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The Vampire Diaries Question

Who do you think is cuter Damon (Ian) or Stefan (Paul)? I think that both of them are sexy, so I can't choose.

Who do you think is cuter Damon (Ian) or Stefan (Paul)?  I think that both of them are sexy, so I can't choose.
 mrsmj2011 posted over a year ago
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The Vampire Diaries Answers

lerickson28 said:
Damon! his eyes are sooooooooo amazing!
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posted over a year ago 
brittany1864 said:
IAN. Think about it:
That sexy dark tousled hair
Those stunnig icy blue eyes
that whole "Tall, dark and handsome thing but he isn't that tall"
Just his over all sexiness
Stefan's body makes him look like a Ken barbie doll, Damon is toned, but not ripped, he has nice arms, its sexy
He has a hot tattoo on his arm that says "Hic et Nunc" Translation: Here and Now (LATIN)
And that whole, bad boy tough guy but he still cried when his friend (with benifits) died.
I want him in the bed right now... O_o

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posted over a year ago 
Damon-Bamon12 said:
Both <3 Don't make me choose! ;)
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posted over a year ago 
BlessedByNyx said:
DAMON!!! without question... I mean LOOK at HIM!!! o_0
words escape me when I do!!! and its not just his blazing good looks, ITS EVERYTHING about him... his witty remarks, his every word, his sense of humour, his voice, his stance, his style, his SMILE, His EYES (Perfect Smolder)!!! Plus he looks taller... Me LIKES tall men!! ;D (I know both of them are almost the same height-wise but Damon does look taller)
CHARM and PASSION in one package!!

Stefan just kinda becomes invisible beside him..but I still like him in a different way...
(hope I made my point LOL) :P
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posted over a year ago 
PiNKxSMOKE said:
Most Definitely Damon.
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posted over a year ago 
Delena4ever-DE- said:
Definitely Damon!
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posted over a year ago 
iamagagamonster said:
Ian! Paul is pretty... pretty ugly

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posted over a year ago 
lol! agreed
Delena4Ever117 posted over a year ago
toxic_child said:
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posted over a year ago 
xBonesgirl said:
Damon:D me and my best friend is crazy about him XD
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posted over a year ago 
MerlinLemon said:
STEFAN!!!! He is sooooo dreamy :9 Heh heh.
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posted over a year ago 
firequeen said:
damon no competiton stefan is rather girly and to much like edward cullen in the looks department and those eyes omg enough said
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damon no competiton stefan is rather girly and to much like edward cullen in the looks department and those eyes omg enough said
posted over a year ago 
joisyhearts said:
love the 1864 stefan, but overall i would totally say damon. sexy's his middle name LOL
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posted over a year ago 
jdcaprio2000 said:
stefan all the way... to me he is sweet.. i admit damon got the eyes... but damon is toooo handsome
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posted over a year ago 
sihamdelena said:
oh my god of caurs damon is the hot one and he is better then stifan alot :well look to damons eyes and his hands and his hear and his lips i just wanna bite and eat his lips ,oh and look to his smill and his aye things ,and hwo kould you comper damon with stifan , in fact damon is my best man in the world
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posted over a year ago 
az0965022 said:
damon duh
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damon duh
posted over a year ago 
darlingbear said:
Ian is sexier, but Paul is way cuter. Damon is my favourite character, in my opinion he'the whole show. But I like Paul beter than Ian, couse he's cuter and more natural.
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posted over a year ago 
vickyvjcs said:
i would say bothhh i cant choossseee they are just to handsome
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i would say bothhh i cant choossseee they are just to handsome
posted over a year ago 
Delena4Ever117 said:
Damon, no question! I cannot stand Stefan, aside from that I just love Damon:)
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posted over a year ago 
natatata98 said:
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posted over a year ago 
floket said:
Definitely Damon Definitely Damon Definitely Damon
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Definitely Damon Definitely Damon Definitely Damon
posted over a year ago 
lushyvamp said:
Paul is much cuter then ian just look at paul so cutie love is lushy vamp

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Paul is much cuter then ian just look at paul so cutie love is lushy vamp
posted over a year ago 
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