build up a passionate relationship between a bad guy and a girl (Elena and Damon in this situation) but at the end the bad guy never ends up with that girl. People enjoy to see the forbidden love between the bad guy and a girl but at the end everyone's like "Oops, bad guy is still a bad guy, so the girl needs someone else, like a safer choice." I am sorry to say this but I am sure Stefan will come back at the end, he will keep being that sweet and caring Stefan we knew and Elena will choose him. And all the Stelena fans will be like oh yeah, Stefan's a hero and he deserved that...So yeah, screw Damon... Whatever the endgame is I am tired of over thinking about that... No offense, this was just my opinion. and sorry if I made mistakes, English isn't my native language.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, but Damon isn't the bad guy and it's not a forbidden BTW: i believe your English is perfect.
HaleyDewit posted over a year ago
sigh..and bcuz of that,all that i do now is enjoy the very moment of every single Delena scenes.They may not end game,but we all know that they are the best couple of the show(just look at how huge our fanbase is) :))
kuisuira posted over a year ago
I feel like the Delena relationship is in the spotlight right now, not because Stelena is endgame but because it's opening Elena's eyes to what Damon could be to her. Damon put it perfectly when he said "It's right, just not right now."
Sharon27 posted over a year ago
HaleyDewit said:
Well, I sure hope so :) But honestly, it's way too soon to tell. We still have 3 1/2 season to go, so who knows what's to come. I'm not gonna triumph over something I don't know yet. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy Delena's journey :)
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posted over a year ago 
yoruichi_upurz said:
DE all the way
that kiss was waaaaay overdue
buh end game?
not yet... Stefan must poke his head in it again!
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posted over a year ago 
petalsss said:
I'm hoping they are! Damon is just soooo delicious!

Stefan unfortunately is still brooding in a corner somewhere in Msytic Falls.

I just hope for a happy ending for Damon. He so deserves it! Especially after the whole ordeal with Katherine (jeez that was a roller coaster)

Go Delena!

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posted over a year ago 
07ambryce said:
Delena 4 ever!

i know it started with stelena but elena didn't know damon then. and to start with stefan was blocking damon out. then klaus compelled stefan(HURRAY FOR KLAUS)and elena become fully aware of damon and she just needs to admit her feelings to herself.
I don't think theres much hope for stelena now anyway not after he pretended to drive off the bridge! in my opinion stefan is now a total dick!
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posted over a year ago 
Sharon27 said:
It's a complicated triangle that will probably continue through the last episode, but I think that your first love isn't necessarily your greatest love and Elena will, in the end, see she belongs with Damon.
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posted over a year ago 
shine0n said:
.."If you love two people, choose the one you loved second, because if you truly loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."
I rest my case:D

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posted over a year ago 
zyda said:
I have a feeling Stephan saw them!
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posted over a year ago 
dragon3 said:
I liked how Damon was feeling guilty. It wouldn't be Vampire Diaries if Elena wasn't with Damon. He has kissed her in the past and this was the first time I think that Stefan was brought up. The relationship between Stefan and Elena is over Sorry. Hello he would have killed her to get at klaus. I can explain if you need me to.
I don't know if you saw the next episode but there is a hint they will be together and most likely stay together.
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posted over a year ago 
YNElham said:
I think they will end up together. After all she's closer to Damon than Stefan. And to be frank, it wouldn't be fair if she ends up with Stefan. Because Damon has always been there for her even when the man (in this case vampire)she loves wasn't there for her.
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posted over a year ago 
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