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The Vampire Diaries Question

This question is for Damon fans. Why do you like Damon more than Stefan?

 kuncuyug posted over a year ago
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The Vampire Diaries Answers

SpuffyDelena said:
Damon is a layered character. Stefan is not.

That's pretty much it, along with the fact that Stefan is a liar, manipulative, and always plays the victim. Even Stefan fans overlook all of his bad traits, which annoys me to no end. Stefans thought process is this:

1 - When Elena finds out something about Stefan/her past/his past he tells her that he'll tell her 'everything'
2 - Elena then finds out that he didn't tell her everything, and then he continues to tell her some bullshit story that makes her feel bad for him.

Ex - Stefan slaughtered her ancestors and ends with 'Yeah, Lexi. You remember her? The one Damon killed'

Stefan is a shitty boyfriend, and a shitty character who is one-dimensional.
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posted over a year ago 
well he's not that shitty and one dimensional he is a....I guess we can say a pathetically untrusted boyfriend for elena but we cant say he never liked her can we?
fajarsohaib786 posted over a year ago
FallenLove said:
Damon is perfection! He is beautiful physically but even more beautiful on the inside! He truly loves Elena, she is his humanity. He will do anything in his power to protect her. He is sexy yet sweet. I LOVE him! <3
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posted over a year ago 
jensen_ian06 said:
damon is funny, stefan is not really..
damon is hot, stef is not really..
damon is a bad boy with a good heart.(women love this one.)
he is better. dashing,gorgeous,irresistible..( do you remember this?)

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posted over a year ago 
haha love that scene!
megclegg posted over a year ago
D_J267 said:
I could go on about Damon's physical attributes but I won't because they're obvious,

Damon is a very layered complicated character, whereas Stefan sometimes comes across as very one dimensional to me.

What I love the most about Damon is that although he may grumble and pretend he doesn't he cares deeply for his loved ones, and I'm convinced in the end he'd do anything for them. He's also incredibly loyal.

I also love how funny he is, for me at least that's something that makes a man very sexy.

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posted over a year ago 
ayahussein1 said:
in our world we can easily have one like stefan a perfect boyfriend who loves you and your family but no one of us can have an angel who just you who are every thing in his life he is crazy complicated but with you he become really your gurdian angel thats damon and why i really like his personality he is not perfect not really but come on who is and remember true love is not by finding the perfect person but by learing to see the perfect person in perfect way
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posted over a year ago 
PERFECTION EVERYWHERE! your answer was so breathtaking I mean it was chronicled in such a way that humankinds who don't like to peruse they could scrutinize this........I really really liked this!
fajarsohaib786 posted over a year ago
kwayland said:
I like Damon for numerous reasons. One, he is super funny with his little sarcastic comments, ect. Two, his emotions are more deeply felt then those of Stefan because he has been fighting them for so long, which makes him a tortured individual, which I am a sucker for. Three, he is super sexy, and four he doesn't hold back what he is thinking, he doesn't do what Stefan does and try to protect Elena from the harsh realities of,living around a couple of vampires. And five because he is badass and because he is so hopeless around Elena. It is super cute!!! Insert the most beautiful smile in the sexy bit. It makes me smile.
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posted over a year ago 
fatinavi said:
because he is very much cooooool
and he is caring
he care about every one he loves
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posted over a year ago 
sihamdelena said:
thnks for the question,and ilove damon more than stefan cuz damon is not borred and he is an awsome actor ,knows hwo to take hearts from viewrs and he is so hot and he loves elena more than stefan,and he is more strong than stefan,and ilove the way hwo he shows his love to elena and his brother,by protectin them,and excuse my englich cuz im arabian
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posted over a year ago 
oh arabian! I was actually going to unexcuse your english before I read that you are an arabian. btw I am a Muslim
fajarsohaib786 posted over a year ago
katherine_irina said:
i like more damon becouse he is more sexy amd more dangerous
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posted over a year ago 
megclegg said:
Why i like Damon:
Damon is hot
Damon is funny
Damon is loose and smiles
Damon is a bad boy with a heart
Damon will love and protect elena even when she pushes him away!
Why i dont like Stefan:
Stefan is not attractive in my opinion
Stefan is not funny and doesn't have a sense of humor
Stefan is kinda boring in my opinion
Stefan leaves elena with DAMON (who has been after elena for quite some time now) to go prancing around drinking human blood without trying to escape at all!!!
Oh and he doesnt smile except that one time with lexi.
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posted over a year ago 
natatata98 said:
He's just soooo hot! His seductive look gets you in a trans and his eyes are the most beautiful I've ever seen. He has got a wonderful sense of humor which is absolutely everything i would look for in a man.

Stefan is hot too but for some reason I can't help but be in love with the character of Damon <3
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posted over a year ago 
msbreezybrown said:
i love Damon because apart from being funny, humorous and attractive with those eyes <3 :3. i can see through him he's bad and he doesn't hide it or fight it like stefan does. everyone looks down on him when stefan is far worse, ppl expect Damon to be bad he is what he is and i love him for that because i can see through him.think about it, isn't it better to know the real side of someone than to be hiding it like stefan does?
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posted over a year ago 
jupito69 said:
because he really loves her and he always does everything to save her , no matter the consequences , and in the end it's always stefan , so he deserves elena...
and he is super hot
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posted over a year ago 
mellopoetess said:
I love Damon/Ian because I like his personality and he's reallyyy cuuteeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
fajarsohaib786 said:
Damon because he is lovely.......
1. he likes elena a lot
2. so he cares of her
3. he is so careful about her
4. he never changed his feelings for her
5. he loves her more than himself
6. he is always there for her while stefan isn't sometimes
7. he helps her in almost everything
8. he never gave up for his love because he knew it was going to happen
9. he never forced elena to love him or to be her g.f.
10. he talked with her in a cute sweet polite way.
1. more caring
2. more trustworthy
3. more helping
but he isn't like damon because he gave up his love for someone he never thought to like. both of them are the same for me!
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posted over a year ago 
tvdadmirer said:
Because he doesn’t pretend to be someone he’s not. He admits to not being perfect - far from it. Whereas Stefan is in a constant denial of how bad and how manipulative he really is, always portraying himself as the better brother. Which yes, I can understand how he would think that given the events early season 1 however I hate how Stefan constantly labels himself as the ‘good’ brother and acts like he’s so good and amazing and saint-like.
Also when Stefan says there is no humanity left in Damon when there very obviously was, proves he doesn’t know him at all.
But mostly because of Damon’s love for Elena. Damon loved Elena so much more than Stefan and it’s blatantly obvious. Stefan cared more about what Elena thought about him then keeping her alive whereas Damon would do anything to make sure she was safe even if it meant she would hate him for it. Also, Damon would stand by and watch her with his brother if it meant she were happy. Damon always always put Elena first and would do absolutely anything for her. Stefan would never do that. He would let Elena get killed to save her family or friends. Stefan was clearly not a good boyfriend. Damon was perfect for Elena and Elena was perfect for Damon
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posted over a year ago 
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